Making a Humanitarian Care Package with essential oils is a positive and rewarding way to expand your use of essential oils. Supporting friends, family and neighbors through sickness, the death of a relative or local disaster with carefully considered Humanitarian Care Packages.
We can use them to support people across the globe who are experiencing homelessness, poverty, disaster, war or famine as well. Utilizing versatile essential oils like Lavender, Tea Tree, Mandarin, Oregano and Rose Geranium to make a variety of useful and effective products. Join us, as we make Cold and Flu Shoo, Hand Gel, Foot Powder, Skin Salve and a Quick Clot Powder. Add in essential oils that address the recipients, mental, emotional and spiritual needs as well as their physical needs.
Get a huge amount of satisfaction by packaging up your positivity and goodwill and spreading a bit of love aroundโฆand some beautifully effective essential oils.
What Is A Humanitarian Care Package With Essential Oils
Here in the UK, the standard practice is to make a Humanitarian Care Package that fits into a cardboard shoe box. These can be easily stacked for storage and for transportation to make the most of the allotted precious space.
Humanitarian Care Packages generally contain emergency related items, shelf stable food, essential medicines and first Care Packages, personal toiletries, even clothes and accessories for cold weather. They may also include emergency items such as a torch, batteries, matches or a lighter and candles.
For our version of a Humanitarian Care Package we are going to focus on making and putting together a natural first Care Package, of sorts. One that addresses both the physical and the emotional needs of the recipient.
Which essential oils you will need, will depend on what type of kit it is. The recipient will determine what to include, whether for a grieving friend or going to a victim of a war zone.
There are many different kinds of Humanitarian Care Packages and you can completely tailor make yours to suit the recipient and their environment. Letโs look at some examples
Types of Humanitarian Care Package With Essential Oils
Sick Family Or Neighbor
You can make a Humanitarian Care Package with essential oils for a sick family member, friend or neighbor. With a few simple ingredients in stock, you will soon be able to whip up something appropriate.
From cold and cough remedies, to lotions and potions for aches and pains, to salves to facilitate skin healing. You can make something to suit every eventuality.
Essential oil giants like Tea Tree, Lavender and Oregano come into their own here.
It is also worth popping in a bottle of Fire Cider as a tonic, a jar of honey for extra immune boosting and a sweet treat. Maybe, even add a few jars of home-canned soup and stew so they can get a home cooked and nourishing meal without cooking.
Death Of A Relative
This is when we are often at a loss for the right words to say and another casserole doesnโt seem appropriate or even welcomed. A Care Package with essential oils can be a welcome alternative.
Rescue Spray is a wonderful addition, but maybe best re-named/re-labeled to be an Uplift Spray instead. It will have all the right essential oils to deal with shock, trauma and grief. One of our Calm Kits is also a good choice for this challenging time.
Valerian and Rose essential oils are first class choices for addressing shock and the immediate effects of grief.
Essential oil diffuser blends are also a good addition if they have their own essential oil diffuser.
It can be hard to know what else to include and this is where your knowledge of the recipient will serve you best. I recommend a scented candle to represent light in the dark. You could add essential oils that support their emotional wellbeing during this time.
I particularly like a blend of Palo Santo and Lemon to help navigate the deeper questions of life and death that people often have at this time.
A sweet treat is often appreciated. Maybe, something small like a handful of fragrant chocolates laced with gorgeous essential oils like Rose and Lavender.
Homelessness is a huge problem right across the modern world and in my opinion is one of the greatest travesties of our generation. No person deserves to be without a roof over their head.
Homelessness is a deep and complex issue and often goes hand in hand with addiction and poor mental wellbeing. It can be a never ending cycle for some people trapped within it.
In my experience a Care Package with essential oils is generally well received and often kept by the recipient, if they know what to do with it! Clear labeling is thoroughly advised here.
Essential oil blends to deal with issues like scabies and lice are sought after among the community. As are topical lotions for skin disorders and cuts and scrapes. Homeless people often suffer from skin disorders on their feet, like Athlete's Foot and Trench Foot so foot powders are also really welcomed.
The more pleasant your inclusions smell, all the better, because homeless people ARE aware of their odor and they just want something that smells nice too.
