Join me to create your own essential oils ritual for Valentine's Day. Capitalize on the aphrodisiac qualities of Rose, Jasmine, and Patchouli essential oils then adapt the recipe to meet your own purpose, whether that’s to go relaxing and low-key or to energize and invigorate to see you through till dawn. We’ll investigate how to define the purpose of your ritual and how to set your intention, or why not try some of our DIY recipes.
Start as you mean to go on with our Setting the Mood Diffuser Blend, and turn up the heat with a Sensual Massage Oil. Practice some self-care with the Self Love Skin Serum or maybe recall someone special with our Remembrance Anointing Oil. Let’s create a meaningful essential oils ritual for Valentine's Day.
What Is An Essential Oils Ritual For Valentine's Day All About?
Start by Discovering St Valentine
We all know about St Valentine’s Day, but do you know who Saint Valentine was and why he is important?
Let’s go back to the Roman Empire. In the 3rd century AD, Rome faced military and political and military instability, as differing factions struggled to find common ground. The mighty Roman empire was on the verge of collapse.
In the midst of this escalating chaos, Emperor Claudius was seeking any way he could to gain a foothold. Intuiting that married men might take fewer risks with their lives, he decided that single men would make better soldiers. However, seeing the flaw in the plan might be that he only got young men, he then outlawed marriage. A wifeless, childless cohort, to him, seemed ideal.
Valentine was a Roman priest and physician or some accounts have him holding the rank of bishop. Outraged by the absurdity of defying God’s plan that young people should fall in love, continued to perform marriage ceremonies in secret. That was asking for trouble really, since Christians were already being persecuted, and on being caught, he was sentenced to death. Martyred on February 14th 270 CE when his defiance of the Emperor’s orders was revealed, Valentine was reputedly beaten, stoned, and then beheaded. It is said that he wrote a letter to the daughter of his jailor who had befriended him and signed it “From your Valentine”
Legend has it that he was buried in the famous Via Flaminia in Rome, and Pope Julius I reportedly built a basilica over his grave.
Pope Gelasius I established Saint Valentine's Day in 496 to honor the martyr however Saint Valentine would not come to be associated with the tradition of honoring courtly love until around 1000AD.
In addition to being the Patron saint of lovers, St Valentine is also the guardian of epilepsy and beekeepers! However the Catholic Church has had a bit of a tidy out of all its saints over recent years and because there are so many legends and very few proven facts about St Valentine, his feast was removed from the liturgical calendar in 1969. The secular tradition continues to uphold his memory each year.
What would St Valentine Think?
It seems sad to me that the original intent of the Saint Valentine’s Feast to celebrate courtly love gets lost in our modern consumerism.
This post is about helping you connect back to mindfully honoring love.
Yet, before you singletons click away, thinking this is not for you, stay with me, because an essential oils ritual for Valentine's Day is for everyone.
What Is A Ritual?

A dictionary definition of the word ‘ritual’ defines it as:
‘A religious or solemn ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order’.
Let’s just set something straight, rituals don’t have to be religiously oriented, nor do they only belong in the realm of magical practices.
Again, even the word ‘ritual’ in modern life, seems to have lost meaning and has been diluted or dumbed down in society. However, I do appreciate that in some communities and religions across the world, rituals still hold profound respect.
Mindful & Meaning
Rituals can be either formal or informal and many may be personal to us.
We may have daily rituals that we carry out, which give meaning to our lives in different ways. One person might light incense at a religious altar daily, while another might place a flower in recognition of a lost one.
What makes this action a ritual, is that it is done with reverence, dignity, intention and meaning.
Yet, there can be a secondary element to this, which is carrying out a ritual to achieve a desired outcome. Lighting incense to carry a prayer to a deity, lighting a candle to attract abundance or even as simple as the action of mindful and daily recycling to save the planet.
Valentine’s Day Rituals
Rituals are about intention.
It is important to define what your intention is in creating your own essential oils ritual for Valentine's Day. It can become an important part of your relationship such as redefining your commitment to one another, deepening your connections together, being mindful and present in the moment, and honoring each other just as you are.
