Essential Oil Recipes for Headache

Join us and learn how to use essential oils for headaches. Take control of what you are putting in your body and make natural headache preparations for you and the family. Lessen your reliance on medication and use the cumulative effects of essential oils to target your headaches.ย  Grab versatile essential oils like Lavender, Roman Chamomile, Vetiver, Peppermint, Rosemary, and Sweet Basil and add them to your treatment kit. They all can be utilized in soothing essential oil recipes for headaches. Explore recipes for Headache Cooling Gel, Headache Balm, Headache and Tension Reliever, Headache Soothe, and Sleep Salvation.

Get on top of your regular headaches with our simple Headache Maintenance Program. Donโ€™t forget to rule things out too, get your eyesight and blood pressure checked, and gauge your caffeine intake and stress. It is worth making sure you are fully hydrated and keeping an eye on any food intolerances too.

Why Make Your Own Essential Oil Recipes For Headache

Less Reliance On Medication

As consumers, we are becoming increasingly aware of the shift towards using more natural and alternative remedies.ย  More and more people are shifting to using essential oils as household remedies for minor ailments like headaches, cramps, skin conditions, and cuts and bruises.

Unlike many medications, essential oils tend to have very few side effects. This makes them an appealing choice for many. Myself included.

Once you realize how quickly and effectively essential oils like Lavender and Peppermint can relieve the symptoms of a headache, you will be leaving those packets of pills on the shelves.

Itโ€™s a no-brainer really, pop a pill full of synthetic compounds or use 100% pure essential oils, the very essence of the plants themselves?ย 

I know which one Iโ€™m doing! I am making essential oil recipes for headaches.

Control Over Your Ingredients

Making your essential oil recipes for headaches gives you control over EVERY single ingredient you use.

None of these scrutinizing labels, trying to read minuscule writing and understand all those long scientific-sounding names.

You can take control and make your base from scratch or find a good supplier who sells organic base lotions and creams. All you need to do then, is add your blends for essential oil recipes for headaches.

It really can be that simple!ย 

Cost-Effective Home Relief

It can also be extremely cost-effective to make your essential oil recipes for headaches.ย 

Essential oils like Lavender and Roman Chamomile, which you are likely to use time and again, for a myriad of purposes, are worth buying in a larger bottle. The more you buy, the more you save.ย 

Essential oils that you donโ€™t use that often, are better bought in lesser volumes. It pays to store them as directed, in the dark at a cool and ambient temperature to prolong their shelf life. It helps to maximize your investment.

I buy Lavender in 100ml bottles, which I use a few drops daily (and the odd recipe of say 100+ drops) and it will last me 4-6 months easily.ย  I do the same with Tea Tree because it is used widely in this household.

Essential oils that I use far less often I tend to buy in the lowest volume available such as 2.5ml or 5ml. While it may not seem so cost-effective to do this, overall it helps to keep my stock fresher if I buy a little, more often. I may spend a little more, but I waste far less in the long run.ย 

Buying your base ingredients in bulk too can be extremely cost effective.

Making your essential oil recipes for headaches can save you big bucks $$$!

Perfectly Tailor Made

We all experience headaches differently. I get headaches related to high blood pressure that sit right in the base of my skull and over one eye. Occasionally, I get tension headaches that are like a tight band around my forehead. Even more rarely I will get a migraine that feels like someone is trying to crush my head in a vice and squish my brain.ย 

My point is that each one of these benefits from a slightly different approach in terms of what essential oils to blend and what base/application I would use to address them.

You can completely design a product that is tailor-made to your exact needs. You have control over every single aspect of the design process.ย 

Donโ€™t like Lavender? You can simply leave it out!ย  Use Roman Chamomile instead.

Not keen on Peppermint? Not to worry, choose something else instead, like Rosemary.ย 

Cumulative Effects

For some, headaches are a daily burden and this is where essential oils can be an absolute boon. Unlike over-the-counter medications, essential oils often have a cumulative effect. Meaning that they build up in your system and often build in strength and efficacy.

