Empower Your Health: Crafting a Custom Essential Oils First Aid Kit

What’s the difference between a Natural First Aid Kit with Essential Oils and an Emergency Medicine First Aid Kit? How can you tailor them to fit your family’s needs? Kick chemicals into touch and control your ingredient choices. Whether it’s poison ivy, scrapes, bruises, burns, cuts, or insect bites, Essential Oils can help. Learn how to make effective preparations for your Natural First Aid Kit with Essential Oils like Quick Clotting Powder, soothing After Sun, multifunctional Magic Balm, bug-busting Cleansing Spray, and balancing Rescue Spray. Take control of your choices and ingredients and kick the chemicals into touch.

What Is A Natural First Aid Kit With Essential Oils?

A Natural First Aid Kit is a little different from an Emergency Medicine First Aid Kit.

An Emergency Medicine First Aid Kit is one where you would usually find plasters, bandages antiseptic wipes, and lotions.

A Natural First Aid Kit with Essential Oils is designed to be ready at hand for things like:

    • Shock and anxiety
    • Coughs and colds 
    • Cuts and scrapes
    • Bruises 
    • Twists and sprains
    • Sunburn
    • Rashes and skin irritations
    • Insect bites and stings
    • Stomach upsets and digestive issues
    • Essential Oils for pain relief
    • Immunity support

They can be combined to serve all your family’s needs.

Tailor them to suit your household. If you have a houseful (or garden full) of boisterous kids, you will need plenty of antiseptic-based preparations and plasters on hand.

If you are more prone to coughs and colds or digestive issues, you can include Essential Oils and related preparations to help you at this time.

A Natural First Aid Kit with Essential Oils would also usually include Essential Oils and herbal products like Echinacea and Elderberry to support healthy immunity.

Always label your list of ingredients clearly and remember to add a date of manufacture.

Since your Natural First Aid Kit with Essential Oils is full of ingredients with shelf lives, some things will need to be replaced periodically. 

Why Make A Natural First Aid Kit With Essential Oils

Less Reliance On Chemicals

Less Reliance On Chemicals

It’s easy to forget that the miracle of modern medicine is still only less than 150 years old. But plant medicine knowledge has been passed from generation to generation for hundreds of years. Embracing plant medicine can help you become less dependent on pharmaceuticals and a Natural First Aid Kit with Essential Oils is a great place to start your journey.

Education is key when searching for reliable sources of information about plant medicine.

A good starting point is to look to see if there are recurring themes for a particular plant across different folk medicines.

Does Ayurvedic medicine say the same as Traditional Chinese Medicine does about a plant or can you find similar references in English folklore?

Take Rose for example. It appears as a medicinal plant in all three disciplines, and the uses are similar in each one.

If a plant has been used by several disciplines for thousands of years, you can be reassured of the ancient knowledge and practice.

So, when it comes to thinking about indigenous plants from American habitats, search to see if you can find information on how the Sioux, Cherokee, and Blackfoot have all used the plant. Do they all cite a certain herb for similar conditions?

Maybe the Curanderas of Mexico and South America, also have wisdom to offer you. 

Beginning to think of plants this way expands your plant knowledge and can help inform your selection of Essential Oils. However, it should be said that the properties of Essential Oils and herbs can sometimes be a little different because not all chemical constituents find their way across distillation into the Essential Oil.

One last point here, If you want to try to become less reliant on chemical and pharmaceutical options, please do it in consultation with your doctor or a suitably qualified medical professional.



I  came up with the idea for this article last time I opened my Emergency Medicine First Aid Kit.  It disturbed me how much waste there was. The antiseptic was new and unused but out of date, as were the plasters and the antiseptic wipes and they all ended up in the bin.

If you read my articles regularly you’ll have guessed I have preparations for one thing or another all over the house. The plasters, I would have to replace, them unless I could come up with something more sustainable but I knew I could make my antiseptic lotion and even wipes.

There is one thing I love about Essential Oils they generally last well and go a long way. There are some like Citrus oils that can oxidize quickly so need replacing sooner than others, but most Essential Oils last a very long time.