The great answer is that there is no hard and fast answer, you can turn your essential oils ritual for Valentine's Day into anything you like, but it should be done with reverence and intention.
Now, I appreciate that reverence and fun might not sound like they should go in the same sentence! Yet they can, rituals can be loving and fun, while retaining reverence and mean. In my opinion, love should always be accompanied by laughter.
What Is The Purpose Of An Essential Oils Ritual For Valentine's Day?

Why are essential oils important to creating our own essential oils ritual for Valentine's Day?
Well… take a look around you in any store at this time of the year, and your senses will be bombarded by red roses, floral perfumes, woody aftershaves, and deliciously dark chocolate, all of which are highly fragrant.
Scent can help inspire love and connection for us. It connects our innermost emotions and desires. When we are attracted to a person's scent; their pheromones are encouraging copulation to keep the human race going.
Essential oils provide us with a whole range of benefits for our essential oils ritual for Valentine's Day, some of which you may have never even considered.
Just the fragrance of the essential oil itself can be alluring enough, Rose, Jasmine, Neroli, Ylang Ylang, and Sandalwood are prime examples of highly fragrant oils. They appear time and again in commercial perfumery and perfumed body care products, whether they are love-themed or not!
Aphrodisiac Benefits
Some essential oils have aphrodisiac qualities that can help us along a little just when we need it most. Turn to Jasmine, Patchouli, Cedarwood, and Ylang Ylang for your essential oils ritual for Valentine's Day to spice things up a little in the bedroom.
Additional Benefits
We can harness the active benefits of essential oils to affect our mood. We can choose essential oils like Lavender to soothe and calm us. The constituents of Geranium can help you manage anxiety, especially those associated with trauma, as will Rose essential oil. Vanilla Oleoresin can help you feel more comfortable in your skin and create a sense of safe space for you.
Magical Intentions
Essential oils can be used to influence the potential and potency of magical rituals. Rose essential oil is popular in creating love spells and potions, as is Rose Geranium, as a more cost-effective alternative. Green essential oils, like Basil, are often used to attract financial prosperity and Rosemary is widely used for remembrance rituals and protection.
Essential oils can be used in different ways in your essential oils ritual for Valentine's Day, which is why I highly recommend some thoughtful planning and design to get the best effects and more successful outcomes.
How To Design An Essential Oil Ritual For Valentine's Day
Liz loves her bees and since St Valentine is the patron saint of beekeepers, an essential oils ritual for Valentine's Day might be the perfect way to honor their presence in her life. They need feeding sugar this time of year, in case they run out of honey, so she likes to smoke the bees with myrrh and lavender when she pops their fondant in.
But that’s a very intimate and individual thing, so if you were to design your own essential oils ritual for Valentine's Day, what would that look like?
Set The Intention
What are you trying to achieve? And who are you trying to achieve it with? Set the intention based on your desired result.
Is this ritual for you and your partner, or just for you? Are you making something for your child’s relationship because they have been having a tough time lately? Or your newly married friend who hasn’t seen daylight for a month?
One of the most beautiful essential oils rituals for Valentine's Day is the one that you will create for yourself. To honor your own self-love, to recognize the person within and how strong and resilient you are, and what a wonderful human being you are. Don’t forget to design THAT one!
Decide The Energy
The chemical constituents of essential oils will affect the energy of your essential oils ritual for Valentine's Day. You need to decide if you want something beautifully soothing and calming or invigorating and enlivening.
Do you want to create an atmosphere conducive to relaxation or do you want to see the sunrise together?
Essential oils like Roman Chamomile and Vetiver are wonderfully soothing and I like the calming aspects when they are combined with Geranium essential oil.
See the sunrise with invigorating, revitalizing, and energizing essential oils like Sweet Orange and Eucalyptus tempered with the sensuous aroma of Patchouli.
Aphrodisiac Or Not?
Valentine’s Day is always associated with love and of course, sex. Sadly, so many people feel pressured into having sex on special occasions like this when they don’t want to.
