7 Great Essential Oils For Circulation

The circulatory system, also known as the cardiovascular system, is one of the most critical systems in the human body. It consists of the heart, blood vessels, and blood. The system is responsible for transporting oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and waste products throughout the body, and it has a key role to play in maintaining overall health. Essential oils for circulation can support good cardiovascular health as well as reduce stress to support healthy blood pressure. 

Key Functions of the Circulatory System

  1. Transportation of Oxygen and Nutrients: The circulatory system ensures that every cell in the body receives essential nutrients and oxygen and essential nutrients. Oxygen is carried from the lungs to the heart, which then pumps it through the arteries to reach the rest of the body. Similarly, nutrients from digested food are absorbed into the bloodstream and distributed to cells where they are needed.
  2. Protection and Healing: Blood contains white blood cells and platelets. White blood cells are essential for fighting infections, while platelets are involved in blood clotting which guards against excessive bleeding should injury occur.
  3. Hormonal Distribution: Hormones are chemical messengers that coordinate and regulate a variety of bodily functions like metabolism, growth, and reproduction. Hormones are produced by glands and distributed throughout the body by the bloodstream. 
  4. Removal of Waste Products: Just as it delivers nutrients, the circulatory system also supports the healthy removal of waste products from the body. Carbon dioxide is a byproduct of respiration and is carried back to the lungs to be exhaled. The kidneys and liver also receive  waste products to be filtrated and excreted via the bloodstream.
  5. Regulation of Body Temperature: Blood vessels dilate or constrict to either retain or release heat which ensures a stable internal temperature is maintained.

Symptoms of Circulatory System Dysfunction

A variety of issues can affect the healthy function of circulation. Let’s just begin with the most dramatic ones and say that if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, rather than researching essential oils for circulation, your first port of call needs to be the doctors. Circulation depends on the heart, so if there is a suspicion that there may be a problem please rule out problems here first before using any essential oils for circulation.

  1. Fatigue and Weakness: Persistent fatigue and weakness can be symptoms of a variety of circulatory problems, including anemia and heart failure. Anemia occurs when there is a deficiency of red blood cells or hemoglobin, reducing the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood.
  2. Shortness of Breath: Difficulty in breathing, especially during physical activity or while lying down, can sometimes indicate heart failure. This condition occurs when the heart can no longer effectively pump blood, leading to fluid buildup in the lungs
  3. Dizziness and Fainting: These symptoms can occur when there is a drop in blood pressure or poor blood flow to the brain. Conditions such as arrhythmias (irregular heartbeats) and orthostatic hypotension (a sudden drop in blood pressure upon standing) can cause these symptoms.
  4. Chest Pain: Often associated with heart problems, chest pain can be a sign of angina or even a heart attack. Angina is caused by reduced blood flow to the heart muscles, often due to blocked or narrowed arteries. A heart attack occurs when the blood supply to a part of the heart is completely blocked.

Some Common Symptoms And Some Suggestions Of Essential Oils For To Support Healthy Circulation

  1. Cold Extremities: Cold hands and feet can indicate peripheral artery disease (PAD), where the arteries that supply blood to the limbs become narrowed or blocked. This results in reduced blood flow to these areas. See below for why ginger and cinnamon are great choices of essential oils for circulation that present as cold hands and feet.
  2. Palpitations: A feeling of irregular or rapid heartbeats can be a symptom of arrhythmias. These irregular heart rhythms can be harmless or indicative of more serious heart conditions. For these, ylang ylang and lavender essential oils for circulation,
  3. Numbness and Pain in Limbs: Numbness, tingling, or pain in the arms or legs can be signs of peripheral neuropathy, often associated with diabetes, or  Peripheral Arterial Disease or PAD,  a condition where fatty deposits in the arteries reduce blood flow to the legs. PAD can cause pain, numbness, ulcers and complications such as heart attack and stroke. Both conditions affect blood flow and nerve function. 
  4. Swelling in the Legs and Feet: Edema, or swelling, particularly in the lower extremities, can be a sign of poor circulation. This can be due to heart failure, where the heart is unable to pump blood effectively, leading to fluid accumulation. Here aromatherapists would perhaps think of fennel, juniper or cypress essential oils for circulation, even though, strictly speaking they are more lymphatic. See list below for actions and contraindications. 
  5. Delayed Wound Healing: Cuts and sores need good circulation to heal properly. If circulation is compromised this can be very problematic. Feet are particularly challenging and are watched carefully in people who have diabetes.