Given you need so little, you won’t have to store much either. You could store a whole 10 ml bottle of preparation in your Natural First Aid Kit with Essential Oils, but equally, you could just store 1 ml and then dilute it into some carrier oil when you need it.  You only have 1 ml sitting about waiting for emergency use, and 1 ml waste if you are fortunate enough not to have used it.

Since 1-2ml vials take up a lot less space in your kit you can also keep a bigger range of preparations which is useful if you are traveling. They are readily available and easy to get hold of.

Control Over Your Ingredients

Control Over Your Ingredients

You have complete control over your choices of ingredients if you make your own Natural First Aid Kit with Essential Oils. Choose natural and organic ingredients where possible. 

Ingredients like Beeswax, Witch Hazel, Carrier oils, and Rosewater, all have their properties that add to the overall preparation. 

    • Beeswax is soothing, regenerative, and nourishing and it is lovely to soothe itchiness and irritation.
    • Witch Hazel is an astringent and soothes irritated eyes and skin.
    • Rosewater is soothing and refreshing on the skin
    • Carrier oils have properties of their own. Coconut has antifungal properties, Rosehip has antioxidant properties and Tamanu has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

Choose pure and natural supporting base ingredients to bolster the actions of the Essential Oils in your Natural First Aid Kit with Essential Oils.

What Do I Need In My Natural First Aid Kit With Essential Oils?

What to include in your Natural First Aid Kit with Essential Oils, depends wholly on your family and household needs.

Consider, what the most likely needs in YOUR household are.

Does anyone in your home have health issues like Eczema, Hayfever, Asthma, or allergies?

What are the professions of the adults in the household? Builders and mechanical engineers are more likely to need antiseptic and plasters more often than an accountant for example…but to be fair I have had some pretty vicious paper cuts over the years! Teachers are perhaps more exposed to coughs and colds, courtesy of the kids.

Now I have a 14-month-old grandson toddling about the house, I have had to update my Natural First Aid Kit with Essential Oils to accommodate that.

How old are your kids? Some Essential Oils, like Cinnamon Bark and Leaf, are not suitable for younger children.  Avoid using Essential Oils on babies less than 6 months old except in emergencies.

What To Include in Your Natural First Aid Kit With Essential Oils

I would suggest that your  Natural First Aid Kit with Essential Oils contain preparations to deal with:

    • Shock and anxiety - Like a Rescue Spray or a Rollerball with a de-stressing blend. 
    • Coughs and colds - Chest Rubs and Sinus Creams, Honey Cough Drops, Inhalation Blends 
    • Cuts and scrapes - Antiseptic and antimicrobial lotions
    • Bruises - Witch Hazel and Arnica-based lotions
    • Twists and sprains - Anti-inflammatory preparations
    • Sunburn - After Sun Lotion
    • Rashes and skin irritations - Balms and Salves
    • Insect bites and stings - Spot on rollerballs and salves
    • Stomach upsets and digestive issues - Massage oil or lotion
    • Essential Oils for pain relief - Ointment
    • Immunity building - Fire Cider, Inhalation blends, and lotions.

Now that sounds like a lot, but a great many of these could potentially be combined in multifunctional preparations.

Consider Multifunctional Preparations

Consider Multifunctional Preparations

This is where you can consider multifunctional balms and creams that will address many options. Will the antiseptic cream cream that you prepare double up as a bug-busting lotion for coughs and colds? Knowing the actions and properties of your Essential Oils can help you develop these multifunctional preparations. 

I cover some of these actions of Essential Oils in How To Make Cold Inhalation Blends With Essential Oils and you can use this information to help you develop these multifunctional preparations.

We will also include an example in the recipe section for you. 

What Else Do I Need in My Natural First Aid Kit With Essential Oils?

What Else Do I Need in My Natural First Aid Kit With Essential Oils

As stated a Natural First Aid Kit with Essential Oils is different from an Emergency Medicine First Aid Kit, but they can be combined to serve all purposes.

Your combined First Aid Kit should also include the following:

    • Sharp Scissors
    • Tweezers
    • Protective gloves - disposable ones are useful if there is blood involved!
    • Cotton wool or sterile absorbent cleaning cloths
    • Sterile dressings and fixings.
    • Plasters 
    • A thermometer is not vital, but it is very useful.