For those of you who experience regular headaches, perhaps due to stress and anxiety, using essential oils as a maintenance program could be the way to go for you. Explore more below.ย 

For those who have an odd tension headache, on-the-spot treatment using essential oil recipes for headaches is probably more appropriate.ย 

Essential oils make for great pain relief and are highly effective tools to help relieve headaches. Not only that, they can assist in relieving stress and calm the body and mind

Our Top Essential Oils For Essential Oil Recipes For Headaches

As you can imagine, we get asked a lot about which are the best essential oils for migraines and the most effective essential oils recipes for headaches.ย 

We should just clarify that, rightly, the FDA prevents us from saying we can treat or cure any condition, including headaches. If you seem to be getting regular headaches or have a headache that lasts several days, please seek medical attention.ย 

These are some of our top recommendations and ones we suggest using to make your essential oil blends and to use for your essential oil recipes for headaches.

Lavender Essential Oil (Lavandula angustifolia)

I appreciate you are probably getting a bit bored with finding Lavender at the top of every list these days. It is not because we are lazy and canโ€™t think of anything better, the science and a whole raft of recent research supports it. Which is why you find it here in our essential oil recipes for headaches.

Just this year, Heliyon (2023) concluded, โ€˜The essential oil of L. angustifolia Mill. showed its main activity in relieving pain, stress, and anxiety through linalool compounds and linalyl acetate.โ€™

The more research that is done on Lavender essential oil, the more it seems to support its pain-relieving properties and its ability to relax and relieve anxiety and stress.ย 

We have busy lives and are often under too much pressure and we succumb to anxiety and stress. This leads to tension in our bodies, especially through the upper back, neck, and shoulders, which can lead to tension headaches.ย 

Lavender essential oil is the perfect choice here, not only to address the presenting symptom, the headache itself, but to also address the cause - the stress and anxiety leading to the tension in the body. Itโ€™s a double whammy!ย 

There are so many wonderful ways you can use Lavender in essential oil recipes for headaches. If you want to avoid the more sedative effects, try a combination of Lavender and Peppermint, for a fresher, more lively blend that helps you to focus and concentrate on the task at hand.ย 

While Lavender essential oil may seem a predictable choice, it is at the top of this list because there is no doubt about it, it IS the BEST choice.ย 

Safety: Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.

Roman Chamomile Essential Oil (Anthemis nobilis L.)

Roman Chamomile essential oil is a beautifully gentle and nurturing essential oil. It is one I highly recommend if you are looking for essential oil recipes for headaches.

I like to use it when people are very anxious, nervous, or irritable, as a soother. It has a gentle calming effect that can bring welcome relief to both the associated headache and the emotions at play.

It is gentle enough to use with even very small children and it is worthy of a place in your bathroom cabinet and Natural First Aid Kit.

If your headache is associated with Neuralgia or your nerves going a bit doolally, then this is the essential oil for you.ย 

Safety: Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.

Vetiver Essential Oil (Vetiveria zizanoides)

I canโ€™t tell you how much I LOVE this essential oil. It offers such a wide variety of active properties it's hard to not get excited by it. It makes a perfect choice for essential oil recipes for headaches.

I use it every day to help me sleep by relieving my pain and relaxing me, reducing body tension. It's a great sedative of the nervous system and I find it to be a very efficient anti-spasmodic.ย 

For me, it is great for those premenstrual tension headaches, and one I recommend that you try if your cycle brings both cramps and headaches. An essential oil doesnโ€™t just have to do one thing. Put it to work!

If you suffer from tension headaches consider massaging the area with Vetiver. It will reduce tension, releasing muscles and the massaging action will increase blood circulation and flow. This will warm the body, encouraging relaxation.

I find simply breathing in those gorgeous grounding notes of Vetiver, is like instantaneous calm. Taking me to a place of peace (and less pain). Itโ€™s a bit like the Holy Grail for me!

Safety: Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.

Peppermint Essential Oil (Mentha piperita)

This is a beautifully cooling essential oil and like eucalyptus essential oil, it is wonderful for soothing those hot headaches and burning neck muscles. It's a good inclusion for your essential oil recipes for headaches.

Peppermint essential oil contains menthol. Menthol is a wonderful choice for essential oil recipes for headaches because of its analgesic and cooling properties. This cooling effect is ideal if you have one of those pounding headaches that just wonโ€™t seem to go away.ย 

When you apply Peppermint to your temples you can potentially soothe the pain that comes along with these headaches with those brilliant analgesic properties from the Menthol.

