Transform Your Skincare with Patchouli Essential Oil

Patchouli is a member of the mint family. Native to Asia, it has formed an important part of their indigenous medicine for centuries. Today, Aromatherapists use Essential Oils to care for dry and irritated skin. Its soothing and cooling properties are blissful for hot sunburnt skin. Patchouli Essential Oil skincare takes advantage of the oil's ability to rejuvenate the complexion and reduce scarring. Also possessing antibacterial and antifungal properties, Patchouli Essential Oil also improves scalp health and the hair. Patchouli also has natural insect repellent properties and soothes insect bites too. Following a Patchouli Essential Oil skin care regimen may also offer other incidental benefits such as better balanced mood and improved sleep. You never know you might also experience enhanced intimacy.

The Surprise of Patchouli Essential Oil

You would never guess that such a diminutive plant related to the mint family could produce such a deeply seductive essential oil. Innocent-looking Patchouli, as an essential oil, evokes the scents of deep, rich woods and earthy forest floors. The scent is used across the fragrance industry to seduce and titillate you, it invites you to lay back and succumb to its fragrant charms.

It tends to have a polarizing effect though. People either love it or hate it. I am firmly in the love it camp and use it regularly in my own skincare. What camp are you in? If you are in the ‘hate it' camp, can I encourage you to stick with me and find new and exciting ways of working with Patchouli Essential Oil skincare?

What The Science Boffins Say

When Swamy (2015) carried out his study on the pharmacology of Patchouli Oil he wanted to look at historical and cultural uses of Patchouli and to study the biology of the plant. He aimed to see if its constituents and their related actions filled in some of the scientific gaps.

He found that 'Patchouli also possesses insecticidal, antibacterial and antifungal [properties]. Some of its other biological activities include antimicrobial, antioxidant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiplatelet, antithrombotic, aphrodisiac, antidepressant, antimutagenic, antiemetic, fibrinolytic, and cytotoxic activities.'

That’s a pretty impressive range of actions, making it easy to see why Patchouli is so widely used, especially culturally. It is commonly used to relieve coughs, colds, abdominal pain and cramps, nausea, and vomiting among many others. It is used in India as an insecticide and even for snake bites in Malaysia and Japan.

There’s an amazing infographic (Fig 4.) in this study from Junren (2021) that gives you a brilliant overview of the benefits of Patchouli’s chemical constituents.

The Aromatherapy industry uses it to calm nerves, relieve stress and depression, reduce fevers, and as an aphrodisiac. But what can Patchouli do for our skin?

Patchouli Essential Oil Skin Care Uses

Patchouli Essential Oil Skin Care Uses

Dry And Irritated Skin

I always turn to Patchouli when my skin is dry, flaky, and irritated. It’s my Godsend, and not only mine. Aromatherapists widely use it to soothe and rejuvenate dry skin, especially overly dehydrated skin that becomes rough and cracked.

Patchouli Essential Oil’s chemical constituents have active antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory actions making it ideal for use in skincare.

Patchouli Essential Oil skin care can be used for its cleansing effects, making it effective for addressing symptoms of acne, fungal infections, eczema, blemishes, and scalp disorders. It can be particularly useful in the treatment of persistent ulcers and sores, especially when combined with Helichrysum essential oil to encourage healing.

With antioxidant actions, Patchouli Essential Oil can be used to tone the skin and reduce the appearance of skin imperfections and blemishes. These actions can contribute towards reducing the signs of aging and give your skin a more youthful glow. 

Regenerating Skin Tissue and Preventing Scars

Patchouli Essential Oil skin regenerator extraordinaire.  Well, that's how I think of it and that’s how I use it in my skincare preparations too.

The antioxidant properties of Patchouli’s have historically been used to regenerate the skin, encourage wound healing, and reduce the chances of scarring.

But it is not all talk and cultural history, there is real science to back this up. Let's go back to our lovely science boffin Mallappa Kumara Swamy (2015) he cites,

‘Patchouli Oil prevented photoaging by exhibiting antioxidative properties and maintained skin structural integrity caused by UV irradiation. Similarly, the use of patchoulol increased the revitalization of UV-induced skin lesions through antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions.
The Essential Oils, including Patchouli Oil at 12% concentration, effectively controlled skin infections and odor in patients suffering ulcers, torn skin, skin abrasions, and pressure sores. The use of essential oils considerably reduced the healing duration. The structural integrity of UV irradiated skin was maintained by the application of patchouli essential oil and prevented photoaging and increased revival of skin lesions.

Science backs all cultural and historical use of Patchouli Essential Oil skin care and healing benefits.

Infections & Insect Bites

If you look at the indigenous uses of Patchouli Essential Oil in India, you soon see how widely used it is for its insecticidal properties. It is often used as an insect repellant, especially alongside Neem leaves and oil. It is used for soothing insect bites, with its anti-inflammatory properties. Its nervine qualities are useful for soothing those pesky itches that accompany insect bites.