Make sure you keep items in an airtight and waterproof container and store them in an easily accessible place that is clean, dry, and has an ambient temperature.

While First Aid Kits of any kind should be placed out of reach of children, also consider if your kids needed to get to one if you were injured, could they get to it if needed?

Best Ingredients For A Natural First Aid Kit With Essential Oils

There is no need to use too many base ingredients for your preparations for your Natural First Aid Kit with Essential Oils, you can get by with just a handful.

Remember, they have a shelf life so make small amounts and replace them regularly. Unless of course, that is, you have a heap of kids that get through antiseptic like a bottle of milk! 

Aqueous Cream 

Aqueous Cream is cheap and easy to get hold of, and you can use it to make many different creams and lotions for a variety of purposes. Leave it thick for antiseptic creams and dilute it down with Rosewater and Aloe Vera Juice for After Sun lotions. You can thicken it even more with Cosmetic Butters and Beeswax.

Expect to search harder and pay more for organic.

Witch Hazel

It is a wonderful astringent that I use in a variety of cream and lotion bases for skin conditioning. Historically, it is used for soothing for irritated eyes when used as a compress and for soothing the skin.

This is another product that is easy to get hold of and relatively inexpensive.

Aloe Vera Gel

Used to cool and soothe the skin, aloe vera is perfect for products like After Sun and where skin healing is needed. Feily (2009) cites Aloe Vera as being effective for seborrheic dermatitis, frostbite, burn, wound healing, and inflammation.

Try and buy as pure a gel as you can. It is worth paying a little extra for this versatile product.


It is always worth including Arnica in your Natural First Aid Kit with Essential Oils since it is so effective for bruises and sprains. It is also widely used as a homeopathic treatment and by the dental industry to encourage wound healing in the mouth after dental extractions. 


I love teaching people how to use the magic of beeswax, especially for skin health. I add it to many of my skincare preparations and toiletries. It soothes itchiness and irritation and encourages skin cell renewal and regeneration. It is deeply nourishing and like honey, aids wound healing. 

It also has antimicrobial effects, which is why it is used as a wax coating for cheeses etc. Fratini (2016) writes ‘The few studies showed an antimicrobic effectiveness of beeswax against overall Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella enterica, Candida albicans, and Aspergillus niger; these inhibitory effects are enhanced synergistically with other natural products such as honey’. This makes it an important potential ingredient for salves, balms, and lotions where we want to protect against pathogens. 


Rosewater is exceptionally soothing to the skin. It also adds a freshness like no other, which is a welcome relief in creams and lotions designed to soothe and calm irritated skin.  It is rare I make any cream or lotion without it.

There is some interesting science from Maruyama (2017) who says “Results suggest that rose water may reduce the pathogenicity of microbes, and attenuate neutrophil stimulation, which is involved in inflammatory responses. These findings suggest that rose water has a potential effect to inhibit skin inflammation caused by microbes”. This includes skin rashes caused by Candida Albicans. 

It also shows, rather astonishingly, that “Rosewater” reduced the viability of MRSA within 1 hr”

Carrier oils

Like Essential Oils, carrier oils also have their properties and actions, 

Choose ones to suit your household’s needs.

If someone in the house always has Athlete’s Foot, plump for Coconut oil with its antifungal properties. You could combine it with Tamanu to add further antifungal properties.

Sweet Almond oil has a longer shelf life than most other carrier oils, so is more suited to preparations that might sit on the shelf for a while.

Choose your base ingredients around your most likely needs and for extra special qualities and actions that they bring to your Natural First Aid Kit with Essential Oils

The Best Essential Oils For Your Natural First Aid Kit With Essential Oils

You don’t need a huge array of ingredients for your Natural First Aid Kit with Essential Oils. When you combine them with base ingredients like the ones suggested above, half the job might already be done for you!

Again, this is where we want to choose Essential Oils for their varied actions and properties and capitalize upon their multifunctionality. 

Germ Busting

When it comes to germ-busting in your Natural First Aid Kit with Essential Oils we want Essential Oils with antimicrobial, antiviral, antibacterial, and antibiotic properties and actions to deal with a variety of pathogens. Make sure you are well stocked up on tea tree, allspice, cinnamon bud leaf, and clove.