It is also claimed that menthol may improve mental alertness, which is just what you want when fatigue and drowsiness are along for the ride too.ย 

Plump for Peppermint essential oil for those headaches you get at inconvenient times. Those times where you have to think clearer, or to be more on the ball. Perhaps, you need to give a speech or presentation?ย 

Peppermint is an essential oil that I used widely as a child when I suffered from sinus headaches, along with Myrrh and Lemon essential oils. It is so efficient because of its ability to penetrate so deeply. The chemical constituents of Peppermint can cut through blocked sinuses and open and clear them out for cooling and swift relief.ย 


    • Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.

Peppermint Specific:

    • Peppermint stimulates the heart, so it carries a mild risk of fibrillation. Anyone with epilepsy or a heart condition should use only the smallest dilutions.ย 
    • G6PD is a blood disorder that mainly affects males. Therefore, Peppermint essential oil is not suitable for patients with G6PD Deficiency.
    • Use in very small doses of 0.25% for children over the age of 6. The high levels of menthol in Peppermint can make it problematic for children. Menthol can slow respiration so please do not use it close to a child's face. Only apply it to their back.

Rosemary Essential Oil (Rosmarinus officinalis)

Rosemary essential oil has to be one of the top choices to address nerve pain and should be in your essential oil recipes for headaches if you are suffering from this.ย 

It is used widely by aromatherapists not only for addressing headaches but for conditions like neuralgia. It seems to be particularly efficacious for sciatica and trigeminal neuralgia

Nerve pain tends to be a very specific type of pain. I certainly tend to experience them as โ€˜sharp, shooting or frazzlingโ€™. Rosemary essential oil seems to take away that sharp, almost electrical-like edge, off the pain.

Like Peppermint, Rosemary essential oil is a great essential oil when you need to focus, clear the mind, and collect your thoughts. It is excellent for improved memory recall so add it to your more lively essential oil recipes for headaches.

Rosemary is a good choice for those stresses that manifest in our body because of what is happening around us mentally and emotionally.ย  Itโ€™s always the essential oil to grab when that certain person is โ€˜getting on your nervesโ€™. Arrrrgh!


    • Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.
    • Rosemary contains constituents proven to be pro-convulsive for some people, be cautious with this essential oil if you have epilepsy.
    • The stimulant nature of Rosemary may also stimulate your blood pressure, so those with Hypertension - High Blood Pressure need to use it with caution, if at all.
    • It contains constituents that can be neurotoxic and can affect psychosis or delusory issues like schizophrenia; use with extreme caution if you experience or are diagnosed with any of these.
    • Use with caution on children and stick to very low dilutions, as you would for Peppermint essential oil.

Sweet Basil Essential Oil (Ocimum basilicum)

Sweet Basil is the choice for when things are overwhelming and you get paralyzed by the thought of taking a step, any step!

Sweet Basil has the character of a firm-handed matron, bustling you along and pushing you to get things done and organized. Encouraging you to get out of your head and step into action. Sometimes, we need that.ย  I know I do!

Itโ€™s the essential oil to choose when you need to be motivated but not the best choice if you just want to lie down in the dark and die quietly in the corner.ย 

Sweet Basil is rich in the chemical constituent Linalool. This has been proven to be both analgesic and anti-inflammatory. It also brings those antidepressant qualities which can be useful if we are overwhelmed and low with it. Making it perfect again, for essential oil recipes for headaches.

Safety: Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.

Our Favorite Essential Oil Recipes For Headache

Join us, as we make a variety of essential oil recipes for headaches.

Try our super cooling and refreshing headache-cooling gel with Peppermint and Eucalyptus essential oils.ย  Pop one of our easily portable roller balls in your pocket, perfect for those times when you canโ€™t stop, but need to focus. Sweet Basil helps us do that.

Have a quick slick of our beautifully light and luscious Headache Balm, deeply relaxing with the gorgeous florals of Rose Geranium and the heady, earthy notes of Vetiver.

