Get Essential Oil Stain Out Of Clothes

If you want to know how to get essential oil out of clothes, we are guessing you had a little accident. The key to removing essential oil stains from clothes is to react as fast as you can and work quickly to remove the stain. You can use everyday items you have at home like Dish Soap, Washing Detergent, Baking Soda, and White Vinegar. You can even use the degreasing properties of Eucalyptus essential oil to break down the components of other essential oils. If things get tricky in terms of fabric types, try using absorbent powders and clays or Rubbing Alcohol to tackle these more challenging types of stains.

Whatever you need to know about how to get essential oil out of clothes, you are sure to find it here. 

Had A Little Whoopsie, Did We?

essential oil bottle spilling it's content on a brown leather surface

Ah… so you want to know how to get essential oil out of clothes….had a little whoopsie did we? We’ve all been there. You’re in good company here, honey…. Read on!  

If you have spilled essential oils on your clothes, take action fast. React as quickly as you can. Like most clothes stains, the faster you take action to remove it from the clothes, the better the likelihood it can be removed.

There are plenty of things you can try to remove or lighten the stain before it becomes permanent. All that is required is some basic understanding about how to address essential oil stains,  and then how to apply that knowledge to different types of fabric. 

Does Essential Oil Stain Clothes?

Yes, I’m afraid oils do leave nasty stains, but how problematic this will be in the long run is down to what kind of material it has landed on. If you have an oil and waterproof coat, chances are the oil will run right off and leave no marks. I don’t like the chances for your best silk chemise though.

In most cases, if you spill essential oils on your clothes, they will stain. Unless you take immediate action to try and remove the oil. 

Which Essential Oils Stain?

When we first explore how to get essential oil out of clothes, one of the first questions we have is, ‘Do essential oils stain’?

Well, yes, they do, but essential oil is different. They have different thicknesses (viscosity) and even different colors. For instance, German Chamomile and Yarrow essential oils are bright blue in color and can leave quite colorful stains. Vetiver is thick and dark brown and it creates a sticky residue.

Eucalyptus Oil to The Rescue

Conversely, Eucalyptus is light-colored,  fluid, and contains a constituent called cineole which possesses degreasing properties that can be utilized to clean up other essential oils.

Simply drop enough Eucalyptus essential oil onto the existing stain to cover it, don’t make it any bigger than the original stain if you can help it. Allow it to get to work for 10-15 minutes and then rinse with clean soapy water and check if the stain is still there. 

For the avid essential oil collectors amongst you, with ten different types of Eucalyptus, go for the one with the most Cineole content! 

Varies Between Surfaces & Fabrics

The likelihood of an essential oil staining also depends on what type of surface it lands on. 

To a certain extent, this is down to how porous the material is, because of how much of the oil it will soak up.  If Vetiver lands on your silk blouse,  it will likely stain more badly than if it fell upon your Melamine work surface or your rainproof jacket. 

Likewise, essential oils stain untreated wood worse than they do waxed wood because the surface is more porous. The same applies to fabric. For example, some cottons are untreated whereas others are coated to repel fluids. 

Staining depends on both the surface material and the absorbency of your fabric fibers. 

Do Diluted Essential Oils Stain?

Excellent question! 

Well, that entirely depends on what essential oils were diluted in the first place. 

If the essential oils were diluted in a carrier oil, that means more oil, so yes, it will stain. 

However, if the essential oils are in a Room Spray and they have been diluted with a commercial dispersant, then no, they probably won’t stain. However since the oil was properly dispersed into the water base, you may need some soap to remove it.

If you’ve had a disaster with an essential oil candle then you have two potential staining agents, essential oils and wax.  You’ll need to approach these with separate appropriate stain removal techniques. (Iron the wax onto brown paper, then address the oil.)

How Long Do Essential Oils Last On Fabric?

When you are looking at how to get essential oil out of clothes, because you are dealing with oil stains, you start to wonder how long essential oils last on fabric.

Again, this depends on the individual essential oil, its color, its viscosity, how embedded it is into the fabric and the type and delicacy of the fabric in question. 

It’s not a question that can be easily answered. 

Or… answered with the flippant response of, ‘Until you discover how to remove the essential oil stain effectively’. But that’s why you're here right?

Will Essential Oils Stain Clothes In The Washing Machine?

Ah, great question! I only have to do a quick search about using essential oils in your washing machine and I have suggestions aplenty that leave me sighing and rolling my eyes.

Miss A says… add it right into the drum with your clothes. Don’t do this, it will likely stain your clothes before the water even hits them.

Miss B says … add it undiluted into your dispenser drawer. Don’t do this either, you could end up with globs of undiluted oil on your clothes.