Coughs and Colds 

Here we want Essential Oils with antimicrobial, antiviral, and antibiotic properties. Tea Tree, Oregano, and Eucalyptus are perfect choices to alleviate cough and cold symptoms.

Cuts and Scrapes

In our house, Tea Tree is always the first thing that goes on any wound that has broken the skin  

Carson (2006) supports this when they say: ‘ A wealth of in vitro data now supports the long-held beliefs that TTO has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties’.

Skin Soothing & Healing

You may need a small range of skin soothing & healing preparations in your Natural First Aid Kit with Essential Oils.


It is so easy to get burnt in the first sun of the year, sitting a little too long because it feels so lovely on your face. Or exposing yourself a bit too long at the beach. For a good After Sun blend some Lavender, Roman Chamomile, and Patchouli Essential Oils into some aloe vera for a super soothing combination.

Rashes and Skin Irritations

The anti-inflammatory properties of the constituents in Lavender and Roman Chamomile come into their own again to soothe hives,  rashes, and irritated skin.

Insect Bites and Stings

Again, Lavender and Roman Chamomile are perfect choices to bring swift relief. Ylang-Ylang is also a good choice here.

Wound Healing

Essential Oils Calendula and Myrrh are hard to beat. Myrrh has the nickname Skin Knit as it helps the skin to knit back together. Turn to Helichrysum when a wound just will not heal. 

Joints and Muscles 

Make space in your Natural First Aid Kit with Essential Oils for preparations that deal with bruises, twists, and sprains.

First and foremost, use an Arnica. You could use a gel as your base but I tend to add an infused carrier oil to creams or lotions instead because I find the gels a little too sticky.


When you fall or knock yourself and can feel a bruise on the way, Lavender is ideal here as is Geranium. If you move quickly you might even be able to catch it before it ‘comes out’. 

Helichrysum too is superb for bruising.

Twists and Sprains

There are plenty of very effective Essential Oils you can use for twists and sprains. Of course, Lavender and Roman Chamomile make that list with their amazing cooling and soothing properties.  As do Ginger and Black Pepper. I tend to prefer these spicy options when there is the need for a bit of warmth too. For example, if you fall over in the snow, go for a warm choice instead. 

Stops Bleeding

Some Essential Oils have hemostatic and styptic properties - which means they can stem blood flow. These are perfect for stopping bleeding from minor scratches, nicks, and cuts.

The most efficient Essential Oils with styptic properties are Geranium and yarrow. While the Yarrow plant has a history of use for this purpose that dates back to the Romans, there has been very little research on the Essential Oil. 

A bottle of Geranium Essential Oil and a bag of powdered Yarrow herbs are stalwarts of my Natural First Aid Kit with Essential Oils. Use them alongside other styptic agents like dried Yarrow herb and Kaolin clay to create a powder that can be used to stop more serious bleeding. 


We rarely see anything in conventional and commercial First Aid Kits for your digestive health, other than perhaps anti-diarrhea tablets. But this is your Natural First Aid Kit with Essential Oils that you are designing here and you can include whatever is most useful to you.

Suppose someone in your family has digestive issues, like Crohn's, Colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or just a delicate tum. In that case, you will know how important it is to have preparations you can turn to at a moment's notice. 

Stomach Upsets and Diarrhea

Just like in thousands of years of Ayurvedic medicine, Ginger makes its appearance here as an extremely effective Essential Oil for the digestive system. 

From diarrhea to nausea and vomiting, it can help with a wide range of immediate digestive issues. If you can only have one oil in your Natural First Aid Kit with Essential Oils for these issues, make it Ginger. 

Digestive Issues

When we look at Essential Oils for less immediate issues, we can embrace Essential Oils like Fennel and Cardamom which again have been widely used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries for soothing our digestion. Cardamom is good for griping pains, cramps, and heartburn—fennel for constipation, nausea, and flatulence. 


Our Natural First Aid Kit with Essential Oils will come into play for a variety of reasons, potentially in emergencies. This is where calming preparations can come into their own. 


Bach Rescue Remedy™ is used around the world to immediately bring back a sense of equilibrium to people who have just experienced a shock. It is used regularly by people managing anxiety in a variety of situations too.