Employ someone else's hands to give you a soothing massage to relieve your tension and the usual associated headache that comes with it!ย  Rosemary and Marjoram tackle those jangling nerves before Lavender and Roman Chamomile bring their deep, blissful soothing to our tense muscles and help us to relax.ย 

Sink into our Headache Soothe and Sleep Salvation. Rich in soporific and sedative essential oils. Lavender and Chamomile relax us, Marjoram soothes our nerves, Vetiver encourages us to let go and Ylang Ylang embraces us as we do.ย 

Take a good look at our suggestions for a Headache Maintenance Program if you are a frequent flier with headaches.ย  Essential oils like Peppermint and sweet Basil keep you alert and focused, but Lavender helps to calm us, relax us, and brings balance here.ย 

Whatever your needs, you are bound to find just the right things here in our essential oil recipes for headaches.

Cooling Gel

Cooling Gel

This Headache Cooling Gel is perfect for those headaches that feel hot and tight around your head. Used across your forehead, at the back of your neck, and behind your ears this can bring welcome relief.ย 

You Will Need:

    1. Measuring jug
    2. Mixing bowl
    3. Jar Funnel
    4. Stainless steel stirrer or spoon
    5. 100ml jar with a tight-fitting lid
    6. Label


    • 90ml Aloe Vera Gelย 
    • 8ml Glycerine

Optional: Preservative - follow the individual manufacturer's guidelines on usage and quantities.ย 


    • Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.
    • Do not use it on children under 6 years of age.

Peppermint Specific -

    • Peppermint stimulates the heart, so it carries a mild risk of fibrillation. Anyone with epilepsy or a heart condition should use only the smallest dilutions.ย 
    • G6PD is a blood disorder that mainly affects males. Therefore, Peppermint essential oil is not suitable for patients with G6PD Deficiency.
    • Use in very small doses of 0.25% for children over the age of 6. The high levels of menthol in Peppermint can make it problematic for children. Menthol can slow respiration so please do not use it close to a child's face. Only apply it to their back.


    1. If using a preservative, note when to add it and how much - follow your product guidelines as they differ.ย 
    2. Measure out your ingredients carefully.
    3. Combine the Aloe Vera Gel with the Glycerin and mix thoroughly to combine.
    4. Add the essential oils and mix well.
    5. Using a jar funnel, decant into your jar and clean the rim meticulously (this reduces the chance of it molding)
    6. Lid tightly.
    7. Label, listing all of the ingredients clearly for safety reasons.
    8. Do a 24-48 hour patch test.ย 

How To Use:

    1. Donโ€™t skip doing a 24-48 hour patch test.
    2. Apply gently and sparingly across the forehead, along the length of the back of your neck, and behind your ears, allowing it to absorb/dry.
    3. Use up to 8 times a day, as and when needed.ย 

Roller Ball

Roller Ball

This is such a simple way of utilizing essential oils and tailor-making your essential oil recipes for headaches. Easy to pop into your purse or pocket and take with you on the go, they are ideal for busy lifestyles. Roller Balls are perfect for older kids when they are at school as they are so easy to use.

This particular blend is good for when you need to focus and have some clarity. Probably best used during the daytime as Sweet Basil can be quite stimulating and in your face!

You Will Need:

    1. Small measuring jug
    2. Stainless steel stirrer or spoon
    3. Funnel
    4. 20 ml Rollerball dispenser and lid
    5. Label

Note for using it with children:ย 

    • For children over 6 reduce that right down to 1% safety dilution = approx 4 drops or 0.2ml of essential oilsย 
    • For children over 6 months old but under 6 years, reduce it again to 0.5% safety dilution = 2 drops or 0.1ml of essential oils (ditch the Sweet Basil and use Lavender and Roman Chamomile only).


Optional: Preservative - follow the individual manufacturer's guidelines on usage and quantities.ย 


    • Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.
    • If you are sending your child to school with this rollerball you MUST label it clearly, listing all ingredients for safety reasons.
    • Take care of getting oil on your clothes.


    1. If you are using a preservative, note when to add it and how much - follow your product guidelines as they differ.
    2. Measure out your Sweet Almond Carrier Oil
    3. Add your essential oils and combine well
    4. Using a funnel decant into your Rollerball, clean the rim, add the roller insert, and cap tightly
    5. Label, listing all ingredients for safety reasons.ย 
    6. Do a 24-48 patch test.

How To Use:

    1. Use it on your pulse points at the temples, inner elbows, and wrists.ย 
    2. Alternatively, use it across the forehead, neck, and behind the ears.ย 
    3. Massage it in the skin gently.
    4. Use up to 8 times a day as and when needed.