Small, easy to transport items are best. Travel toiletries, a toothbrush, toothpaste, sanitary ware for women and even a clean pair of briefs and socks.
I often include food that can be made with just boiling water like a cup-a-soup or a pot based noodle. Most cafes will give a homeless person a cup of hot water for free. That way, they can get a hot meal, even if it is not the most nutritious.
Local Disaster
Perhaps, you live in Tornado Alley, a fire belt or an area prone to flooding, maybe you are adjacent and your neighbors are often affected. This can be a time when Humanitarian Care Package with essential oils are most welcomed.
Essential oils that uplift, calm anxiety and de-stress are the most useful and can be used in a variety of ways. Rescue Spray with essential oils is a definite inclusion and a rollerball of the same blend is easily transported.
It pays to focus on essential oils that kill bacteria and microbes in these instances as they will abound at times like these. They can double up with white vinegar and be used to clean with, to keep things as clean and germ free as possible. Anti-bacterial hand gel with added essential oils is very useful here too.
Also include emergency items like torches, batteries, matches or a lighter and some candles. Whenever I see those cheap mini torches on offer, I buy a few and put them up for this purpose.
Add in things like water purifying straws or tablets, shelf stable food and powdered drinks. I would also add in basic medicines like paracetamol and ibuprofen, iodine and a small basic first Care Package as well.
War Zone
There is constantly a box in my hall at the moment to drop things into to go to Ukraine.
I will make roller balls that are essentially designed to deal with trauma, but to the recipient will just smell like a really nice perfumed oil.
Recently, I made mini moisturizers with blends to reduce anxiety and bring calm. I have even bought big pots of anti-bacterial hand gel and added essential oils and decanted into small plastic bottles.
In a situation where the world is crumbling around them, people hang onto something that brightens their day, uplifts them and makes them feel better.
We are incredibly lucky to have the NHS here in the UK but I donโt take that privilege for granted. Sometimes, I end up with excess medication which we should return to a pharmacist for disposal. That seems futile when it is so sought after over there. Into the box it goes.
Old spectacles are needed right now as their infrastructure collapses in some towns and cities. We have been sending all sorts of useful items from toiletries, sanitary ware and clothes, to kids toys, books and crayons.
It takes very little to add a few really cheap, but useful, items to our shopping cart every month to drop in the box to go to Ukraine.
There are refugees and people in war torn countries all around the world who could use a Humanitarian Care Package with essential oils. Tailor it to your intended recipient and their environment.
Why Make A Care Package With Essential Oils?
Why make a Care Package with essential oils? Why wouldnโt you?
For a start, it is a nice thing to do. Supporting family, friends, neighbors and people across the world at their most vulnerable, most needy and at the most dire time in their lives.
Of course, we can add in the basic emergency needs tailored to our recipient perfectly. Yet, it is the essential oils that can really make a difference here. After all, they work on all levels, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
You can take just a couple of well considered and chosen essential oils and support your recipient in many ways. Capitalize on the vast versatility of essential oils and choose ones that have a variety of uses. Lavender and Tea Tree essential oils are perfect examples of this.
Depending on who your recipient might be, you could just include essential oils or make a few blends up. If you intend to send the essential oils overseas, or are even looking to support people in your own country, consider their language capabilities. Will they be able to understand the directions, either on the original bottle or on any instructions that you supply with your product?
If you are including pure essential oils, itโs imperative that the recipient understands how to use them safely, especially if they are pregnant or intending to use it on children.
Google Translate can help provide instructions in a variety of languages.
Since the two most prevalent languages in Ukraine are Ukrainian and Russian, I provide instructions in both of these as well as in English.
I also use visual imagery icons that say โNot for Childrenโ and โ Not in Pregnancyโ and โDo not Ingestโ .
Best Essential Oils For A Humanitarian Care Package With Essential Oils
Lavender Essential Oil (Lavandula angustifolia)
When you talk about versatility in an essential oil, Lavender ticks so many boxes. Its chemical constituents bless it with enormous potential and a huge number of possibilities.
