Pumpkin Spice

Pumpkin Spice Fragrance Oil Showcase

VINEVIDA’s Pumpkin Spice Fragrance Oil evokes the arrival of Fall, where the winds become more brisk and the leaves begin to change color and fall, undressing those beautiful trees.

Pumpkin and its usual spices rise up to meet you and then tempting coffee envelops you in its unmistakable fragrance. Transporting you to the essence of Fall and all her bounty, before she gives way to the colder months of the year and slips in Winter.

Cinnamon and Sugar intermingle with the freshness of Bergamot, this fragrance oil brings its comforting Fall embrace to any home.

Don’t stress! Take yourself off to a happy place instead with this Pumpkin Spice Fragrance Oil. Help take your mind off the rigors of daily life and relax for a minute, take a moment of comfort.

Fragrance Notes

Close your eyes and imagine yourself, sitting in a city park in Fall. The leaves are all changing color and falling in balletic flourishes to the floor. You can hear children playing and laughing in the distance.

Parents sit chatting on the benches, they are discussing Halloween costumes for the kids and Cider punches to placate the adults.

The chill breeze that caresses your cheek, whips russet colored leaves up from their resting places and swirls them around in a merry aerial dance.

You lift your Pumpkin Spiced Latte to your lips and sip slowly, indulgently. The smells of fresh baking weave their way across from the bakery. Heady with Cinnamon, Sugar and Vanilla and you find yourself smiling to yourself. Enjoying that moment of perfect, happy peace.

It’s one that we absolutely love here at VINEVIDA.

    • Top: Pumpkin Spice
    • Mid: Coffee
    • Bottom: Cinnamon, Sugar

      VINEVIDA’S Favorite Ways To Use Pumpkin Spice Fragrance Oil

      Pumpkin Spice is a wonderfully versatile fragrance oil. It lends itself to a myriad of projects for Fall and beyond. The only limit is the breadth of your imagination.

      With its comforting Pumpkin start, Coffee and Spice heart and comforting Cinnamon Sugar finish, it is absolutely wonderful for use in Fall related beauty products and toiletries and for cold process soaps.

      Those comforting scents always get a warm reception as they evoke memories of home and childhood.

      It is an interesting choice for scenting the home, especially through the season because of its comforting scent. It makes a good jumping point for creating a Signature Home Scent. Find out more about what a Signature Home Scent is in our article Layering Perfumes In The Home. There are plenty of exciting recipes and ideas. Get your imagination and creative juices flowing?

      Pumpkin Spice Fragrance Oil is great for making seasonal homemade reed diffusers and highly scented candles. It can be used in all types of candle burners.

      It is blended easily with other Fragrance Oils and Essential Oils for a true scentsation. Its Pumpkin start, Coffee and Spice heart and Cinnamon Sugar finish is perfect for well utilized and busy areas of the house, like the kitchen or the den.

      I like to mix it with lighter, fresher fragrances for a truly incredible scentsation. Try blending it with Sugared Lemon by BBW  and Orange Sherbet but it also blends wonderfully with Essential Oils like Sweet Orange, Ginger and Cinnamon Leaf.

      We have a version of Pumpkin Spice Fragrance Oil developed especially for your Cold Air Diffusers too. Find it here

      Creative Ways To Use And Blend Pumpkin Spice Fragrance Oil

      Why not be brave here and explore some new ideas. Join me, as we discover some creative ways that you can use Pumpkin Spice Fragrance Oil at home. Read on for some great ideas and recipes to get you one step ahead of the crowd.

      Ideas Around the Home

      Scented Pot Holders

      Make Your Own Pumpkin Spice- Scented Pot Holders

      Pumpkin Spice Fragrance Oil is perfect for a product designed to make you feel comforted and safe. Its delicious scents will remind you of home comforts and the abundance of Fall in the run up to the holiday season. 

      The whole point of a pot holder is that it absorbs the heat so you don’t have to. Fragrance Oils respond quite well to that warming heat and infuse the air with their delicious scents. Filling the kitchen with all things spice and nice. 

      Have a go at this super simple sewing project using Pumpkin Spice


      Pumpkin Spice Fragrance Oil in IFRA category 12 has no safety dilution restrictions. But don’t go mad eh?