We associate balm sometimes as being thick and more waxy, but this balm is light, easily applied and absorbed.ย 

As a balm, this is a more calming and sedative blend designed to relax and soothe you.ย 

Consider what you put it in if you need to transport it. I prefer glass but if it is going to languish in your purse or gym bag, then maybe plump for a plastic bottle for safety.ย 

You Will Need:

    1. Measuring jug
    2. Measuring spoons
    3. Stainless steel spoon or stirrer
    4. 100ml Jar
    5. Jar Funnel
    6. Label


Optional: Preservative - follow the individual manufacturers' guidelines on usage and quantities.ย 


    • Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.


    1. If you choose to use a preservative, note when to add it and how much - follow your product guidelines as they differ.ย 
    2. Measure out all your ingredients carefully and combine them into a large measuring jug
    3. Once thoroughly combined, add your essential oils and mix again.
    4. Using a jar funnel, decant into your jar.
    5. Clean the rim meticulously and lid right away.
    6. Label, listing all of the ingredients for safety.
    7. Do a 24 - 48 hour patch test.

How To Use:

    1. Donโ€™t be tempted to skip that patch test guys!
    2. Use it across the forehead, neck, and behind the ears, should that not be appropriate pop it on your pulse points and around your wrists to get it into your bloodstream.ย ย 
    3. Massage it in the skin well. Sometimes, the massage helps to relieve tension, so it is worth spending a few minutes on it if you can.
    4. Use up to 8 times a day as and when needed.

Headache and Tension Reliever

Headache and Tension Reliever

This is a really beautiful massage oil, designed especially to be massaged in to help relieve tension and stiff muscles.ย  Rosemary is great at dealing with those spiky nerves, as is Marjoram Lavender and Roman Chamomile bringing their muscles relaxing and soothing actions.ย 

I have designed it purposefully so it can be used on both the body and the face. It has wonderful skin-nourishing carrier oils, that will not clog your pores (non-comedogenic).

You Will Need:

    1. Measuring jug
    2. Funnel
    3. Stainless steel spoon or stirrer
    4. 100ml bottle - preferably dark amber glass
    5. Oil-proof label.


Optional: Preservative - follow the individual manufacturer's guidelines on usage and quantities.


    • Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.

Rosemary Specific -ย 

    • Rosemary contains constituents proven to be pro-convulsive for some people, be cautious with this essential oil if you have epilepsy.
    • The stimulant nature of Rosemary may also stimulate your blood pressure, so those with Hypertension - High Blood Pressure need to use it with caution, if at all.
    • It contains constituents that can be neurotoxic and can affect psychosis or delusory issues like schizophrenia; use with extreme caution if you experience or are diagnosed with any of these.


    1. Should you decide to use a preservative, note when to add it and how much - follow your individual products guidelines as they differ.ย 
    2. Using a measuring jug, measure out your carrier oils and combine them
    3. Add your essential oils and mix thoroughly together
    4. Using a funnel, decant into a bottle and lid tightly.
    5. Add an oil-proof label, listing all ingredients for safety reasons.ย 
    6. Carry out a 24-48 hour patch test.

How To Use:

    1. Donโ€™t try skipping that patch test please people!
    2. Pour a small amount of oil into your hand or a bowl set over warm water and warm gently.
    3. Use the warmed oil to massage the back of the neck, shoulders, collarbones, and down into the back. Itโ€™s easier to get someone else to do this for you.ย 
    4. If you arenโ€™t going anywhere, focus on the scalp and forehead too. It will wash out of your hair with shampoo easily enough.
    5. If you have a sinus headache, work the acupressure points along your cheekbones and around the eye sockets. The points at the outermost corners of your eyes are the ones that will start the most, so put pressure on for 5 seconds and then let go, repeat several times. (This will link you to an image of where the points are - but an unrelated article)!