We’ve already seen how effective Patchouli Essential Oil's skin healing properties are. It’s packed with antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory actions. You can maximize the efficacy of this oil and use it where there are skin infections, especially fungal and bacterial infections.

Cooling, Deodorizing, and Soothing The Skin

With anti-inflammatory actions, Patchouli is employed by Aromatherapists to soothe and cool the skin. This is why it often appears in my After Sun recipes. Its constituents cool inflamed skin and skin that feels hot to the touch.

Since it is perfect for overly dehydrated skin this is the go-to essential oil for After Sun skin care, especially if the skin also skin is rough cracked, or flaky.

Those cooling and soothing effects can be relieving for those experiencing acne, psoriasis eczema, and other itchy and inflamed skin conditions.

Patchouli Essential Oil has effective deodorizing actions too, so it’s the perfect ingredient for homemade deodorants and body sprays.

Find Patchouli Essential Oil in our men’s body spray recipe in How To Make Body Spray With Essential Oils And Fragrance Oils.

Patchouli Essential Oil Skin Care - The Incidental Benefits 

Patchouli Essential Oil Skin Care - The Incidental Benefits

Essential Oils have many active benefits and when you start to introduce them into your regular skin care regimen, you are likely to notice these benefits in other areas.

It makes sense to capitalize on some of these properties and kill two birds with one stone, so to speak. If you are regularly stressed and anxious, chances are you’ll notice some improvement when you start using Patchouli essential oil skin care regularly.

Use it in your Night Cream to promote restful sleep, and pop it into your Cellulite Luxe Créme to break down cellulite, use it at night and you might just sleep well too! Do you get the idea?

Mood Elevation

With antidepressant properties, harness Patchouli Essential Oil skincare to also relieve stress, depression, and anxiety. Take advantage of its sedative properties and bring yourself ‘out of your head’ for a while. Slow that incessant overthinking and take a quiet moment to stop, relax, and unwind.

This ability to ‘take you out of yourself’, can be useful for people experiencing shock. It helps you to assimilate and process the information you need, in a time and space that suits you.

There has been some more recent use for Patchouli in working with people with stress-related addictions. It’s new ground and more research is needed in this area to build upon the work of Zhou (2020).

A Good Sleep at Night

Patchouli Essential Oil skin care can also have a wonderful calming, soothing, and sedative effect, which is why we recommend using it in products you would use last thing at night, to help you sleep better.

It calms and quietens our emotions to switch off overthinking. These mood-balancing properties can help us get quality, undisturbed sleep.

You can enhance the effect by using it in a bedroom diffuser an hour before you plan to retire for the night. Don’t let your diffuser run all night, an hour is more than enough, set a timer to switch it off if necessary.


Patchouli has been used by indigenous cultures as an aphrodisiac for centuries. So there must be something in it, right?  We definitely think there is, but sadly there is a distinct lack of scientific research in this particular area.

Patchouli Essential Oil skin care can help improve sexual interest when used regularly and consistently. It can be especially useful where pain, emotions, stress, anxiety, and depression are key factors too.

Liz talks about its ability to ‘bring you into your body’ beautifully in What Is Patchouli Oil Good For? Head on over for some more information. 

Pain Relief

Using Patchouli Essential Oil skin care may also have an incidental analgesic effect. You might notice that your pain is not so acute or that certain aches and pains have disappeared altogether.

Junren (2021) identified several compounds in Patchouli Essential Oil, some of which have analgesic properties. In turn, he referred to a study by Yu (2019) which demonstrated that PA (Patchouli Alcohol) could exert an analgesic effect by regulating opioid receptors.

Using Yu’s study he summarises, "The anti-nociceptive impact of PA involves the mu-opioid receptor (MOR).” Opioids are highly effective analgesics; opioid systems are critical with respect to pain regulation, pain-associated behavior, and pain relief.

Patchouli alcohol’s exercise analgesic properties which you could harness in your Patchouli Essential Oil skincare.

I might up my drops next time I make my moisturizer!  

Flushing Out Your System

Utilize Patchouli Essential Oil skincare to flush your system and rid it of unwanted toxins, fluids, and waste.

Harness the properties of diuretic constituents to balance water retention, to break down the formation of cellulite and even to help ease constipation.

You can find Patchouli Essential Oil in my Cellulite Luxe Créme for these diuretic properties.

Hair And Scalp Health

Historically it has been used in India to promote hair growth and prevent hair loss, something that the alternative medicine community is promoting to this day. 

Your Patchouli Essential Oil skin care may also help your scalp and hair health too.

Maybe it’s time to make your own Hair Hot Oil Serum too? Simply swap out the fragrance oil for 5 ml of Patchouli Essential Oil and do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy. 

