Essential Maintenance

This week we were asked how we focus our aromatic efforts. 


Actually, I don’t believe in using essential oils all the time. I like to know that when I use oils like thyme, myrtle or tea tree, my body won’t have built up any kind of resistance to them. So, if I do catch a bug, I can give them a short, sharp shock. 

That said, I do make sure I use good aromatherapy skin care each day, then give it a good blast on a Thursday evening. It started off as a ritual in front of a TV show that aired that day, but I have no idea which. Grey’s Anatomy, probably.

I do a daily cleanse, tone, moisturizer and nourishing cream. Then weekly, I add in a steam cleanse, a facial massage treatment and a masque.

An hour a week means my skin always looks clear, fresh and younger looking. I do think the secret is the weekly facial massage treatment though. Relieving stress from the muscles, exfoliating the skin and pouring beautiful elixirs onto the skin feels like my magic trick.

I’ve added some of my favorite recipes here.

I have Restless Legs Syndrome, so I have a warm Epsom Salts bath each night, and usually put a drop or two of oil in. I used to swear by clary sage, but it really screwed with my hormones as I was going through menopause. Now I tend to use geranium, cedarwood or patchouli in the hope that they will also help my skin now that it’s lost its estrogen and is beginning to dry out. 

Over the past few years, my research has also led me to be a big believer in the power of inhalation. That tends to be my main way to use essential oils to heal nowadays. There is so much research around how olfaction can help the nervous system and hormones, I like to ensure I sit for twenty minutes every day and just breathe an oil. Sometimes I meditate, but I am very rubbish at it, so to improve my efforts, I designed Aromythology, where you contemplate ancient mythologies as you do so. I now run courses on this, but also do free meditations on Youtube. Last week we did a cedarwood meditation if you wanted to try one. (PS did we mention that cedarwood  is the oil of the month, and is on offer at the moment?)


Like Elizabeth, I don’t believe in using my oils all the time. I prefer to keep them for times when I’m truly under the weather. If I’m feeling stressed, anxious or sad, then I will inhale my favorite oil, generally a drop on a tissue. Something like Bergamot, Sweet Orange, or Lime will generally do the trick. Actually any citrus oil will uplift me. Smelling the oil serves as a circuit breaker for my mind. It takes me out of my head, and puts me back into my body and always makes me smile. Citrus oils have that effect on people - one sniff and you can’t help but smile.

Again like Elizabeth, I do a daily cleanse, tone and moisturize for my aging skin. Once a week, generally on a Sunday evening, I give myself a face mask as well as a foot bath. I grab a big stainless steel mixing bowl, add warm water, a couple of drops of oil, some Epsom salts, and some solublizer. A local aromatherapy colleague once shared that she adds marbles to her foot bath, and wow, it is so luxurious. You roll your feet over the marbles as your feet soak for a wonderful sensory experience. It's akin to someone giving you a foot rub, but without the awkwardness of someone touching your feet. What’s solublizer you ask? In short, it helps to combine the water and oil. We know, oils and water don’t mix, so using a solublizer will bind the water and oil together. If we didn’t use a solublizer, we’d be putting our feet in direct contact with the oils neat or undiluted. Using the solublizer makes the process safer. 

At the beginning of each month I like to choose a focus oil to support my emotional needs. I pick the oil intuitively, or use some aromatherapy oracle cards to help guide me to the right oil. I will make up a roller bottle with 4 drops of the chosen oil in a 10ml bottle, and use it throughout the month. I look into the metaphysical meaning of the oil, and ask how it can support me during the month. 


My time, let's see. I still have young children running around at home, keeping me on my toes so a full hour for a facial routine would be like going on vacation! 

I’m a really busy working Mom with lots of plates to juggle. I’ll let you in on my secret to dealing with lots of things with just one product. Tea Tree Essential Oil. It saves me time (and money). I use it for everything! 

I mix it up with water and a spot of fabric conditioner as a fabric spray for my couches and curtains, I mix up some water and conditioner with it to use it as a nit spray keeping those biting critters away from my babies, I spray the fabric mix with a little added drop of Peppermint essential oil on the dogs beds to keep fleas and ticks away and as a bonus it keeps them smelling fresh. If coughs and colds enter our home as they quite often do with small ones “c’mere kids lets get the Tea Tree potion on your chest”. It is my very favorite tool in my essential oil armory because it’s so versatile. And quite literally saves me so much time traipsing to the store to buy detergents and sprays and nit products. 

I have a busy life. I might have already said that.

I find my treasure chest of essential oils helps me to manage my time effectively and keeps me on an even keel emotionally. Here’s my list of favorite wonder oils and what I use them for: 

Tea Tree oil gets everything (mostly) clean and fit and well.   

Sweet Orange brings up my mood when I’m having a busy “Mum Guilt” kind of day. I use this in an electric steam diffuser, because I’m boujee.

Rose Absolute Oil, For when I am particularly gloomy  - Liz gifted me this oil when I suffered from Postpartum Depression, and I wear it when I feel I need it on an aroma pendant. It’s quite beautiful. It’s affectionately known as my “Gloom Chaser”.

Lavender oil mixed with some Vitamin E carrier oil bookends every day. Starting after a morning shower as a facial oil for my daily facial massage to keep the lines and jowls at bay. Then as a relaxing night time after bath oil (either for myself or my little ones) sending us off to a peaceful worry free sleep in no time at all.

To start all over again the next day. (Did I mention the whole busy thing?) 

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