Miss C says …mix your essential oils with your liquid detergent or some Castile Soap slackened off with some water and add it either into your drum or in the dispenser. 

YES!!!! This is the correct way! 

Always dilute your essential oil first to make sure it will be dispersed by the soap. When you add the water, you can see right away if there are any oils floating on the top before you add it into the washing machine. If there is any floating oil just add some more detergent or soap until it disperses. 

Fully dispersed essential oils present no issues at all and will not stain your clothes. 

Quick Recap - Using Essential Oil In Washing Machines

    1. Dilute
    2. Disperse with detergent or soap
    3. Add water and check
    4. Drum or drawer

How To Get Essential Oil Stains Out Of Clothes That Are Hard-Wearing

First, check your finishing, if you have a coat with waterproof coatings, you need to follow the instructions that come with your coat and use specialist cleaners and stain removal.

If you tipped essential oils down your beloved jeans, go for the big guns right away. If the essential oils are very dark or thick consider the Eucalyptus trick first. In my experience, essential oils love to cling to denim, so you need to be doggedly persistent. 

Then go straight for the Baking Soda and Vinegar over a bowl method (above). Rinse well with a few drops of dish soap and a really stiff brush, working the suds into the fabric and rinse well. Simply finish with a wash in the normal wash cycle. If you think it needs an extra boost, add half a cup of White Vinegar to help it along.

Dry naturally, with no excess heat or any tumble dryers which could set the stain for good! Reassess once fully dry. Repeat if necessary, several times for denim.

How To Get Essential Oil Stains Out Of Clothes That Are  Delicate

When you need to know how to get essential oil out of clothes that are very delicate, like lace, silk, fur, wool, and cashmere, always do a patch test of your chosen technique in an inconspicuous place first.

Assess the color and viscosity of your essential oil, is it really dark or thick? If so, consider diluting it with Eucalyptus essential oil first, simply cover the original essential oil stain in its entirety with Eucalyptus essential oil. It feels counterproductive I know!

Work the Eucalyptus very gently into the fibers with a clean, stiff makeup brush. Then add a couple of drops of dish soap and work it in with the brush well. If you have a mixer tap, set the water temperature to just a tad over tepid and let the water run through the fibers, working it into all the soap is removed. If you can still see oil stains, repeat again.

For persistent stains try making a paste from 1 tbsp baking soda, a few drops of dish soap, and a dash of water and gently rubbing it into the fibers with a soft toothbrush. You must be gentle though not to distort the delicate fibers and be cautious about bleaching your fabric, especially if it is dark colored.

Dry with natural heat, not in a tumble dryer, which could set the stain and re-assess.  Repeat if necessary. Delicate fabrics may need several gentle treatments, so be patient and persistent. 

How To Get Essential Oil Stains Out Of Clothes That Can Be Washed In A Machine

Speed is key. Go straight for the dish soap and generously cover both sides of the fabric around the stain. Lay it on a hard surface take a cotton cloth or a soft-bristled brush and work the soap right through the fibers, turn it over, and do the other side. Fill the sink with hand-hot water and rinse out the soap. 

Stain still there? Make a paste from 1 tbsp Baking Soda, a couple of drops of Dish Soap, and a bit of water and again work in with a soft brush. Leave to stand for 30 minutes on lighter-colored fabrics and 15 minutes on dark fabrics. Rinse again.

Still there? Geez, this is persistent! Bring the big guns out.

Baking Soda and White Vinegar

I’m guessing you have those Oxygen reactive stain removers for your washing machines over in the USA? Well, this is your very own homemade version for a fraction of the price.

NOTE: Patch test this first please people!

Place your stain over a shallow bowl so it is not touching the surface of the bowl, but pulled taut and elevated over the bowl, so the solution can drip through. 

Sprinkle on 1 tbsp Baking Soda and then pour over a tbsp of White Vinegar, it will fizz and pop and that’s what you want. When it stops fizzing, work in a few drops of dish soap with a soft brush or cloth, until it foams and then rinse thoroughly. 

Now run it through your normal wash cycle in the washing machine. You can add half a cup of White Vinegar if you think it needs an extra boost.

Dry with natural heat, drying in a tumble dryer could set the stain, so do it on an airer and then re-assess. If the stain is still there after it has dried, repeat the process again. 

How To Clean Essential Oil Residue

Ugh, so you’ve had a nightmare and now you need to know how to get essential oil out of clothes.

Naturally, this is also dependent on the type of fabric in question, you cannot treat your best denim jacket in the same way as your favorite silk pillowcase. Simply because they are different weights and delicacies of fabric. 

When it comes to how to get essential oil out of clothes, assess your fabric first and its delicacy.

If it is silk, fur, wool, or cashmere you are limited to how hot your water can be and what type of soap-based detergents you can use, you want something very gentle, not the strongest biological powder you can get your hands on! Save that for your denim jeans and cotton bedding. 