Patchouli Essential Oil Skin Care Recipes

Start your Patchouli Essential Oil skincare journey here. Grab a few supplies and let's make a Soothing Cream that will bring welcome relief to dry, dehydrated, irritated, and sunburnt skin. If you are struggling to reduce the signs of scarring, stretch marks or blemishes try our rather luscious Rejuvenating Skin Oil. Stave off the biting insects, and soothe any bites that happen to get through, with our super easy Bug Off and Bug Bite Balm. 

Soothing Cream

Soothing Cream

This is rich, nourishing, and full of ‘skin food’ to feed your dry, irritated skin. It's a cross between a Lotion and Salve but I’ve designed it for a lovely velvety skin feel, and so that you can use it on your face, without it feeling too thick and gunky.

You can slacken this cream off with Rosewater and a bit more Glycerin to make a wonderful After Sun Lotion. It’s even better if you use Cucumber Hydrosol. 

You Will Need:

    1. Immersion Blender
    2. Double Boiler
    3. Measuring Jug
    4. Stainless Steel Spoon
    5. Jar Funnel
    6. 100 ml Jar and Lid
    7. Water and Oil Proof Label 


Optional: Preservative of your choice.


    • Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy


    1. If you choose to use a preservative, follow your manufacturer's instructions. 
    2. You want to heat Cosmetic Butter as little as humanly possible to help them retain their qualities. So keep that dial super low, please.
    3. Make sure the base of the top pan is not touching the water and set a double boiler over low heat to warm up. 
    4. Once warm, put the butter into the double boiler, and let it slowly melt
    5. You can stir it around to help get them melting more quickly.
    6. As soon as they are softened and almost molten, whip them off the heat and remove the pan from the water.
    7. With an Immersion Blender set on low, add the carrier oils in a steady stream. 
    8. Allow the oil to become fully incorporated and then add the Aqueous cream, bear in mind that you are adding a water-based product to oil and butter. Do it VERY slowly, Allowing it a chance to mix and emulsify. Add the Aqueous Cream, ½ tsp at a time, and mix well to emulsify fully.
    9. Mix the floral water and Glycerin together and add that fractionally too. 
    10. Add you're Essential Oils and thoroughly combine.
    11. Decant the Soothing Cream into a 100ml jar using a jar funnel for ease.
    12. Be sure to clean the rim of the jar meticulously and let your cream cool fully before adding your lid. Set it aside and cover it with a clean cloth until completely cool. This helps to prevent mold growth and bacteria. 
    13. Once fully cool, lid tightly and label, list all of the ingredients for safety reasons. Date and add a 3-6 month expiration date.

How To Use:

    1. Please, carry out a 24- 48 hour patch test.
    2. Apply it liberally, where needed up to 4 times a day.
    3. Avoid your intimate areas.
    4. Use within 3-6 months.

If you would prefer a tailor-made After Sun pop over to Radiant Beach Body: Unlock Beauty With Essential Oils Kit and Empower Your Health: Crafting A Custom Essential Oils First Aid Kit for a couple of different variations. 

Rejuvenating Skin Oil

Rejuvenating Skin Oil

My husband recently had Carpal Tunnel surgery and had a pretty decent scar. Despite making him a good potion after his surgery, his surgeon was still a little concerned at how tight his scar was at his check-up. One of the stitches popped and the skin had split open. The scar was inflamed and tight where this had happened.

“Don’t you worry about that” I said, and promptly went home and made a rather magical Rejuvenating Skin Oil to get to grips with this scar. The surgeon had said to massage it with some vigor, which made my husband's eyes pop a little. I already had been, so this meant it was about to get worse, and more painful, for him. Poor thing.

Some weeks later his scar is looking pretty good and is hardly noticeable. I have been using it on a burn scar on my hand and it’s doing its job beautifully. I highly recommend this, because it has worked for us!

It would be great on stretch marks but only after the baby has arrived please, due to the inclusion of Jasmine, which should not be used in the first 37 weeks of pregnancy. If you omit the Jasmine, you can use it from week 17 of your pregnancy.

I fully appreciate there seem to be a lot of carrier oils in this, and there are, but they all bring something to the party!

You Will Need:

    1. Measuring Jug
    2. Stainless Steel Spoon
    3. 50ml bottle with Rubber Topped Pipette
    4. Water and Oil Proof Label


Optional: Preservative of your choice


    • Do not use it in the first 37 weeks of pregnancy.


    1. Simply measure out all your carrier oils into the measuring jug.
    2. Add your essential oils and combine well.
    3. Decant into your 50ml bottle, use a funnel to keep the bottle clean and oil-free.
    4. Label clearly listing all ingredients with an oil and waterproof label. 