Soothe and Sleep Salvation

Soothe and Sleep Salvation

This is just the thing when you have a banging headache at the end of a long day and all you want to do is lay down and sleep.ย 

Deeply sedative, soothing, and relaxing, full of essential oils that encourage restful and blissful sleep. Itโ€™s Salvation on your nightstand!ย 

As a light cream, it is quickly and easily absorbed, with no mess, just rub it in lay your head down, and get on with the business of dropping off.ย 

You Will Need:

    1. Mixing bowl
    2. Measuring jug
    3. Stainless steel stirrer
    4. Jar funnel
    5. 100ml jar and lid
    6. Label


    • 50 ml of Aqueous Cream or organic base lotion
    • 30 ml Spring Water
    • 10 ml of Glycerine
    • 10 ml Rosehip Carrier Oil (Rosa Canina)

3% safety dilution rate for 100ml of products = approx. 60 drops or 3 ml of essential oils.ย 

Optional: Preservative - follow the individual manufacturers guidelines on usage and quantities.ย 


    • Do not use it in the first 37 weeks of pregnancy.


    1. If you decide to use a preservative. Note when to add it and how much you should add - follow your individual products guidelines, as they all differ.ย 
    2. Measure out all your ingredients carefully.ย 
    3. Combine them into a large measuring jug
    4. Once thoroughly combined, add your essential oils and mix again.
    5. Using a jar funnel, decant into your jar.
    6. Clean the rim meticulously and lid right away.
    7. Label, listing all of the ingredients for safety reasons.
    8. Do a 24 - 48 hour patch test.

How To Use:

    1. Donโ€™t skip that patch test, please!
    2. Apply the cream across the forehead, neck, and behind the ears.ย  You can also apply it to your pulse points and around your wrists to get it into your bloodstream quickly.ย ย 
    3. Massage it in well, it wonโ€™t take long at all to absorb and disappear.ย 
    4. Use in the evening, as and when needed.

Maintenance Program

Maintenance Program

This is just a blend designed for you to use as an inhalation blend.ย  However, you can use it in several different ways to make it more versatile.

    • You can pop it into a rollerball, diluting it first with 19 ml Sweet Almond carrier oil and adding 12 drops of this blend to the dispenser. (3% dilution rate for adults only. Use a 1% dilution rate for children aged 6 and above. It is not suitable for use by children under 6 years old).
    • You can even use it in a diffuser and use it around the home and office. It is designed to not be too soporific and keep you clear and focused!
    • If it suits you better, pop it into a cream base and use it on your skin, (follow the same recipe above for that option). Safety Note: It is not suitable for use on children under 6 years old when used in this way.ย 

You Will Need:

    1. Small measuring jug
    2. Small funnel
    3. 10ml dropper bottle
    4. Oil-proof label


Optional: Preservative - follow the individual manufacturer's guidelines on usage and quantities.ย 


    • You must always dilute this blend if you plan to use it on the skin or topically in line with the instructions above.ย 
    • Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.
    • Do not use it on children under the age of 6 years old.

Peppermint Specific-

    • Peppermint stimulates the heart, so it carries a mild risk of fibrillation. Anyone with epilepsy or a heart condition should use only the smallest dilutions.ย 
    • G6PD is a blood disorder that mainly affects males. Therefore, Peppermint essential oil is not suitable for patients with G6PD Deficiency.
    • Use in very small doses of 0.25% for children over the age of 6. The high levels of menthol in Peppermint can make it problematic for children. Menthol can slow respiration so please do not use it close to a child's face. Only apply it to their back


    • Measure out your drops of essential oils into the measuring jug.
    • Stir well.
    • Using a small funnel, decant into a 20ml dropper bottle.
    • Label, clearly listing all ingredients for safety reasons, also mark it as pure and UNDILUTED.ย 

How To Use:

Choose at least one method and use it every day, ideally at least twice a day. You can use a combination of methods, just be mindful not to overdo it.

Inhalation - simply open the bottle and inhale, taking caution not to get any of the undiluted oil upon your skin. (Never give this undiluted bottle to children).

Diffuser - Consult your diffuser guidelines and use following those. Some add water, some donโ€™t, some say dilute, some donโ€™t.ย 

In a base - in 100ml of base lotion/cream or carrier oil mix in up to 60 drops or 3 ml of this Headache Maintenance Program Blend. (Based on adults - reduce for children as stated above).

Rollerball- Dilute by adding 19 ml Sweet Almond carrier oil and adding 12 drops of this blend to the dispenser. (3% dilution rate for adults only.ย  For children, exercise caution and use a 1% dilution rate for children aged 6 and above. It is not suitable for use by children under 6 years old).ย 

Other Help Alongside Essential Oil Recipes for Headache

Hydrate Yourself

I was always told by my doctor that rather than reach for a pill at the first sign of a headache, drink a glass of water instead and wait 20 minutes. Often we get headaches because we are dehydrated and need water. Itโ€™s not unheard of that it is the water we drink with the pill that does more good than the pill itself.ย 

Have a drink of water first and see if that does the trick.