Itโs perfect for minor cuts, bites, scratches, stings and insect bites. With its analgesic, antiseptic and insecticide properties. Lavender is useful where there is inflammation of any kind and it can bring itโs soothing effects. Silva (2015) concluded,โ the analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of Lavender Essential Oil and demonstrates its important therapeutic potentialโ.
Lavender is used the world over to bring calm, reduce anxiety and stress and alleviate the symptoms of depression. This makes it a perfect choice for anyone feeling low or anxious or has experienced any kind of trauma.
It is relatively gentle essential oil and, in the right safety dilutions, can be used safely by adults, and on children over 6 months of age.
- Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.
Tea Tree Essential Oil (Melaleuca alternifolia)
I call Tea Tree the โAnti- Everything Oilโ. It boosts a dizzying array of active properties. Anti infectious, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antiviral, fungicidal, parasiticide AND it is an immuno- stimulant, balsamic and an expectorant.
What more do you need? It is essential oil versatility at its best.
Tea tree has been used by the First Nation people of Australia for millenia, and it is now one of the most widely used essential oils in the world for dealing with bacteria, gems and other such nasties. It is so popular because it is such an effective and efficient agent.
My bathroom cabinet, natural first Care Package and handbag would not be without a bottle of pure Tea Tree.
It can be used in preparations or diffusers for coughs and colds as it will encourage mucus to loosen and open up the airways. Tea Tree can be used topically on wounds to keep it clean and promote healing. Itโs perfect for animal scratches and those from plant thorns.
Itโs an absolute must for any Humanitarian Care Package with essential oils.
- Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.
Mandarin Essential Oil (Citrus reticulata)
This is such a lovely gentle oil and I have included it here because of its ability to uplift mood, reduce anxiety and alleviate depression.
Mandarin has such a gorgeous, bright and uplifting fragrance that just the smell of it alone can bring a smile to your face.
Mandarin also has antiseptic, antispasmodic, digestive and diuretic properties that can be harnessed for your recipient. It can be very useful if the circumstances are causing stress based stomach upsets or Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
According to Lawless (1992) the French use it for addressing indigestion and hiccups in children.
Itโs another very gentle essential oil that can be used on children over 6 months of age. They tend to like it and respond readily to it because of the zesty scent. Itโs the perfect choice for any child or adult who is experiencing emotional and physical upheaval or trauma.
- Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.
Oregano Essential Oil (Origanum compactum Benth)
Oregano essential oil has an interesting range of active chemical constituents.
One of those is Thymol. Historically, it has a range of uses, including as an antiseptic, an antifungal, and even as a vermifuge (to treat intestinal parasites). It also contains Linalool, which is commonly used as an antimicrobial agent.
Oregano is also chock-full of the antimicrobial constituent carvacrol. For this reason, it is a plant healerโs favorite herb for coughs, colds, and infections.
With its antibacterial, anti-fungal (Shigeharu Inouye, 2007), antiviral, and antiseptic properties, oregano oil is great for use in cleaning products.
As an agent in a cleaning spray it is especially effective around infections and it can be a useful agent when dealing with local disasters such as storms and flooding or pandemic situations, like Covid 19.
Bear in mind that if you intend it to be used topically, it has a relatively low maximum dilution rate of just 1.10%.
- Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.
Palo Santo Essential Oil (Bursera graveolens)
This may seem like an odd inclusion for some, but let me explain my thinking here.
I see Palo Santo essential oil as something that elevates. Raises you up - your thoughts, feelings and energy. If someone is in the mire and pits of their life, Palo Santo can help pull them upward gently. Help them off their knees and onto their feet.
It can help raise energy and consciousness and because of this it can stop us getting bogged down in the tragedy of what happened to us and focus on how to move ourselves up and out of the situation instead. It picks us up out of negativity and drops us into a luscious pile of positivity instead.
It can literally change our mindset and outlook, and radically so.
In South American native medicine it is used to treat coughs, cold and influenza. The wood is burnt as an incense to bring purity to the air.
It is a very sacred wood to those indigenous populations. It is now becoming critically endangered due to demand from the Western World. Therefore, any use of Palo Santo has to be entirely justified and judicious and used most carefully.
A Humanitarian Care Package with essential oils designed especially for emergency trauma or grief is a justified use in my book.
- Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.