Do you want your essential oils ritual for Valentine's Day to be brimming with sensual aphrodisiacs, or not?
Marjoram essential oil can be a godsend for those who are trying to suppress the urge! If you want to turn your partner off, combine Marjoram essential oil with soporific essential oils like Lavender and Vetiver, and hopefully, they will be asleep within 20 minutes! Not all essential oils rituals for Valentine's Day have to be about getting laid.
Best Essential Oils for An Essential Oils Ritual For Valentine's Day
We have already seen that when it comes to deciding which are the best essential oils for an essential oils ritual for Valentine's Day, it is the intention and desired energy that dictates these choices.
Roses are used across the world to symbolize love and are synonymous with Valentine’s Day. I appreciate it is an expensive oil, but there’s nothing else like it in the world, and is one of the most important aphrodisiac essential oils for use in your essential oils ritual for Valentine's Day.
Rose uplifts you and helps you to connect with joy, allowing you to relax and unwind. It is useful for people who are anxious about making personal connections. Rose enables us to connect in a way that feels more comfortable and safer. Hence, why it is a judicious choice for those who have experienced trauma, especially physical violence and sexual trauma.
Use Rose for:
Healing the mind, body, and spirit
Connecting with your innermost self
Uplifting and centering yourself
Fostering and enhancing feelings of safety
Safety: Do not use it in the first 37 weeks of pregnancy.
Pop over to Spice Up Your Love Life: Essential Oils That Boost Male Arousal and see what Liz has to say on how useful Rose can be for men’s libido.
If your budget does not stretch to Rose essential oil, then turn to Rose Geranium as a more than acceptable alternative. Read all about it in Indulge in Love: Essential Oils for a Sensuous Valentine's Day.
If you want to evoke passion in your essential oils ritual for Valentine's Day, then plump for Jasmine essential oil. Its long history of seduction makes it a very popular essential oil for romance.
Jasmine is also known as the 'oil of love,' because it is renowned across the world to evoke feelings of closeness and intimacy and enhance sensuality. Its scent is heady and intoxicating, passionate and warming, making it perfect for setting the mood in your essential oils ritual for Valentine's Day.
As an aroma, Jasmine essential oil calms and reduces stress levels, allowing you to relax and to enjoy the moment. From a therapeutic viewpoint, it is beneficial if someone is feeling uptight or inhibited. It is another essential oil that gets you out of your head and into your body.
It contains a constituent called Indole which has a warm, animalic, sensual aroma. It is the animalic aspects that we are attracted to and our bodies respond accordingly, sparking arousal and desire.
As a plant, Jasmine needs to seduce night-flying moths to pollinate, making it a deliberately seductive plant. Harness her alluring powers for your essential oils ritual for Valentine's Day.
Use Jasmine For:
Setting the mood
Enhancing the chances of seduction
Releasing inhibitions
Connecting to primal desires
Safety: Do not use it in the first 37 weeks of pregnancy.
Patchouli is a bit like Marmite. Either you love it or hate it. But if your opinion of Patchouli is based on what it smells like on a crusty old biker jacket, then I urge you, to try the untainted version for yourself. Sans sweat, pheromones, and gawd know what…. I’m sure a brand new bottle will beguile you and have you converted into the ‘love it’ camp forever.
I love how deeply relaxing Patchouli is and how it pulls you out of your head into your body, bringing energy down with it. It can be quite helpful for men who are worried about their performance.
Patchouli is wonderful for helping to connect to the moment in your body, enhancing the feelings, rather than being in your head and thinking too much about it.
For sensuous and aphrodisiac blends pair it with the heady florals of, Ylang-Ylang, Rose, Jasmine, and Neroli. For something a little more energetic, blend it with zingy essential oils like Sweet Orange and warming Ginger, Black Pepper, or Nutmeg.
Use Patchouli For:
Getting out of your head
Connecting with the feelings in your body
Relaxing into the moment
Reducing performance anxieties
Safety: Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.