Rule Things Out

If you are getting regular headaches be sure to rule a few things out first.

Food Intolerances

Often, food can contribute to our headaches, especially migraines. It is well worth keeping a food diary to try and track what might be potential triggers. Liz explains it concisely in her article 10 Best Essential Oils For Migraines: By A Clinical Aromatherapist.


If you are sitting or working at a computer or station, just take a moment to check your posture. Are you holding tension anywhere? Are you stiff or in pain anywhere?

Could it be a result of how you are standing, sitting, or moving? Is your chair suitable for you and at the right height? Is your working space at the right height?

Are you constantly bending up or down to pick up boxes, crates, or even babies or toddlers (and sitting them on your hip as you go about your day)? This can throw your spine alignment out, which directly affects your neck, shoulder, hips, knees, and ankles.ย 

It sounds obvious but taking care of your neck, shoulders, and back can reduce the tension that causes tension headaches.ย 


Robert E Shapiro (2008) makes it clear in his research how caffeine dependence and withdrawal can contribute to daily headaches.

โ€˜Chronic repetitive exposures to caffeine increase the risks for development of analgesic-overuse headache, chronic daily headache, and physical dependency. Cessation of caffeine use after chronic exposures leads to a withdrawal syndrome with headache as a dominant symptom.โ€™

Keeping on top of how much caffeine you are consuming and reducing it, is key to getting on top of daily headaches.ย 

Reduce Anxiety, Tension, and Stress

It all sounds very obvious doesnโ€™t it, but all of these can contribute to causing headaches.

Trying to reduce your stress and anxiety is not a short-term fix, but it is something that you can work towards over time.

Mindfulness and meditation can help wonderfully in the short term.ย 

Get Checked Out Professionally

Blood Pressure

I had what I called the 4 โ€˜0โ€™ Clock headache. Every day at 4 pm I would get the most intense headache and sometimes it would be so severe that it sent me to lie in a darkened room.

My doctor was giving me acupuncture in my neck three times a week, this went on for 3 years.ย 

If only he had picked up the Blood Pressure Monitor.

I had to see one of the practice's new doctors, he routinely checked my blood pressureโ€ฆย  and you know when they give you THAT look? (I hope you never do, by the way). He took my blood pressure several times and said he was extremely concerned and called an ambulance to take me to the hospital.

At the hospital, I was like a sideshow freak with nurses coming for a peek at the โ€˜attractionโ€™.

I was 27 and had just registered a blood pressure reading of a whopping 249/149.ย ย 

I think they thought my head was about to pop off. In seriousness, I was in very real danger of having a massive and potentially fatal stroke. I walked around like that for THREE years.

The headaches were one of the telltale symptoms that helped me pinpoint how long it had been going on. Every time I moved I broke out in a sweat and I also had a petite point rash on my feet and ankles. High blood pressure DOES have its symptoms.ย ย 

If you are having regular headaches, especially at the back of your neck and/or over one eye, get your blood pressure checked professionally.ย 


Changes in your eyesight can also contribute to daily and regular headaches. This is especially so if you are working with a screen or device.

Getting your eyes tested can help rule out any worries you have, or maybe glasses might solve your problem.

Just get your eyesight checked professionally and get it ruled out.ย ย 

Final Words

Headaches can stop us in our tracks but hopefully Essential Oil Recipes for Headache has given you a roadmap of things you can try to get on top of them.

Peppermint and Sweet Basil blends are great for getting you through the day, but perhaps too stimulating for using into the evening hours.ย 

Vetiver, Lavender, and Roman Chamomile are perfect bedtime buddies and will bring their deep relaxing actions and properties to snuggle under the duvet with you.ย 

Rosemary and Marjoram are both fabulous for tackling those jangling and spiky nerves that contribute to stress and neuralgia headaches.

You can design your blends and tailor-make them to entirely suit your needs or use the essential oil recipes for headaches as suggested. Donโ€™t be afraid to make them your own.ย 

However you choose to use the essential oil recipes for headaches, I hope they bring you swift and complete relief.

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