Rose Geranium Essential Oil (Pelargonium asperum var roseum)
Rose Geranium is a quietly versatile essential oil and I have included it here because of its hemostatic and styptic actions - which means itโs ability in retarding or stopping the flow of blood within the blood vessels.
Itโs perfect for stopping bleeding in minor cuts, nicks and scratches. It can be used alongside other styptic agents like Kaolin clay and dried Yarrow herb to create a powder that can be used to stop more serious bleeding. You can make a very similar product that is used by EMTs and ERโs across the country.
Rose Geranium also boasts antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, fungicidal and vermifuge properties. Making it an ideal companion in your natural first Care Package or your Humanitarian Care Package with essential oils.
I particularly like it for its ability to make you feel better, acting like a tonic for your mind, body and spirit. Direct inhalation is my preferred method of delivery and I often have a rollerball on hand to take with me on the go.
It can be used to relieve anxiety, stress and alleviate some of the symptoms of depression.
- Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.
Yarrow Essential Oil (Achillea millefolium)
Yarrow is another essential oil that has quite profound hemostatic actions. Traditionally, as a herb, it was used by the Romans to stop bleeding from battlefield wounds. Wounds would have been stuffed with the raw herb and dressed, as well as decoctions of the herb being used to clean wounds and encourage them to stop bleeding.
The essential oils are just as effective as the dried herb when combined with a styptic agent like Kaolin Clay. The clay and herb powder will absorb the blood, swell and stop the bleeding at a capillary level. The essential oils then add in their actions as well, all that helps the blood coagulate, and consequently, for bleeding to slow and stop.
A powder designed to stop bleeding can be very useful for those in local disasters and war zones.
Yarrow essential oil also has anti inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, digestive and expectorant properties that can be harnessed for your Humanitarian Care Package with essential oils
- Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.
- Yarrow in strong dilutions can be neurotoxic, so should be avoided by anyone with epilepsy.
Roman Chamomile Essential Oil (Anthemis nobilis L.)
This is a super soother and a wonderful essential oil for anything that is considered sore, itchy or inflamed. I would use it for conditions like eczema, dermatitis and stress related skin rashes.
Itโs a great choice for allergic reactions because of its effect of soothing inflammation caused by histamine. Itโs a good natural remedy for Hay fever, especially when used with Melissa essential oil.
It can also be used on a more metaphysical level as well and be used to soothe and reduce the effects of anger. When someone's life has been turned upside down, it's reasonable to respond with anger. Maybe anger at the tornado, flooding, or a bloodthirsty tyrant invading your country.
Anger can get in the way of our recovery though and Roman Chamomile can be an ally to help us get out of our own way and reduce the feelings and effects of our anger. Enabling us to move forward and see solutions to help us advance more meaningfully.
Roman Chamomile has active analgesic, antispasmodic and anti neuralgic properties that can help us deal with our physical pain as well as our emotional pain. It has useful nerve sedative properties too according to Lawless (1992).
- Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.
Care Package With Essential Oils For Most Eventualities
I thought it would be useful to suggest a small selection of aromatherapy products for each type of Care Package with essential oils. I will link to comprehensive tutorials where available to get you started.
I will also provide a range of brand new recipes, designed just for this article for you to have a go at as well.