Risk Factors for Circulatory System Problems

Several factors increase the risk of circulatory system problems. Including age, gender and family history.   As people age, their risk of  developing cardiovascular diseases increases due to changes in heart function and blood vessels and heart function.

The difference in gender bias alters with age. Younger men are more at risk than women. However, women's risk increases after menopause and can eventually equal or surpass that of men. 

General health has a bearing . High blood pressure forces the heart to work harder, leading to heart disease and stroke. Elevated levels of cholesterol can lead to the buildup of plaques  that clog the arteries making it harder for blood to pass through. Excess weight adds additional strain on the heart and can lead to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes, all of which are risk factors for heart disease

Lifestyle can also be a factor.

Smoking damages blood vessels, reduces oxygen in the blood, and raises blood pressure. It is a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. Diets high in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, sodium, and sugar can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. A sedentary lifestyle also contributes to obesity, high blood pressure, and poor heart health.

Stress and Cardiovascular Health

Chronic stress may contribute to heart disease by affecting blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

When we feel stressed, our adrenal glands secrete a stress hormone called cortisol. If levels of  cortisol  are persistently high, this induces a series of harmful cardiovascular changes including vasoconstriction, when blood vessels narrow and increase blood pressure. Consistent high blood pressure, known as hypertension, is a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke. Cortisol also contributes to arterial stiffness, further exacerbating high blood pressure and increasing the workload on the heart, and also contributes to how cholesterol will eventually clog arteries through atherosclerosis.

Importance of Massage with Essential Oils for Circulation

Massage therapy supports the lymphatic system to remove toxins and reduce fluid retention. This not only enhances circulation but also contributes to a healthier immune system. While massage is not the only way to use essential oils for circulation (both baths and creams and lotions can be extremely beneficial) massage is one of the most effective ways to apply essential oils for circulation as it backles the problems from a variety of perspectives. 

Inhalation of Essential Oils for Circulation 

Clearly, inhaling essential oils for circulation mainly affects the system by reducing stress, (although this is not exclusively the case).

Inhale essential oils for about ten minutes twice daily. Best practice is to put a couple of drops onto a tissue, or to use an aromapendant.


Rose essential oil and rose absolute are not only celebrated for their exquisite fragrances but also for their numerous therapeutic benefits, particularly for circulation. 

Rose is top of the list of essential oils for circulation thanks to its cardioprotective action. Rose reduces inflammation and oxidative stress, both of which are crucial in preventing cardiovascular diseases. Its natural vasodilatory effects improve blood flow and lower blood pressure, while its stress-relieving qualities help maintain heart health by mitigating stress-induced cardiac strain. (Ayati, 2021)

This aromatic oil possesses potent anti-inflammatory properties that help in reducing inflammation in blood vessels, thereby improving blood flow and reducing the risk of blood clots. Additionally, rose essential oil acts as a natural vasodilator, which means it can help widen blood vessels and enhance the flow of blood throughout the body. Improved circulation supports normal delivery of essential nutrients and oxygen to the organs and  tissues and organs.

Rose is also so relaxing, which can also have an important role to play in supporting healthy circulation. Rose reduces levels of cortisol circulating in the blood. (Aarshagetha. 2023)

The calming and stress-relieving effects of rose essential oil also play a role in improving circulation.

Maximum Dilution of Rose Essential Oil and Rose Absolute

(Depending on which you prefer. Either would be appropriate oils for circulation and supporting cardiovascular health) 3%.

Safety: Not suitable for use during the first 37 weeks of pregnancy.

Ylang Ylang

This might not come to mind immediately as one of the most important essential oils for circulation, however, its effects on hypertension are impressive. Several trials have shown how ylang ylang supports healthy cardiovascular activity.