In terms of using Essential Oils, Neroli, and Valerian would be my choices for dealing with shock itself.

Shock can go through the different layers of our psyche and upset our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual equilibrium. Therefore, you need an Essential Oil preparation to deal with the different layers and needs. Firstly, deal with shock or trauma, then create a sense of safety and bring in reassurance. Lastly, we can assist in releasing energy and emotions to assist in emotional processing.

We have this useful tutorial for you to explore - How To Make A Rescue Spray With Essential Oils which shows you just how to do this. 

Anxiety & Stress

We have two types of anxiety of stress, the short term and the long term. Generally, it will be short-term anxiety and stress that needs to be addressed by your Natural First Aid Kit with Essential Oils. The easiest way to do this is with a rollerball or in a spray using Essential Oils like Lavender, Mandarin, and Sweet Orange. 


For long-lasting pain, you might find the table in Healing Touch: Top Essential Oil Lotions For Aches And Pain Relief useful, for deciding which Essential Oil to use, for your type of pain. 

Immunity Support

Part of a Natural First Aid Kit with Essential Oils should always be dedicated to supporting our immunity and reducing our chances of falling ill in the first place. 

Keeping Vitamin C and D and Zinc on hand to take at the first whiff of a cold is a good move.

Herbal options include Echinacea and Elderberry which are well documented for supporting your immunity. We know too, from Samarghandian (2017) that Honey modifies immune responses.

Essential Oils like Oregano support healthy immune systems. 

Recipes For Your Natural First Aid Kit With Essential Oils

Recipes For Your Natural First Aid Kit With Essential Oils

Right, let’s get started on designing and making your Natural First Aid Kit with Essential Oils. You don’t have to include all of these items if they don’t suit your family. Just include what is going to work for you.

I will give you some helpful links to other articles and recipes that I think might prove useful for your Natural First Aid Kit with Essential Oils a little later.

Quick Clot Powder

Quick Clot Powder

This is an amazing product for stopping bleeding and a similar product is used by EMTs and emergency medical personnel across the USA.

Kaolin Clay swells up and puts pressure on the capillaries, this encourages them to stop bleeding and to clot. The powdered clay also soaks up the blood. Dried Yarrow herb also encourages the bleeding to stop and acts as a sponge for soaking up the blood too.

You Will Need:

    • Plastic tub with a lid big enough to hold all the powders for mixing. 
    • Stainless steel spoon
    • Jar Funnel
    • 250g Jar
    • Label


    • 150gm Kaolin Clay
    • 100gm of Dried Yarrow herb, finely powdered. (Achillea millefolium)
    • 30 drops of Rose Geranium Essential Oil (Pelargonium asperum var roseum)
    • 30 drops of Yarrow Essential Oil (Achillea millefolium)

Optional - Suitable preservative - please follow your individual manufacturer's guidelines and usage instructions


    • Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.
    • Yarrow can be neurotoxic so avoid using it if the recipient has epilepsy. 


    1. Into a large tub that has a tight-fitting lid, measure out all of your powdered ingredients
    2. Carefully, add in your Essential Oils. Make sure that you are distributing the drops of oils evenly around the powder.
    3. Place the lid on the tub tightly and shake well to evenly distribute both the powders and the Essential Oils through them.
    4. Let the powder mix rest for 24 hours.
    5. Shake again for a couple of minutes and check there are no lumps or clumps, break any up. 
    6. Decant into a jar using a jar funnel and lid tightly.
    7. Label clearly, listing all ingredients for safety reasons. Date as well and replace after 12 months. 

How To Use:

    1. It is really important to do a 24-48 hour patch test on all the family. You may be using these preparations in potential future emergencies, where there is no time to do this. Mark on the label if anyone in the family is allergic to it and cannot use it. Don’t rely on your memory because it might not be you administering it. 
    2. Don’t be stingy with this product, apply it liberally directly to the bleeding wound. The aim here is to get the powder to absorb the blood and swell as this restricts the capillaries, forcing the blood to coagulate and clot. Which helps in stopping the bleeding.
    3. If the bleeding is persistent, you may need to apply the powder more than once, as in head injuries that are notorious for bleeding a lot.
    4. If the injury is particularly severe, simply apply all of the powder. Then you need to put really firm pressure on the wound with your hand over a folded cloth pad. Be sure to raise the limb as high as you can and seek immediate professional emergency medical assistance.
    5. Be sure to store this product in a clean and dry place. Avoid any damp areas like bathrooms. 