Explore more sensual essential oils for your essential oils ritual for Valentine's Day in:
Indulge in Love: Essential Oils for a Sensuous Valentine's Day
Making Your Own Love Potion with Essential Oils for Valentine’s Day
Recipes For Essential Oils Ritual For Valentine's Day

Choose your favorite essential oils ritual for Valentine's Day from this range of exciting projects. I’m sharing some of my favorite Valentine’s Day recipes to help get you in the mood for luuuurve!
First off, try the Setting The Mood diffuser blend which will help reduce stress, by relaxing you and encouraging you to let go of the worries and anxieties of the day. Diffuse in one room, or all around the home if you want!
Once you're out of your head and more seated in your body, use our Sensual Massage Oil for a romantic night and to elevate your sex drive with its sensual aroma. You can use it as a body oil when you want to bring a smile to your face at the memory of your special night together.
There’s no love more important than self-love, so treat yourself to the indulgent Self Love Skin Serum. It's brimming with skin-nourishing oils that are packed with ingredients that fight the signs of skin aging too! Love yourself and love your skin.
Honor those who have gone before us with the Remembrance Anointing Oil. Employ the art of aromatherapy, using essential oils to send your prayers, wishes, and petitions skyward on swirling tendrils of scent. It’s one of my favorite recipes for Valentine's Day because it is done with mindful reverence and intention.
Setting The Mood Diffuser Blend

Why not use this essential oils ritual for Valentine's Day to set the mood in your home? Diffuser blends are so versatile, that you can use them all throughout the home or just in one specific location to scent your home just as you would want it.
Soothe yourself and unwind with Rose Geranium for complete relaxation. Leave your anxieties at rest for the day with the grounding qualities of Cedarwood. Take the day to the next level and let the smooth rich woody notes of Amyris tantalize you before Ylang Ylang seduces you completely.
You Will Need:
Measuring jug
Stainless steel spoon
5ml glass dropper bottle
Oil and waterproof label
40 drops of Rose Geranium essential oil (Pelargonium Roseum X Asperum)
20 drops of Cedarwood Himalayan essential oil (Cedrus deodara)
20 drops of Amyris essential oil (Amyris Balsamifera)
20 drops of Ylang Ylang essential oil (Cananga odorata)
Optional: Preservative of your choice, follow the manufacturer's instructions.
Not for topical use
Follow your diffuser’s manufacturer's instructions
Into a small measuring jug, measure out the essential oils and mix well to combine.
Decant into a 5ml glass dropper bottle. Use a funnel to keep the bottle clean and oil-free. It will help the safety label stick better.
List all of the ingredients on an oil and waterproof label.
Annotate as UNDILUTED OILS for safety.
Add a production date and a 3-month expiry, unless you used a preservative.
How To Use:
Consult your individual diffuser manufacturers' instructions.
Dilute if guided to.
Part of your essential oils ritual for Valentine's Day can be to scent the different spaces of your home from the sitting room, and dining room to the bedroom. Why not read Valentine's Day Diffuser Blends: Sensuous Aromas for Romance for a range of exciting diffuser blends, from setting the mood to being in the throes of passion? Oh la la!
You could also use this blend to make your own matching scented candles to place strategically around the home.
Sensual Massage
This is a sensuous and evocative essential oils ritual for Valentine's Day. Laced with sensual and aromatic aphrodisiac essential oils, it can help set the mood and evoke feelings of warmth, comfort, and sensuality.
Patchouli and Rose essential oil can help foster a romantic mood and elevate your partner’s sex drive. Remember, you can add a few drops of Vanilla Oleoresin to increase feelings of comfort and safety for both.
Use this sensual massage oil to develop intimacy and closeness between you. Enhanced feelings of intimacy lend to a more satisfying sex life.
The recipe itself is simple and easy to follow. However, don’t skip the Wheatgerm carrier oil as it gives resistance and grip to the feel of the oil and helps for a more sensual massage. If you can get the decadently fragrant Monoi De Tahiti, which is Coconut oil infused with Tiaré flowers, use that instead of the plain Coconut oil. It really is divine and highly sensual.
This is a truly beautiful essential oils ritual for Valentine's Day, you will enjoy every moment.