In particular, inhaling ylang ylang, and other essential oils for circulation, such as marjoram, lavender and bergamot not only reduces blood pressure but also subjective feelings of stress and anxiety as well as reducing levels or cortisol. (Hwang, 2006, Napavichayanun, 2023, Kim, 2012)

You might also consider clary sage essential oil for high blood pressure.

Alternating  ylang ylang and clary sage on an aromapendant is a fantastic way to use essential oils for circulation and blood pressure particularly. However, a warning that ylang ylang has a very heady, sweet, almost euphoric fragrance, and it can turn nasty at any moment. One second it smells glorious, the next you suddenly feel nauseous and have a headache. So just wear for an hour or so regularly, rather than trying to do a whole day. 

Maximum Dilution of Ylang Ylang Essential Oil 

It’s 0.8%.

Safety: Not suitable for use in the first 37 weeks of pregnancy or in conditions of low blood pressure.


All the things we have said about rose, you can pretty much say about geranium, stress, cortisol, yada, yada, yada…

But geranium excels in two more areas.

First, it has an action known as rubefacient. This means it brings blood vessels closer to the surface of the skin. This action causes mild redness and warmth. It soothes muscle pain and  tension and pain, and helps support healthy wound healing.

For this reason geranium is probably the best essential oil for circulation problems such as varicose veins or for cold hands and feet. It makes a wonderful addition to massage oils for sluggish circulation and for warming foot baths.

Additionally, we have spoken at length about the dangers of cortisol on the system. Cortisol is secreted by the adrenal glands, which can become very exhausted over time when the stress response does not turn off. Geranium essential oil is a super support for the adrenal glands.

Maximum Dilution for Geranium Essential Oil


Safety: Not suitable for use in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy. 

Black Pepper

Historically pepper has been one of the most financially valuable foods in the world. Part of the reason for that, along with its delicious taste was its many healing properties and in particular, its circulatory benefits. 

Piperine, a constituent found in the spice and in its essential oil,  stimulates blood flow by dilating blood vessels and improving overall circulation. (Wilhelm-Romero, 2022) Enhanced blood flow delivers oxygen and nutrients to tissues more efficiently, thus reducing inflammation and promoting healing and . Piperine also possesses anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties to protect blood vessels from oxidative stress and inflammation, common contributors to cardiovascular issues. Its warming effect also alleviates muscle pain and stiffness, making it a valuable remedy in herbal treatments for circulatory and musculoskeletal conditions.

Black Pepper essential oil is best used in massage oils and creams and lotions to apply essential oils for circulation, although it can also be rather lovely in the bath. 

Maximum Dilution of Black Pepper Essential Oil


Safety: Not suitable for use in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy. Do not apply to broken skin. 


Let’s start with the “don’ts” first. Do not put this undiluted onto the skin (see maximum dilution below) and do not apply to broken skin. However…

Cinnamon is beautifully warming and comforting. Blend it with other spicy essential oils for circulation, like ginger and clove, to get heat into freezing fingers and toes. It’s a great choice for massage oils for rheumatism and arthritis to warm up rheumy joints. A good hack is to just put one drop into a bottle of already mixed oils. One drop keeps you well below the safety concern levels but is enough to bring warmth and fight…because cinnamon’s spirit is very feisty.

The active constituent in cinnamon for circulation is called cinnamaldehyde which is being researched extensively as a possible preventative for cardiovascular disease.

“Cinnamyldehyde protects against cardiovascular stress by  inhibiting inflammation and oxidative stress in circulation.  It improves how the body metabolizes fats and glucose metabolism, and regulates how cells proliferate (spread) and their apoptosis (programmed cell death).  Cinnamadehyde  also suppresses fibrosis (stiffening) of cardiac tissues and platelet aggregation which causes clotting.  It promotes vasodilation (opening of blood tissues) and angiogenesis (production of new healthy heart cells)(Lu, 2022)

Maximum Dilution Of Cinnamon Essential Oil 


Safety: Not suitable for use during Pregnancy or breast feeding. May be contraindications with some diabetes medications. Since it acts upon platelet aggregation, not suitable for use if you already have some kind of platelet clotting disorder like hemophilia, or if you are taking anticoagulant medications. Do not use it on broken skin. Not recommended for highly sensitive or diseased skin.