Supporting Sickness - Humanitarian Care Package With Essential Oils | ||||
You can support your recipient with essential oils that fight bugs and germs. Help them get on top of their ails and give them everything they need to get well soon. | ||||
Cold and Flu Shoo Recipe below |
Breathe Easy Inhalation Blends | Cleaning Spray |
Hand Gel Recipe Below |
Sleep Spray/Kit |
Other Things You Could Include In Your Supporting Sickness - Humanitarian Care Package with Essential Oils | ||||
Multi -Vitamins Zinc Vitamin D |
Fire Cider | Raw, Unpasteurized Honey |
Fresh Unwaxed Lemons |
Homemade Chicken Soup made with Thyme and Oregano. |
Supporting The Death Of A Relative - Care Package with Essential Oils | ||||
This can be a challenging time for many people and often they get exasperated with yet another โgoodwill casseroleโ. Step out of the norm and put together this little box of Heaven Scent wonders. Support your recipientโs holistic wellbeing through their grief with this array of wonderfully effective products with essential oils. | ||||
Scented Candle | Sleep Spray/Kit | Hand cream | Diffuser Blend with Palo Santo and Lemon | Chocolate with essential oils |
Other Things You Could Include In Your Supporting The Death Of A Relative - Humanitarian Care Package with Essential Oils | ||||
Rescue Spray | Memory book or photo frame | Multivitamins and Vitamin B12 | A potted plant | Rose Essential Oil |
Supporting Homelessness - Humanitarian Care Package With Essential Oils | ||||
Homelessness is an increasing issue on our streets and is a problem in most major cities across the world. Remember, many homeless people can only carry a small amount of belongings, also they donโt want to become victims of theft with fancy looking packages. Keep these products as small and transportable as possible. Consider making them small enough to fit into someoneโs pocket. Focus on making them smell amazing so your recipient can enjoy all the benefits of their wonderful fragrance and active properties through inhalation as well. |
Scabies and Lice Lotion |
Foot Powder Recipe below |
Natural Deodorant | Rollerball for Anxiety and Depression |
Skin Salve Recipe below |
Other Things You Could Include In Your Supporting Homelessness - Humanitarian Care Package with Essential Oils | ||||
Cup-a-Soup or noodles pots that just need boiling water | Clean pairs of briefs and socks | If cold weather - Hat, gloves and scarf |
If hot weather - Sun hat, sunglasses and sunscreen |
Toothbrush and toothpaste or mouthwash. |
Supporting Local Disaster - Humanitarian Care Package With Essential Oils | ||||
It can be heartbreaking watching people deal with the effects of a local disaster of any kind. From earthquakes to flooding and tornadoes to plane crashes, they all bring their own brand of upset and upheaval for the residents involved. Focus on emergency medicines and alternative remedies and treatments. Add in products that will uplift mood, relieve anxiety and stress and help people to cope better. |
Quick Clot Powder Recipe below |
Cleaning Spray |
Skin Salve Recipe below |
Rescue Spray |
Happiness Kit Or Calm Kit |
Other Things You Could Include In Your Supporting Local Disaster - Humanitarian Care Package with Essential Oils | ||||
Emergency blankets, clothes and outerwear. | Torches and LED lights. |
Candles, matches and lighters (Not if there is a risk of broken gas mains though) |
Basic medicines like Paracetamol and Ibuprofen and a basic First Care Package |
Bottled water. Water purifying tablets or straws |
Supporting A Warzone - Humanitarian Care Package With Essential Oils | ||||
Quick Clot Powder Recipe below |
Hand Gel Recipe below |
Skin Salve Recipe below |
Rescue Spray | Wound cleaner with essential oils |
Other Things You Could Include In Your Supporting A Warzone- Humanitarian Care Package with Essential Oils | ||||
Basic medicines like Paracetamol and Ibuprofen and spare specialist medication* *Only if being distributed from a central agency who will regulate control and distribution of these specialist drugs. |
Torches and LED lights. | Shelf stable food |
If cold weather - Hat, gloves and scarf If hot weather - Sun hat, sunglasses and sunscreen |
Basic First Care Package. |
Recipes For A Humanitarian Care Package With Essential Oils
Cold and Flu Shoo Lotion For A Humanitarian Care Package With Essential Oils
This is what you will find in my bathroom cabinet. Itโs effective and gets to work really quickly at kicking all those nasties into touch. Use it from the very first signs, even if you arenโt quite sure because often you can nip it in the bud before it takes hold. At that first tickle or snuffle, reach for this!
To make 200ml of Cold and Flu Shoo Lotion
You Will Need:
- Measuring jug and spoons
- Stainless steel stirrer
- Funnel
- 200ml /6.76 fl oz bottle
- Label
- 120ml / 4.05 fl oz Aqueous Cream
- 50ml /1.69 fl oz Spring or Distilled Water
- 20ml / 0.67 fl oz Glycerine
- 10ml Tamanu Carrier Oil
- 10 drops of Tea Tree Essential Oil (Melaleuca alternifolia)
- 10 drops of Lavender Essential Oil (Lavandula angustifolia)
- 5 drops of Oregano Essential Oil (Origanum compactum Benth)
- 5 drops of Thyme Essential Oil (Thymus vulgaris)
- 2 drops of Clove Bud Essential Oil (Syzygium aromaticum)
- Carefully measure out all of your lotion ingredients.