The first thing to do is move quickly, try not to let it dry (seal it in a ziplock bag with a damp tissue if necessary), and get the essential oils stain treated as soon as you possibly can.

Make sure you don some protective gloves …. Then let's look at a few different options ranging from the most delicate fabrics up to some of the toughest. 

How To Neutralize Essential Oil Smell

So, you may have learned how to get essential oil out of clothes, but you may still be dealing with a lingering odor. Shall we look at how to neutralize essential oil smells in your clothes?

Baking Soda is your go-to, you can even just sprinkle it onto your dry clothes over the place where the stain is/was and place it in a ziplock bag. Seal the bag and leave it in situ for 48 hours to give it a good chance to absorb the odor. 

I once bought a gorgeous new purse and was taking home some Cumin essential oil on the bus (which I hate with a passion by the way). I stumbled off the bus and dropped my purse as I put my hands out to stop me, and the bottle broke into my handbag. It was AWFUL!

The stench was like nothing on Earth, ok… maybe that is a bit dramatic, but I do really hate it. It was all over my pocketbook and seeped into the fabric of the bag through the lining. I also could not put it in the washing machine. Aaargh! 

Baking Soda and Lemon Juice, used like the White Vinegar to create that explosive reaction was the absolute cure against the stench of Cumin essential oil. The trouble is my memory can still smell it now, even if my nose can’t!

I’m sure this little gem will work just as well for you if you need it. Use equal amounts of Baking Soda to Lemon Juice.

How To Get Essential Oil Out Of Clothes Without Washing

You want to know how to get essential oil out of clothes without washing? Crikey, you’re pushing me to my limits today!

Absorbent Powders

Try this first, but you can only do this with fresh stains that have not dried. Cover the stain with an absorbent powder like Kaolin Clay, ground-up Fuller’s Earth cat litter, or even foodstuff like ground Rice, Arrowroot, or Cornstarch. Cover both sides of the stain and leave to dry for 48 -72 hours.

Check the stain, repeat if necessary, but maybe work some dish soap into it and rinse the immediate spot by gently blotting with a wet sponge or cloth.

Rubbing Alcohol

If there is still some staining left, you could try gently working in some rubbing alcohol to break down the structure of the essential oil. Alcohol can cause some dyes to fade and it can also damage acetate, triacetate, modacrylic, and acrylic fibers. If your clothing contains these fibers, dilute with 2 parts water first as a precaution  Go very cautiously on delicate fabrics though, please. Always test in an inconspicuous spot first

Baking Soda & White Vinegar

If this does not work, and you think your fabric type is suitable, try equal amounts of Baking Soda and White Vinegar. Blot with clean water after to clean out any residue and leave to dry. You must rinse it thoroughly, as the dried residue may cause damage to your fabric fibers over time. 

It is highly likely that you will need to get the fabric wet at some point to remove the stain fully, as it will need an agent like soap or alcohol to dilute and disperse the oils. 

It’s very difficult to remove if you cannot get the fabric wet. The only option you have really is to use absorbent powders. 

If you have stained Leather with essential oils, you really need a specialist cleaner. 

How To Get Essential Oil Out Of Clothes Fast

The best way you can learn how to get essential oil out of clothes…is to work fast before the essential oil stain dries. Follow this format:

    1. Protective Gloves
    2. Assess fabric delicacy and decide on the appropriate plan
    3. Dish Soap and tepid to hot water, depending on fabric type. (Look at clothes label)
    4. Brush with a soft to medium bristle.
    5. Rinse and check. If ok - wash in the normal machine cycle 
    6. If not, move on to Baking Soda Paste
    7. Rinse and check. If ok - wash in the normal machine cycle 
    8. If not, move to Baking Soda and White Vinegar explosion
    9. Rinse and check and then wash in the normal machine cycle
    10. Dry with natural heat, not tumble dryer and re-assess  
    11. Repeat the process if necessary

How To Get Essential Oil Off Skin

If you want to know how to get essential oil off your skin, please dash here first for How To Get Essential Oil Off Skin Safely

The Final Word

If you have come searching for how to get essential oil out of clothes, I hope that you found something useful here and that your essential oil stains are soon a thing of the past.

Always work quickly and work in a way that suits your fabric and its delicate fibers. If one thing does not work, move on and try something else. Some essential oil stains can be very persistent and it can take several attempts and plenty of dogged determination and patience to see the back of them! Keep at it, you’ll win in the end. 

It’s also good to gauge when YOU shouldn’t attempt stain removal and pass it over to the professionals to deal with. 

When it comes to how to get essential oil out of clothes, I hope you feel prepared and ready to tackle anything that comes your way. 

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