      To make a pair of pot holders:
        1. Cut four pieces of heavy washable cotton into 8 x8 inch squares.
        2. Cut two pieces of washable, heavy, fireproof batting slightly smaller than 8 inch square. 
        3. Cut two strips of fabric to create a hanging loop in your required size. (Smaller the better, as it won’t catch on things so much).
        4. Placing the right sides together, sew the hanging loop leaving one small end open and then turn the right side out and press.
        5. Place the right sides of 2 x 8 “ squares together and then position the hanging loop in the place where you want it. 
        6. Sew the two 8 inch squares together, leaving a small gap to turn it the right way out and insert the batting.
        7. Mitre the corners. 
        8. Turn it the right way out and press well. 
        9. Insert the batting, pay attention to the corners.
        10. Tack the batting all the way through all layers.
        11. Then edge the small gap, sewing neatly by hand and attach a press stud or two. 
        12. Sew through all layers in a pleasing pattern to fix the batting and give it a padded look.
        13. Repeat for the other pot holder. 
        14. Insert a cotton pad very lightly dampened with Pumpkin Spice Fragrance Oil through the small gap and re-fasten.
        15. Replenish when needed. Use a new cotton pad for a new Fragrance Oil. 
        16. Keep away from open flames.

          We have lots of interesting ideas on How To Use Aromatherapy Around The Home. It is packed with wonderful ideas on how to use Fragrance Oils and Essential Oils around the home.  

          Beauty Ideas

          Beauty Balm With Pumpkin Spice

          You can add our skin safe Fragrance Oils to balms and salves to make absolutely gorgeous products , perfect for Fall. As soon as you realize how easy it is to do, you will wonder why you have never done it before? 

          They make wonderful holiday gifts too, so why not make a few?

          Pumpkin Spice Fragrance Oil in IFRA category 5a has a safety dilution ratio of 1.96%

          Make one large 100ml jar or divide into smaller tins or jars

          In a double boiler, simply take 50g of Beeswax, and 25 gms of Shea Butter, very gently melt them down. Once melted, remove from the heat and then add in 23 ml of Sweet Almond Oil. Add in 1.9ml of Pumpkin Spice Fragrance Oil and mix well to combine. Add a preservative if you want to, follow the individual manufacturers instructions on that. Use a funnel and decant into a suitable wide mouthed jar or tin. Leave to cool, then place the lid(s) on. Label clearly listing all the ingredients for safety reasons.

          Make sure that you do a 24-48 hour patch test before you use it on your body.  

          Just apply it to dry or chapped skin as and when needed. 

          Do not use it on the lips please.

          It makes you realize that you don’t have to go out and spend huge amounts of money on commercial balms. Especially, now that you know just how easy it is to make something glorious right in your own home. 

          Our Favorite Recipes With Pumpkin Spice Fragrance Oil

          This is where I share my new and favorite recipes with Pumpkin Spice Fragrance Oil with you.

          I have chosen something that encourages snuggling down with a blanket and relaxing for our first recipe, a delicious and gorgeous nourishing Body Butter.

          The second recipe today is perfect for Halloween and for setting the Spooky Scene with a scented candle.

          Body Butter

          Body Butter

          This makes a super delicious Body Butter…and no…you cannot eat it! 

          Slather your skin in this gorgeousness and feed and nourish it with unctuous cosmetic butters and blissful Carrier Oils. The fragrance should be long lasting on your skin and wrap you in it's comforting embrace. Perfect for a night cuddling up on the sofa with a blanket. 

          Pumpkin Spice Fragrance Oil in IFRA category 5a has a safety dilution ratio of 1.96%.

          You will need:

            1. Handheld food mixer or whisk
            2. Kitchen Scales
            3. Double Boiler
            4. Non-reactive bowl or measuring jug
            5. Spoons
            6. 8oz Glass jar with tight-fitting Lid


                  Optional - 1% preservative of choice - following manufacturers' guidelines.


                  Optional: Note when to add your preservative according to the manufacturer's instructions and note when you need to do that, so you do not forget to add it.

                    1. Weigh the butter, using the scales and place it into the double boiler.
                    2. Measure the carrier oil and add to the double boiler.
                    3. Over low to medium heat, place the double boiler and watch carefully. You want the butter to melt completely; you do not want it to get too hot.
                    4. Once melted, remove from the heat and let it cool for a moment.
                    5. Then pour into the bowl or measuring jug, set it aside to cool slightly.
                    6. Once cooled somewhat, place in the refrigerator for 45 minutes or until it starts to turn opaque.
                    7. The sweet spot here is for the mixture to be relatively solid, but not so hard that you cannot do anything with it.
                    8. Take your handheld mixer and beat for a good couple of minutes.
                    9. This is the point to carefully add your Pumpkin Spice Fragrance Oil. 
                    10. With the handheld mixer, continue mixing and whip your product to a wonderfully fluffy texture.
                    11. If it still seems a bit stiff still? Add in another heaped tsp of oil.
                    12. If you still feel you need more oil, add one heaped tsp at a time. Just remember that as it settles, it will continue to thicken slightly more.
                    13. Using a silicone spatula to help you scrape every last glorious morsel from the bowl, fill your jar using a jar funnel for ease.
                    14. Wipe your rim perfectly clean to discourage the formation of mold. 
                    15. Secure the lid firmly when the product is fully cooled. Do not do this when it is still warm as it could encourage mold growth. 
                    16. Just do a quick visual check after 24 hours to ensure it has not sunk back too much and the texture has remained the same.
                    17. Do a 24 - 48 patch test.