- Combine well in a large measuring jug.
- Add you essential oils and mix in well.
- Decant into your chosen bottle using a funnel.
- Label clearly, listing all ingredients for safety reasons.
- Do a 24-48 hour patch test, if it is for yourself.
How to Use:
- Always carry out a 24-48 hour patch test before using.
- Apply the lotion across your throat, dรฉcolletage and chest and upper to mid back.
- Allow to absorb before dressing.
- Can be used on sinus acupressure points but avoid getting into the eyes. If it does get into your eyes, rinse thoroughly with clean, tepid water. If irritation persists seek medical assistance taking the clearly labeled bottled with you.
- Do not use it at any stage of pregnancy.
- Not for use on children under 6 years of age.
Hand Gel For A Humanitarian Care Package With Essential Oils
This is perfect for use at home or to pop into a Humanitarian Care Package with essential oils. It comes in really handy when people have no running water and need to clean and disinfect their hands.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure you have no naked flames or heat sources near when you're working with isopropyl alcohol which is highly flammable. You also need to store the final product safely away from heat and naked flames as well.
To make 300ml of Hand Gel
You Will Need:
- Measuring jug
- Stainless steel stirrer
- Funnel
- 300ml /10.14 fl oz bottle with pump dispenser or 6 x 50ml travel bottles
- Label(s)
- ยพ cup Isopropyl alcohol
- ยผ cup Glycerin
- ยผ cup Aloe Vera Gel
- 30 drops of Tea Tree Essential Oil (Melaleuca alternifolia)
- 20 drops of Eucalyptus Essential Oil (Eucalyptus globulus)
- 10 drops of Lemon Essential Oil (Citrus limon L (Burm.) F. )
- Measure out ยพ cup Isopropyl alcohol, ยผ cup Glycerin and ยผ cup Aloe Vera Gel and then combine them all together until thoroughly mixed.
- Add the essential oils and mix thoroughly again.
- Decant into your chosen bottle using a funnel.
- Label clearly, listing all ingredients for safety reasons.
- Do a 24-48 hour patch test if it is for yourself.
How to Use:
- Always carry out a 24-48 hour patch test before using.
- Dispense a small amount onto your hands and rub in thoroughly paying attention to the webs of the fingers, around and under the fingernails.
- Make sure the product absorbs fully before going near heat sources of naked flames as this product is flammable.
- No need to rinse off.
- Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.
- If irritation occurs, discontinue use.
- Keep your hands away from heat sources and naked flames until all the product has fully dried.
- Store your bottle away from heat sources and naked flames.
Foot Powder For A Humanitarian Care Package With Essential Oils
This is a great foot powder for anyone and is particularly beloved by teenage boys! I quite like it myself in the height of summer. Itโs ideal for people who don't get a chance to wash their feet as much as they might like. Itโs also a boon for people who suffer from Athlete's Foot.
You Will Need:
- Plastic tub with a close fitting lid, big enough to hold all the powders.
- Stainless steel stirrer
- Jar Funnel
- 250g Jar or 5x 50g plastic jars
- Label(s)
- 150gm Kaolin Clay
- 50gm Fullers Earth
- 50gm Purified Talc
- 10 drops of Tea Tree Essential Oil (Melaleuca alternifolia)
- 30 drops of Rose Geranium Essential Oil (Pelargonium asperum var roseum)
- 10 drops of Myrrh Essential Oil (Commiphora myrrha)
- Measure out all of your powdered ingredients into a tub that has a close fitting lid
- Add your essential oils, distributing them evenly around the powders and avoiding concentrating any in one place.
- Place the lid on tightly and shake the box well for several minutes to evenly distribute both the powders and the essential oils.
- Let rest for 24 hours and then shake again for a couple of minutes.
- Decant into your chosen jar using a jar funnel.
- Label clearly, listing all ingredients for safety reasons.
- Do a 24-48 hour patch test if it is for yourself.
How to Use:
- Always carry out a 24-48 hour patch test before using.