You Will Need:
Measuring jug
Stainless steel spoon
100ml bottle
Oil and waterproof label
77 ml of Coconut carrier oil (Cocos nucifera)
20 ml of Wheatgerm carrier oil (Triticum vulgare)
20 drops of Ginger essential oil (Zingiber officinale)
18 drops of Rose Geranium essential oil (Pelargonium Roseum X Asperum)
12 drops of Jasmine essential oil (Jasminum grandiflorum)
10 drops of Patchouli essential oil (Pogostemon cablin)
Optional: Preservative of your choice, follow the manufacturer's instructions.
Do not use it in the first 37 weeks of pregnancy.
Carefully measure out the carrier oils and add the essential oils
Stir well to combine
Decant into the 100ml bottle using a funnel to keep the bottle clean and oil-free.
Affix an oil and waterproof label, listing all of the ingredients for safety.
Add a production date and a 3-month expiry, unless you used a preservative.
How To Use:
Always do a 24-48 hour patch test before the big night! The last thing you want is some allergic reaction to spoil the mood.
Set the mood for the ritual by making sure the room is warm and that you have somewhere soft and comfortable to lie. Maybe light some candles and lower the lighting levels. Your partner is going to feel more relaxed if they are warm, comfortably positioned and not feeling self-conscious about the lighting!
You can either warm the oil in the palm of your hand or in a small bowl set in a larger bowl of warm water.
Apply to the body and distribute the majority of the massage oil across the skin before massaging.
If the skin starts to drag, you need to add a little more oil to the skin.
Work in firm, even strokes towards the heart.
Avoid getting the massage oil on your intimate areas because the essential oils can react with the mucus linings of the body. Read Safely Removing Essential Oils from Skin, so you know what to do in this eventuality.
Want to know How to Give a Great Massage? Try this short video from WebMD
Self Love Skin Serum

Whether you’re spending Valentine's Day alone or with your partner, this Self Love Skin Serum is the perfect essential oils ritual for Valentine's Day to show yourself a bit of self-care. Often, we lack understanding of the importance of physical touch to our well-being. It’s vitally important to our overall wellness.
When I talk about physical touch, you might automatically assume I am talking about masturbation, which I’m not, but even that can be good for your well-being too! Don’t use this serum down there, essential oils don’t mix with your mucus linings well at all! 100% pure extra virgin coconut oil is your best choice for that!
I’m talking about mindful physical touch to infuse your body and mind with a bit of self-love. It helps if we have something indulgent with gentle aromas that will rejuvenate and nourish our body and soul.
This Self Love Skin Serum is a great way to hydrate and nourish your skin post-shower or after a nice warm bath because of the range of carrier oils. It’s packed with fatty acids like linoleic acid and antioxidants which fight the signs of skin aging.
Why not create the perfect atmosphere for your self-love essential oils ritual for Valentine's Day? Try and create a space with the gentle loving aromas of rose and scents like Jasmine. If your budget won't stretch to the essential oils for scenting the space, try NO. 33 - Fresh Cut Roses and NO. 44 - Jasmine fragrance oils.
You Will Need:
Measuring jug
Stainless steel spoon
100ml glass bottle with serum pump
Oil and waterproof label
53 ml of Argan carrier oil (Argania Spinosa)
20 ml of Wheatgerm carrier oil (Triticum vulgare)
10 ml of Castor carrier oil (Ricinus communis)
10 ml of Rosehip carrier oil (Rosa Canina)
60 drops of Rose Geranium essential oil (Pelargonium Roseum X Asperum)
40 drops of Lavender essential oil (Lavandula angustifolia)
40 drops of Amyris essential oil (Amyris Balsamifera)
Optional: Preservative of your choice, follow the manufacturer's instructions.
Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.
Carefully measure out all of your carrier oils into a jug.
Add your essential oils and stir thoroughly to combine.
Use a funnel to decant your oil mixture into a 100ml glass bottle. Affix the serum pump dispenser and cap.
Label listing all ingredients for safety
Add a production date and a 3-month expiry date, unless you used a preservative.