Not recommended to be put in the bath. 


Cassia has virtually the same amount of cinnamaldehyde in it is cinnamon bark essential oil

Maximum Dilution Of Cassia Essential Oil


Safety: Not suitable for use during Pregnancy or breast feeding. May be contraindications with some diabetes medications. Since it acts upon platelet aggregation, not suitable for use if you already have some kind of platelet clotting disorder like hemophilia, or if you are taking anticoagulant medications. Do not use it on broken skin. Not recommended for highly sensitive or diseased skin.

Not recommended to be put in the bath. 


Cardiomyocytes are the specialized muscle cells of the heart responsible for contracting and enabling the heart to pump blood throughout the body. They are unique in their ability to maintain rhythmic contractions and are essential for the heart's continuous function.

Eugenol, a bioactive compound found in clove oil, has demonstrated significant effects on cardiomyocytes. Studies indicate that eugenol exerts protective effects on these cells by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation, which are detrimental to cardiomyocyte health and function. (Fouad, 2011) Additionally, eugenol has been shown to stabilize cellular membranes and enhance the function of ion channels, which are critical for maintaining proper cardiac rhythm and function. By mitigating these stressors and stabilizing cellular mechanisms, eugenol helps preserve cardiomyocyte integrity and function, thereby contributing to overall heart health and reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Additionally, it can lower cholesterol levels. Eugenol acts upon the  enzyme HMG-CoA reductase, a catalyst in the body's cholesterol production, further protecting against atherosclerosis (Saad, 2004). Research also suggests that eugenol inhibits platelet aggregation, reducing the risk of blood clots (Saeed, 1995)These combined effects underscore eugenol's potential as a natural agent in supporting heart health and preventing cardiovascular complications.

Eugenol essential oil appears in both clove bud and clove leaf essential oils

Maximum Dilution Of Clove Essential Oils For Circulation

Clove Bud: 0.5%

Clove Leaf: 0.6%

Safety: Not suitable for use during pregnancy. May interact with some monoamine inhibitor drugs, usually, but not exclusively, prescribed for mood balance. Not suitable if you have a platelet clotting disorder, or are taking anticoagulant medications. Not recommended for highly sensitive or diseased skins.


Lovely and warming. Perfect for cold hands and feet! 

Loads of other uses, of course, like nausea and digestion, but they are not really relevant to the an article about essential oils for circulation. The main reason to choose ginger essential oil in this capacity is for its heat and its safety, given that it is a tad gentler than some of the other spices, so you can afford to add a little more than you can of them

Maximum Dilution of Ginger Essential Oil


Safety: Not suitable for use in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.

Diy Recipe For Essential Oils For Circulation

Warm Legs and Feet

Method of use: Stroke into the skin twice daily.Do not use during pregnancy. Do not use on broken skin. Not suitable for anyone with a blood clotting disorder or who is taking prescribed anticoagulant medication.

Lifestyle Changes to Support Your Use of Essential Oils for Circulation

Maintaining a healthy circulatory system involves lifestyle choices and regular medical checkups. Here are some tips:

  1. Regular Exercise: Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity each week. Exercise helps maintain a healthy weight, reduces blood pressure, and improves overall heart health.
  2. Healthy Diet: Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Limit intake of saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, sodium, and added sugars.
  3. Quit Smoking: If you smoke, seek help to quit. Smoking cessation significantly reduces the risk of heart disease.
  4. Manage Stress: Practice stress-reducing techniques such as yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises.
  5. Regular Checkups: Regular visits to your healthcare provider can help monitor and manage blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and other risk factors.
  6. Maintain a Healthy Weight: Achieve and maintain a healthy weight through diet and exercise to reduce the strain on your heart.

Reduce your stress and  use essential oils for circulation to support  cardiovascular health.

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