- Using a soft brush dust between your toes and over your feet.
- You can also use this powder in your socks and shoes.
- Continuous daily use will help to discourage Athleteโs Foot.
- I save old talcum powder containers and repurpose them for Foot Powders with essential oils. Just clearly label them!
- Do not use it in the first 37 weeks of pregnancy.
- If irritation occurs, discontinue use.
Quick Clot Powder For A Humanitarian Care Package With Essential Oils
I have only heard of this recently and it was introduced to me by a herbalist that I follow on YouTube. It is a powder that you apply to a bleeding wound and it will help to stem and stop the bleeding by encouraging the blood to clot. Hence the name, 'Quick Clot Powderโ.
The Kaolin Clay used in it swells up and puts pressure on the capillaries encouraging them to stop bleeding and to clot. The powdered clay also soaks up the blood. The version she used had powdered and dried Yarrow herb in it, which also encourages the bleeding to stop and acts as a sponge for soaking up the blood.
I had never heard of it before and I have to say that I whipped a batch up to keep at home, but also in my natural first Care Package.
Naturally, I made a couple of jars for my husband to keep at work and up at the allotment. After all, that is where he injures himself the most! Just as well, because it has come in useful already and I was astonished myself at just how quickly this stopped the bleeding.
Apparently, it is used all over the USA by EMTโs and ER departments and you can buy it over the counter at most pharmacies as well. However, usually at a premium price.
The most active ingredient here is Kaolin clay, so donโt swap that out for anything else, it DOES need to be Kaolin.
You Will Need:
- Plastic tub with a lid big enough to hold all the powders.
- Stainless steel stirrer
- Jar Funnel
- 250g Jar or 5x 50g plastic jars
- Label(s)
- 250gm Kaolin Clay
- Optional - swap out 100gm of the Kaolin Clay for finely powdered dried Yarrow herb.
- 30 drops of Rose Geranium Essential Oil (Pelargonium asperum var roseum)
- 30 drops of Yarrow Essential Oil (Achillea millefolium)
- Measure out all of your powdered ingredients into a tub that has a tight fitting lid.
- Add your essential oils, distributing them evenly around the powders and avoiding concentrating any in one place.
- Place the lid on tightly and shake the box well for several minutes to evenly distribute both the powders and the essential oils.
- Let rest for 24 hours and then shake again for a couple of minutes.
- Decant into your chosen jar using a jar funnel.
- Label clearly, listing all ingredients for safety reasons.
- Do a 24-48 hour patch test if it is for yourself to make sure you are not allergic to the ingredients.
How to Use:
- Apply liberally directly to a bleeding wound, the aim is to get the powder to swell and restrict the capillaries forcing the blood to coagulate and clot, stopping the bleeding.
- You may need to apply the powder more than once if the bleeding is persistent, as in head injuries.
- If the injury is severe, apply all the powder. Then put really firm pressure on the wound with your hand over a folded cloth pad. Raise the limb as much as possible and seek immediate professional medical assistance.
- Store this product in a clean dry place.
- Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.
- Yarrow can be neurotoxic so avoid using it if the recipient has epilepsy.
Skin Salve For A Humanitarian Care Package With Essential Oils
This is a blessing in a tin if I do say so myself. I make a version where I infuse the carrier oil I am using with both Calendula and Dandelion petals. Dandelions bloom first so I infuse that, strain it and then wait for the Calendula to start blooming. I infuse the petals for at least 6 weeks each in the carrier oil. You can of course make them separately to suit your needs.
This recipe is easy to remember, you use equal parts beeswax to cosmetic butter to carrier oil, itโs as easy as that and you can play around with this ratio to your heart's content. Just be aware of the softness, or hardness, of your cosmetic butter. It is that which will inform the final consistency here. Youโre aiming for a harder set but easy to work into the skin.
It should feel protective, slightly waxy and offer a little water resistance. This is not something that absorbs quickly and for that reason offers wonderful skin protection in dirty and dusty environments. This Skin Salve is great in wet and damp conditions as well, as it is slightly water resistant, making it a perfect choice for a Humanitarian Care Package with essential oils.