After Sun

After Sun

Wonderfully soothing when you have overdone it in the sun this After Sun brings some welcome relief. Cool and hydrate your burnt skin with this gentle lotion. 

You Will Need:

    • Measuring jug
    • Mixing bowl
    • Stainless steel stirrer or spoon
    • Funnel
    • 100 ml/ 3.38 fl oz bottle
    • Labels


Optional - Suitable preservative - please follow your individual manufacturer's guidelines and usage instructions


    • Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.
    • Not for Children under 6 - you can reduce the overall dilution rate to 0.5% (10 drops) but still not use it on babies under 6 months. 
    • Helichrysum thins the blood, so this would not be suitable if you have a platelet disorder or are already taking blood-thinning medication. 
    • If your skin is sunburnt to the point that it is swelling up, it could indicate a more severe sunburn. Professional medical advice should be sought immediately - do not delay seeking medical attention. 


    1. Simply combine all of your base ingredients in a mixing bowl until well mixed. 
    2. Add your Essential Oils and mix until well incorporated.
    3. Decant your mixture into bottles using a funnel and cap tightly.
    4. Label, listing all ingredients for safety reasons and date. 

How To Use:

    1. Do a 24-48 hour patch test on all the family, this is really important when using these preparations in potential future emergencies, where there is no time to do this. Mark on the label if anyone in the family cannot use it. 
    2. If you get burnt, dampen a cloth or towel in tepid water, not cold water. Place this damp cloth over your burnt skin for a few minutes. This helps your skin regain some hydration before applying your After Sun.
    3. Very gently apply your After Sun; don't rub it in thoroughly, if you are very burnt or sore. Let it sit on the skin, and it will sink in.
    4. After 30 minutes, apply another thin layer. 
    5. Then use it every hour for up to eight applications in any 24 hours.

Magic Balm

Magic Balm

It pays to have a multipurpose preparation in your Natural First Aid Kit with Essential Oils. You can use this in the same way you would an antiseptic cream and an insect bite preparation. You can use it in the longer term to encourage skin and wound healing.

I have put this in a wax base, but you can equally use a cream base instead if you so desire. 

This Essential Oil blend is designed for 100ml of base. 

You Will Need:

    • Double boiler
    • Stainless steel spoon
    • Weigh scales
    • Measuring jug
    • 100ml Jar or Balm Tin
    • Label


Optional - Suitable preservative - please follow your individual manufacturer's guidelines and usage instructions


    • Do not use it in the first 37 weeks of pregnancy.


    1. Set your double boiler over low to medium heat and warm the water through.
    2. Add in your Beeswax, Shea Butter, and Extra Virgin Coconut Oil into the top pan and stir gently to aid melting.
    3. Once molten, add in your Tamanu carrier oil and remove from the heat immediately.
    4. Leave to cool for a few minutes and then add in your Essential Oils and stir well.
    5. Pour into your jar or balm tin and leave to set, cover with a clean cloth to avoid any dust or mold spores settling on the surface.
    6. Once completely cooled and set, lid tightly.
    7. Label, listing all ingredients for safety reasons. 

How To Use:

    1. Do a 24-48 hour patch test on all the family, this is really important when using these preparations in potential future emergencies, where there is no time to do this. Mark on the label if anyone in the family cannot use it. 
    2. Apply liberally to minor skin wounds, insect bites stings, and bruises.
    3. Store in a cool dry place and replace within 12 months. 

Cleansing Spray

Cleansing Spray

The last time I needed my Natural First Aid Kit with Essential Oils, I was up at the allotment and my hands were filthy, as was my wound. I wasn’t really in a position to wash my hands right away under the tap and this is just what I needed at the time. An extra boost of bug-busting to see off any potential pathogens, at least until I could get home and clean up properly. 

You Will Need:

    • Measuring jug
    • Stainless steel spoon
    • 100 ml / 3.38 fl oz Spray bottle 
    • Label


Optional - Suitable preservative - please follow your individual manufacturer's guidelines and usage instructions


    • Do not use it during pregnancy.


