Scenting Early Autumn: Essential Oil Fall Diffuser Blends for Every Occasion

Embrace the changing seasons by using essential oils to create Fall Diffuser Blends for every occasion. Welcome the Fall as late summer gives way to early autumn, and get yourself ready to be all warm and cozy as the light of the year fades. Use Essential Oil Fall Diffuser Blends to battle hungry wasps,  uplift your mood, and regulate your sleep with essential oils.

Introduction To Fall Diffuser Blends 

I adore it when autumn starts to roll around. It means that I get to experiment with a whole host of new Fall Diffuser Blends with both essential oils and fragrance oils for our Fragrance Oil Of The Week and Oil Of The Month articles. It’s always so much fun.

Summer is fading and giving way to fall. Leaves on the trees are changing color and in some places, dropping already. The blues, lilacs, and pinks of the summer garden flowers are fading and a riot of red, orange, and gold is taking their place. 

The Canada Geese are arriving thick and fast after a handful of over-exuberant ones were a whole month earlier than usual. 

There is plenty to celebrate as the wheel of the year turns and autumn arrives with a flourish. The fall scents move towards being more comforting and warming, and they encourage coziness and relaxation. It invites us to slow down, rest, and recoup after the business of summer and its harvest.

Harness Essential Oils In Your Fall Diffuser Blends

There are plenty of ways that we can use the therapeutic and active constituents of essential oils in Fall Diffuser Blends

    1. The changing of the season can play havoc with sleep patterns, so you’ll find a Regulating Sleep Blend of essential oils for autumn.
    2. During the lingering days of late summer and early autumn, wasps become pernicious pests. Shoo them off with a Citronella rich blend (and give them a bowl of jelly). 
    3. Be proactive and guard against mood dips from the fading levels of light, with our Mood Elevating blend. 

You’ll enjoy all of these Fall Diffuser Blends to uplift your mood and fill your home and garden with comfort and coziness. 

What Do I Need To Make Fall Diffuser Blends With Essential Oils?

What Do I Need To Make Fall Diffuser Blends With Essential Oils?

You only need a very small inventory of equipment to make Fall Diffuser Blends. Ideally, they would be ones for just working with essential oils.

You Will Need:

    • Small measuring jug 
    • Stainless steel spoon
    • Good quality silicone spatula
    • Small funnel
    • 5 ml dropper bottle

How To Make Fall Diffuser Blends With Essential Oils. 

Fall Diffuser Blends are the perfect quick and simple projects for beginners to put together.

    1. Prepare well and cover and protect your work surface, as essential oils can stain.
    2. Read the instructions through first, ensuring you understand the process before starting.
    3. Simply measure your essential oils into a small measuring jug.
    4. Stir to combine thoroughly.
    5. Your labels will stick better to clean and oil-free bottles, so using a funnel helps when decanting the diffuser blend into a 5ml dropper bottle.
    6. On an oil and waterproof label, list all ingredients clearly and date.
    7. Your label must be annotated as UNDILUTED for obvious safety reasons.

Fall Diffuser Blends With Essential Oils

Essential oils are composed of chemical constituents and thanks to these essential oils, they burst with active properties from which we can harness a myriad of exciting benefits. 

We are able to utilize these constituents in our Fall Diffuser Blends and capitalize on them in a variety of beneficial ways. 

Body Clock Sleep Diffuser Blend

Body Clock Sleep Diffuser Blend

Whenever the seasons change, it can knock our sleep patterns out of sync. Try this wonderfully soothing blend to get a great night's sleep.

Lavender is soothing, and calming, and used the world over for inducing and improving the quality of sleep. Vetiver is a beautifully sedative and helps you achieve a deeper sleep to wake feeling refreshed and restored. Marjoram’s nervine properties help relax the nerve signaling in the body and relax us more readily.  


    • Not designed for topical use. (If you dilute it first in 100ml of carrier or base lotion, then you may).
    • Do not use it in an electric diffuser that is working all night. Set a timer to cease after about an hour. 

Wasp Repellent Diffuser Blend

Wasp Repellent Diffuser Blend

We still can make the most of the warm evenings and wrap up in front of a campfire and toast some marshmallows and s’mores. Yet, it is no fun when we are fighting mozzies and reprobate wasps that have been flung from their nest and turned into rabid, sugar-craving thugs. 

Bugs HATE Citronella, especially wasps. I recommend creating a circle or a fragrant wall around you that they won’t want to cross!

Also place a bowl of sugary jelly down the end of the garden, out of the way, to draw the wasps' attention there instead. All they want is sugar. For them, it’s a matter of life and death. 


    • Not for topical use.
    • Do not diffuse inside rooms where cats are present. It’s fine in the garden. 

Mood Elevating Diffuser Blend

Mood Elevating Diffuser Blend

I don’t know about you, but as soon as the light starts to fade, it will impact my mood and my overall well-being. It’s important to keep yourself upbeat at this time of the season. Essential oils and their active benefits are perfect for supporting us through this transition time. 

Geranium balances our mood, relieves stress, and helps us relax. Mandarin is wonderfully uplifting, but also soothes our anxiety and reduces our feelings of stress. Lavender calms us and brings its soothing qualities. 


    • Not for topical use.

The Final Word On Fall Diffuser Blends

The Final Word On Fall Diffuser Blends

Breathe in the comforting scents of early autumn with these incredible Fall Diffuser Blends. Connect with the coziness and comfort of the coming season and embrace the changing colors and the turn of the wheel.

Regulate your sleep back into a rhythm if it gets knocked out of kilter. Keep sugar-craving wasps at bay with the citronella-rich blend. Keep your mood in balance and uplift yourself if you feel the fading light sapping your energy with our Mood Elevating blend.

Have fun finding essential oils for your Fall Diffuser Blends to suit all your autumn occasions. Perhaps you are ready for some quiet time and feel the need to wrap yourself up in fragrant bliss. Whatever you fancy, we are sure you will find something to suit the amazing VINEVIDA range.

However you choose to use your Fall Diffuser Blends, I wish you the spirit of the season. May this season's turning of the wheel bestow abundant and plentiful blessings for you and your family. 

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