How To Use:
Always do a 24-48 hour patch test, especially before the big night!
Keep this in the fridge or somewhere cool to help preserve the life of the oils.
Dispense a few drops into your hand to warm the oil and work into the skin.
Use small upward circular motions on the face and long sweeping strokes towards the heart on the body.
If you use it on your feet, pop a pair of socks on afterward to reduce the risk of slips, trips, and falls.
Given the high oil content, you may wish to protect your linen and clothes from oil transfer.
Remembrance Anointing Oil

My father was buried on Valentine’s Day, and this year’s occasion will see the internment of my good friend’s uncle. It is a surprisingly popular day to say goodbye to your loved ones.
Valentine’s Day doesn’t just have to be about your partner or those to whom you are attracted. It can be to recognize love that has nowhere else to go. After all, isn’t that what grief is? Love without a home.
This year we have had to say goodbye to two of our four cats and I will be using this Remembrance Anointing Oil to dress candles for both my Dad and my beloved cats. Essential oils rituals for Valentine's Day don’t have to be elaborate, it can be as simple as anointing a candle with oil and lighting it in remembrance of those whom we have lost.
I have made this skin safe, so you can use it to anoint yourself if you so wish.
You Will Need:
Measuring jug
Stainless steel spoon
5ml bottle
Oil and waterproof label
4.5 ml of Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Olea europaea)
2 drops of Rosemary essential oil (Rosmarinus officinalis)
2 drops of Frankincense essential oil (Boswellia serrata)
2 drops of Clary Sage essential oil (Salvia sclarea)
Optional: Preservative of your choice, follow the manufacturer's instructions.
Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.
Rosemary Specific:
Rosemary contains constituents proven to be pro-convulsive for some people, be cautious with this essential oil if you have epilepsy.
The stimulant nature of Rosemary may also stimulate your blood pressure, so those with Hypertension - High Blood Pressure need to use it with caution, if at all.
It contains constituents that can be neurotoxic and can affect psychosis or delusory issues like schizophrenia; use with extreme caution if you experience or are diagnosed with any of these.
Into a small measuring jug, measure out the carrier oil and add the essential oils.
Stir well to combine thoroughly.
Use a funnel to keep the bottle clean and oil-free and decant into a 5ml glass dropper bottle. Keeping it clean will help the label stick better.
On an oil and waterproof label, list all of the ingredients.
Add a production date and a 3-month expiry, unless you used a preservative.
How To Use:
Always do a 24-48 hour patch test, especially before the big night!
Use a couple of drops to anoint your candle - simply rub into the outer of the candle avoiding the wick and the top of the candle.
You can anoint yourself in line with your religious beliefs and/or spiritual practices.
Not for use in intimate areas.
The Final Word

I hope that you have enjoyed our Essential Oils Ritual For Valentine's Day.
Start out by setting your intention. What is the purpose of your ritual? What do you want your essential oils ritual for Valentine's Day to actually do?
Is it your intention to raise or lower the energy? Are you trying to relax and soothe yourself and your partner for a comfortable evening together? Or do you want to inject some verve and energy and see the sunrise together?
Not all relationships are happy, so giving your partner an aphrodisiac might be the last thing on your mind. Turn to a combination of Marjoram and Vetiver for a soporific effect that should have them feeling sleepy in a jiffy!
Turn to well-known aphrodisiac essential oils like Rose, Jasmin, Patchouli and Sandalwood. Support these with the relaxing vibes of Rose Geranium and Cedarwood that help reduce anxiety and get you out of your head.
Get the night started with our Setting the Mood Diffuser Blend and fill your home with its gently sensual and soothing fragrance. Ramp the energy up a bit with the Sensual Massage Oil and have some slippery fun together.
Treat the best person in the world….yourself… with our super skin-nourishing Self Love Skin Serum. It’s the perfect present to yourself and an indulgent skin treat for the last vestiges of winter.
Honor those who are no longer with us with reverent intention and the Remembrance Anointing Oil. Create your own essential oils ritual for Valentine's Day to honor those special to you.