    1. Mix all of the base ingredients in a measuring jug.
    2. If your Aloe Vera Gel is very thick, dilute it with more Witch Hazel or halve the amount you use, as it needs to be able to go through the spray pump.
    3. Add your Essential Oils and mix well.
    4. Using a funnel, decant into your spray bottle.
    5. Label, listing all ingredients clearly for safety reasons. Annotate as potentially ‘Flammable’ and not to be used around naked flames or heat sources. 
    6. Also, add the instruction “Shake well before use”.

How To Use:

    1. Do a 24-48 hour patch test on all the family, this is important when using these preparations in potential future emergencies, where there is no time to do this. Mark on the label if anyone in the family cannot use it. 
    2. Shake well and double-check for any sources of heat or naked flames to be safe.
    3. Spray liberally over your hands and rub well together distributing between your fingers, allow to evaporate briefly.  

Rescue Spray

Rescue Spray

This is just what you need when you experience a shock, trauma, or unexpected upset. Make it an integral part of your Natural First Aid Kit with Essential Oils.

The Essential Oils address the many layers of our psyche that need balancing at that time. For more information on this read How To Make A Rescue Spray With Essential Oils.

You Will Need:

    • Measuring spoons
    • Measuring jug
    • Stainless steel spoon or stirrer.
    • Funnel
    • 100 ml Dark amber glass spray bottle
    • Label


Optional - Suitable preservative - please follow your individual manufacturer's guidelines and usage instructions


    • Do not use it in the first 37 weeks of pregnancy.


    1. If using a preservative, consult the guidelines on when to add it, and how much. 
    2. Measure out your Witch Hazel, Vodka or RubbingAlcohol, and Rosewater and pour them into the bowl. 
    3. Dispense all of your Essential Oils into the small measuring jug. 
    4. Note the final volume of the Essential Oil. You need the same volume of Essential Oils as Polysorbate. (Say you have 5ml of Essential Oils. You will need 5ml of Polysorbate). Or you can use Castile Soap or Witch Hazel for this too. 
    5. Add the same volume of your Polysorbate 20 or 80 and mix carefully into your Essential Oils. 
    6. Add into the large bowl and very gently stir to combine well.
    7. Using a funnel, decant into your spray bottle.
    8. Lid tightly and store in a dark, cool place at a consistent and ambient temperature.
    9. Label clearly, listing all the ingredients used. Annotate on the label, “Shake Well Before Use”.

How To Use:

    1. Do a 24-48 hour patch test on all the family, this is really important when using these preparations in potential future emergencies, where there is no time to do this. Mark on the label if anyone in the family cannot use it.
    2. Shake well before use.
    3. Spray the Rescue Spray into the air away from you. Then walk into the mist with your eyes closed, while breathing in the fragrance of the Rescue Spray. It is preferable to let the mist settle upon you.
    4. You can repeat this step as necessary but do not exceed 8 applications in one hour.

I thought it would be helpful to give you some helpful links to other articles and recipes that might prove useful for your Natural First Aid Kit with Essential Oils. 

Head Lice and Nits

Those of us with school-age children in the house will no doubt need this at some point in your Natural First Aid Kit with Essential Oils.

How To Deal With Nits With Essential Oils

‘If you are fed up with ineffective, expensive chemical solutions, this is the only article you will ever need. We explore the life cycle of head lice and how to break them and delve into the science behind our Essential Oil choices. Having a ready-to-go - 'Nit Kit of Doom' on hand is vital to the battle plan. We show you how to put together this accessible and cost-effective kit, show you how to use the dreaded nit comb to its best effect, and share what magic ingredient helps to loosen the eggs. Then we give you a super easy and affordable maintenance plan to keep lice at bay.

Are bugs and biting insects causing you issues? Take a journey through the magic of using plants and Essential Oils as insect repellents with Liz. Insect Repellent Essential Oils

Respiratory Conditions and Asthma

If you have anyone in the house with respiratory conditions you may wish to check these articles out. For some other ideas to include in your Natural First Aid Kit with Essential Oils.