                      How to use:

                        1. Do a 24- 48 hour patch test, don’t skip it guys!
                        2. Work the Body Butter liberally into your skin avoiding any intimate areas and the eyes.

                          For the full tutorial check out my previous article - How To Make Body Butter With Essential Oils.

                          Scented Candle

                          Scented Candle

                          You could choose spooky molds or even one shaped like darling little pumpkins, either would be perfect for the upcoming festivities.

                          Pumpkin Spice Fragrance Oil really is the perfect choice for this Scented Candle project.

                          Again, we are looking at Pumpkin Spice Fragrance Oil in IFRA category 12 which has no restrictions, it’s still not an excuse to go nuts though eh?

                          You Will Need:

                            1. A basic soy wax candle making kit with candle glass/molds
                            2. Wicks and Holders
                            3. Wick centering tool
                            4. Double boiler used only for melting wax
                            5. Stainless steel spoon or stirrer


                                • Soy Wax.
                                • Pumpkin Spice Fragrance Oil (How much depends on the size of your kits and how many candles you plan to make, allow at least 2 ml per small sized candle. It also depends on how strongly scented you want your candle).


                                    • Color of your choice - follow the manufacturer guidelines for addition. 


                                    1. In a double boiler, set over a gentle heat, melt your wax.
                                    2. While waiting, pop your wicks in their holders into your candle glasses or mold and center using a wick tool.
                                    3. Once the wax has melted, remove from the heat and allow to cool slightly.
                                    4. Add your Pumpkin Spice Fragrance Oil and combine thoroughly.
                                    5. Fill your molds quickly and evenly and set aside to cool. 
                                    6. De-mold once cold and trim the wick.

                                      How To Use Safely:

                                        1. Place the candle on a heatproof dish or plate in place out of reach of children and pets. Consider the wider area, is it near anything flammable, is there anything hanging overhead? If so, pick a different spot! 
                                        2. Make sure the wick is trimmed appropriately and regularly.
                                        3. Light the candle.
                                        4. Do not leave burning candles unattended at any time, especially with pets and children in the house.

                                          For more information visit these blog pages:

                                            1. How To Make Scented Candles With Essential Oils
                                            2. Candle Making Ingredients: Homemade Scented Candle Ingredients And Recipes
                                            3. 10 Best Essential Oils For Candles: Make Your Own Custom Candles

                                              Safety Using Pumpkin Spice Fragrance Oil

                                              Always be sure to follow the IFRA safety dilutions recommendations. Every single time that you make products, be they for yourself, or friends and family, you need to follow these guidelines. Don’t forget it is just as important for those that you intend to give away, gift or sell as well.

                                              Of course, we like to give you everything you need. Therefore, you can find all the information that you could ever want, on the individual fragrance oil page. Look for a link labeled DOCUMENTS. Then look for the link to the IFRA STATEMENT. 

                                              Our handy calculator tool is an absolute blessing. It helps you to work out precisely just the perfect amount of fragrance oil for your preparation. That way, you know you are within the safety guidelines, every time. It’s so good even I am using it all the time!

                                              The Final Word

                                              I hope this vibrant and rather comforting showcase on Pumpkin Spice Fragrance Oil has brought your senses to life this week?  Who can resist imagining that deep rich scent of Pumpkin, enlivened with Coffee and Cinnamon Sugar.

                                              I hope that it has offered you lots of new and exciting ideas on how to use this vibrant and comforting fragrance oil. It is such a versatile fragrance with those food based notes. Followed by that final flourish of Cinnamon and Sugar, quintessentially home. Let it envelop you and sink you down into blissful memories of home, comfort and safety.

                                              Make sure to have fun with it.  It really is one of the best fragrance oils to have fun with, especially in the run up to Halloween and the onset of Fall.  Try creating your own toiletries and beauty products. I am absolutely sure that you will find your own exciting ways to use it around your home as well.  Whatever you decide to try out , I am convinced it will be an scentsation.

                                              Just please make sure to pay attention to those safety dilutions. It’s good standard practice and will always guide and serve you well. Don’t forget to use the VINEVIDA calculator to help you.

                                              I do hope that you enjoy the vibrant, comforting scent of Pumpkin Spice Fragrance Oil as much as we do here at VINEVIDA. It really makes us feel snug and cozy, we hope it does the same for you!