How To Use:

    1. Always carry out a 24-48 hour patch test before using on the skin for the first time.
    2. Do not use it on broken skin or wounds with stitches in place.
    3. Dispense a few drops and warm the oil in your hand, then work into the area gently. Take care of skin that has recently healed.
    4. For more established scars you can be a bit more vigorous, with the intent of breaking down the fibrous scar tissue.  
    5. Use daily for the best efficacy. 
    6. Use within 3-6 months.

Why not try out more Patchouli Essential Oil skin and learn How To Make Face Serum With Essential Oils.

Bug Off & Bug Bite Balm

Bug Off & Bug Bite Balm

This is one of those projects that is a double whammy and does two things at once. It acts as both a repellent and a soothing balm in the eventuality that you get bitten.

If you can get hold of some Neem Carrier Oil, that would really ramp up the efficacy of this balm too. Use a 1:1 ratio with Tamanau Carrier Oil. 

You Will Need:

    1. Double Boiler
    2. Measuring Jug
    3. Stainless Steel Spoon
    4. 100 ml Jar or Balm Tin
    5. Water and Oil Proof Label 



    • A preservative of your choice
    • An Infrared thermometer


    • Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.


A Note On Heating Cosmetics Butter and Oils

When it comes to your balm’s base ingredients, you want to conserve their qualities as much as possible. Please warm them through at the lowest temperature possible and for the shortest time possible. Don’t just whack the heat up, be patient. The moment something is molten, remove it from the heat and separate it from the hot water in the double boiler.

    1. If you are using a preservative, consult the individual manufacturer's instructions and note when to add it and how much. 
    2. Warm your double boiler through a little over a low heat.
    3. While you wait, have all of your ingredients measured out and ready, it will help move more quickly.
    4. Add your beeswax into the double boiler. It’s ok to stir it to help it along. 
    5. Add the Shea Butter as soon as the wax has half melted.
    6. The moment the Beeswax and Shea Butter are molten, remove it from the heat and set the pan aside for a few moments. You want it to cool before you add your carrier oil as a high heat can also degrade your carrier oil too!
    7. Wait a few minutes and add your carrier oil.
A Note On Temperature

This is the point where an infrared thermometer can be useful.  Gauging when the mix reaches  125 F/ 51℃ or below can be tricky for beginners. But look, it’s NOT the end of the world if you misjudge it. It’s just ideal to keep the essential oils at their optimal quality.

    1. Once the mix has cooled a little more or reaches 125 F/ 51℃ or below, add you're essential oils and stir to thoroughly combine. Give it a really good stir to ensure even distribution of the essential oils. Especially if it had partially set at the edges. 
    2. Set your jar or balm tin on a level heatproof tray and pour the mix carefully into it.
    3. Allow to cool, by covering with a clean soft cloth and allowing the balm to set fully before adding the lid.
    4. Clean up any drips with white vinegar, and give the rim a good once over too to discourage any bacteria. 
    5. Once fully set, lid, label, listing all of the ingredients clearly for safety reasons and date. 

How To Use:

    1. Please carry out a 24-48 hour patch test.
    2. As an insect repellant, apply to the ankles and wrists and any other exposed areas.
    3. As a balm, apply to the affected area hourly on the first day, until irritation lessens. On the second day and after, use up 8 times a day.
    4. Use within 3-6 months.

Check out DIY Skin Salve: Harnessing Nature's Healing Power for more skin-soothing balms and salves. 

Final Words

Final Words

Patchouli has captured people’s attention for centuries, especially in Asia. It has been historically used for all manner of things, from coughs and colds, to snake bites and soothing hemorrhoids.

Patchouli Essential Oil skincare offers a range of options and incidental benefits.

Modern Aromatherapists capitalize on Patchouli Essential Oil skincare for:

    • Dehydrated. dry, flaky, cracked, and irritated skin
    • Rejuvenating and renewing skin 
    • Reducing the appearance of blemishes and scars
    • Bacterial and fungal skin infections 
    • Insect repellent
    • Insect bites
    • Cooling and soothing to hot, dehydrated, and sore skin
    • Deodorizing actions

The incidental benefits you can get from a regular Patchouli Essential Oil skin care regimen:

    • Mood elevation, reduced anxiety, stress and depression
    • Improved sleep and sleeping patterns
    • Enhanced intimacy and improved sex life
    • Pain relief especially for those with chronic pain conditions
    • Flushing the system of toxins and unwanted water
    • Improved hair and scalp health

Fallen in love with Patchouli yet? Find out more from Jake in:

    1. 10 Popular Patchouli Essential Oil Recipes: Make Your Own Blend Today
    2. Patchouli Essential Oil Recipes For Diffuser – Top 5 Best Patchouli Diffuser Recipes.

However you chose to use Patchouli Essential Oil skincare, we hope that you get as much benefit from it as we do!

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