To make 300 gm of Skin Salve
You Will Need:
- Double Boiler (Use a microwave on very low if you donโt have one)
- Stainless steel stirrer or spoon
- 6 x 50ml metal tins or a 300 gm jar
- Labels
- 100gm Beeswax
- 100ml Tamanu Carrier Oil (Herb infused oils are great here too)
- 100gm Shea Butter
- 20 drops of Roman Chamomile Essential Oil (Anthemis nobilis L.)
- 10 drops of Frankincense Essential Oil (Boswellia serrata)
- 10 drops of Lavender Essential Oil (Lavandula angustifolia)
- 10 drops of Patchouli Essential Oil (Pogostemon cablin)
- 10 drops of Mandarin Essential Oil (Citrus reticulata)
- Set a double boiler over a low to medium heat and make sure the top pan is not touching the water.
- Add the Beeswax and melt fully.
- Add the Shea Butter and melt fully.
- Remove from the heat and let cool for around 5 mins.
- Add the Tamanu carrier oil and mix thoroughly.
- Add the essential oils and again, combine well.
- If your double boiler has a pouring lip, pour straight into the metal tins. If not decant to a small jug and use that to pour into the metal tins.
- Let set completely before adding the lids to avoid the formation of mold. Cover with a tea towel as they set, if you live in a dusty environment
- Do a 24-48 hour patch test, if it is for yourself, to make sure you are not allergic to the ingredients.
How to Use:
- Do a 24-48 hour patch test.
- Apply to skin, as needed.
- Donโt apply to broken skin that is weeping.
- Store in a cool dry place.
- Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.
Safety Considerations for Your Humanitarian Care Package With Essential Oils
Label Clearly and Safely for Everyone
You must remember to clearly label every product you make. While you might intend it for a certain person, you canโt control if they decide to pass it on to someone else and so forth. Once you give it away you lose control of what happens to that product.
For that reason alone, ALWAYS include any safety considerations and ALL the ingredients used in your creation. It is wise to look up the INCI names for your ingredients and use those, just like commercial preparations do.
Always list from the largest ingredient first down to the smallest ingredient. That way you can tell in what kind of proportion the ingredient was used.
As an example - Your Skin Salve label ingredients should look like this:
Beeswax (Cera alba), Tamanu Oil (Calophyllum Inophyllum), Shea Butter (Butyrospermum Parkii Butter), Anthemis nobilis L., Boswellia serrata, Lavandula angustifolia, Pogostemon cablin, Citrus reticulata.
Donโt forget to add the weight, expiry date and how long the product is likely to last once opened.
Remember if you know the destination of your Humanitarian Care Package with Essential Oils you can use Google Translate to help you translate your safety information and labeling. I would always include the English version as well.
The Final Word
Whatever kind of Care Package with essential oils you decide to make, take time to consider the mental and emotional needs as well as the recipient's physical needs.
Making a variety of boxes up to give to a charity is a rewarding way of developing your skills of working with essential oils. It can feel satisfying to see an afternoonโs work all beautifully packed up and destined to make someone else smile during a challenging time.
Do Something Worthwhile And Spread Positivity
Whether you are supporting family, friends and neighbors through sickness, the death of a relative or a local disaster, you will be able to bring something worthwhile to the table.
It can feel good when something you have spent time making has been received so positively. Even better, if it has been used effectively to help them through a particularly difficult or challenging time.
Then there is the Humanitarian Care Package with essential oils for the strangers that we may never meet. The homeless, the displaced, those living through war, disease and famine. We wonโt see our results, but often it is enough to know that we put out something good into the world.
Not only that, but they may never fully understand that the essential oils like Lavender, Tea Tree and Mandarin are supporting them on so many levels through their challenges.
We can support people in many unseen ways using aromatherapy and essential oils. I do it all the time. I make someone โA Pot of Something Niceโ but really it is laced with essential oils, and knowing me, plant and crystal essences to support them through their challenges. Itโs more than just โnice creamโ itโs SO much more.
Try some of the ideas for your own natural First Care Package. Iโm going to do a bit of research and develop a new one for us to make together soon.
I am sure that you can develop a range of wonderful products for your Care Package with essential oils, perfectly designed for your intended recipient. Enjoy this one. I did.