Essential Oils For Asthma: Natural Remedies To Help You Breathe

‘Essential Oils can be very useful for people experiencing asthma. Eucalyptus supports respiratory system health, Tea Tree nurtures healthy immunity, and Frankincense slows the breath and opens the airways. The article looks at the many different ways Essential Oils for asthma can support you to feel healthier day to day.

5 Best Essential Oils For Asthma: For Adults, Kids Or Newborns

Which Essential Oils Are Good For Respiratory Support

Sunburn and Travelling With Essential Oils

We have a couple of articles with great recipes for After Sun and plenty more. Whether you’re spending a day at the beach or traveling to far-flung climes, we have plenty of ideas you can add to your Natural First Aid Kit with Essential Oils.

Beat The Burn: Top Essential Oils For Soothing Sunburn Relief

Find out how to use Essential Oils like Lavender, Roman and German Chamomiles, Yarrow, Peppermint, and Patchouli for when you have spent too much time in the sun. 

Choosing The Best Essential Oils For Travel

‘Tackle challenges like sunburn using Helichrysum and take Ginger and Spearmint for dealing with an upset stomach. Pack Tea Tree and Lavender Essential Oils for travel versatility in dealing with insect bites, cuts, and scrapes. Lavender is also helpful for coping with homesickness, insomnia, and jet lag when you return home.

Radiant Beach Body: Unlock Beauty With Essential Oils Kit

‘Get your skin looking tip top, with a Sugar and Salt Exfoliator, and lock in nourishment with Mega Moisture Lotion and Delectable Dry Oil. Keep cool on even the hottest days with a Refreshing Spritz and soothe with our relieving After Sun. At night our Shimmer Luxe Créme will get you noticed for all the right reasons’.

Sharing the Magic Of Essential Oils With Others

Care packages containing a Natural First Aid Kit with Essential Oils are ideal for those in times of need. 

Essential Oils: Uplifting Humanitarian Care When It Matters Most

‘Support friends, family, and neighbors through sickness, the death of a relative, or local disaster with carefully considered Humanitarian Care Packages. Send them to people in your community or across the globe who are experiencing homelessness, poverty, disaster, war, or famine as well. 

Use Essential Oils like Lavender, Tea Tree, Mandarin, and Oregano to make Foot Powder, Skin Salve, Cold and Flu Shoo, Hand Gel, and Quick Clot Powder.

Get a huge amount of satisfaction by packaging up your positivity and goodwill and spreading a bit of love around…and some beautifully effective Essential Oils.

Our blog is teeming with articles on physical, mental, and spiritual well-being that you can dip into and just pull out what you need when you need it. 


The Final Word

Final Word

The whole point of your Natural First Aid Kit with Essential Oils is that you can tailor it entirely to your own needs, or that of someone else.

Don’t be afraid to think outside of the box and step outside of the lines of what most people think should be in your Natural First Aid Kit with Essential Oils. You live your life and no one knows you better than you do. 

    • If you get splinters because you work with wood or metal, make a drawing ointment. 
    • Maybe you have an autoimmune condition? Then put some emphasis on immune support. 
    • Perhaps, your kids come back from school with head lice every other week, then make a Nit Kit. 
    • If you have irritable bowel syndrome or a hiatus hernia, keep some digestive support massage oil on hand.

Make it from preparations that are going to serve you. But also keep those preparations like Quick Clot Powder and Rescue Spray for when the unexpected happens.

Making multifunctional Magic Balm and Cleansing Spray means you get more out of them and they can double up. I often use the Cleansing Spray when traveling and the public toilets look less than sanitary. A quick spray and wipe gives you a little more confidence.

After the Sun comes to the rescue when we spend just too long in that beautiful sunshine. It’s usually me when the sun first comes out in April and catches me unawares because I just want to soak it up on my face after the long cold UK Winter. 


Don’t forget to have a look at the other links to recipes and tutorials and around the blog in general. If you use our search bar, always scroll down past the product descriptions to find the list of blog articles at the bottom. 

It is chock full of exciting, informative, and educational articles showing you how to use VINEVIDA products safely and to the best effect. Whether you are a qualified aromatherapist or a complete beginner there is something for everyone on the blog.

I do hope that you will have a go and make your own Natural First Aid Kit with Essential Oils and that your ultimate choices serve you well, just when you need them most!

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