Tea Tree Oil for Toothache

Having a toothache can disturb you both physically and mentally. This pain doesn't hesitate to steal your peace. You feel like your life has turned into a living hell. You find yourself to be behind the eight ball while you try to do-away-with this severe pain. Hey, don't worry at all! Just use Tea Tree oil for toothache and regain your lost zest and bliss!

Unlike other commercially available ointments for toothache, this natural essential oil has no adverse reactions or side effects. This post has tried to cover some major and necessary topics about using Tea Tree oil for toothache. So, let's dive into the world of relief and delight!

What is Tea Tree Oil?

Tea Tree oil, aka Melaleuca oil, comes from the leaves of Tea Tree. Some people use "tea tree" and "tea plant" interchangeably, but these are quite different from each other. Tea tree, botanically known as "Melaleuca Alternifolia," is the tree that gives us the versatile "Tea Tree essential oil." On the contrary, "tea plant" is a small plant whose dried leaves take the form of tea, which we name "black tea."

The tree is indigenous to Australia's warm regions, giving the tree another name, "Australian Tea Tree." Fresh leaves of the adult trees are gone through the steam distillation process. Consequently, we obtain Tea Tree essential oil. The oil offers a wonderful blend of clear, pungent color and a herbaceous, medicinal, woody, fresh, and earthy aroma.

Concerning the oil's uses, it has long been an integral ingredient in traditional herbal medicines. From rejuvenating skin conditions to promoting hair growth, the oil has been a pain reliever for centuries. Additionally, many people opine that using Tea tree oil for toothache relieved pain and managed to keep them in a comfort zone.

Rejuvenating Benefits of Tea Tree Oil

We have no right to confine Tea Tree oil to only its ability to relieve toothache. We intend to describe whatever this magical oil deserves! There are plenty of other rejuvenating benefits of this oil that make it a must-to-keep on your wish list. These are as under:

Best Friend of Your Hair

Using Tea Tree oil for beard is an on-going trend. Leaving the oil on the head and beard allows hair to grow to its fullest. Furthermore, the oil cleanses and nourishes your hair so effectively that they can catch everyone's eye!

Get a Facial Charm

Don't forget to use Tea Tree oil if acne or wrinkles are ruining your facial beauty. Rub dust, acne, dark spots, and wrinkles away by practicing a personal facial massage once a week.

Healing Wounds/Infections

Tiny cuts turn into big wounds. And these wounds become the house of infectious bacteria leading to hard-to-treat canker. Horrifying, Isn't it? Don't sweat it because Tea Tree oil works as a first-aid for all these sorts of problems and helps you regain your comfort.

Eliminates Swelling/Inflammation

Alongside, Tea Tree oil proves itself the worst enemy of swelling/inflammation. Just mix the oil with any other inflammation-reducing gel, apply it on the affected area, and let this mixture kick off swelling.

A Foe of Bed Bugs

We can't underestimate the potency of Tea Tree oil for bed bugs. From killing/repelling to lowering bugs-infestation chances, Tea Tree oil always remains outmatched.

How Tea Tree Oil is a Powerful Reliever of Toothache?

You might have listened or read, "Tea Tree oil can do this; the oil can do that, etc." But people seldom think about what makes this oil much beneficial. Before you start thinking this, let us present how Tea Tree oil for toothache is always a great choice.

Certain factors can cause toothache. Tea Tree oil focuses upon those root causes, and its chemical components intend to kick them off. Thus, the oil builds its reputation as a good pain reliever for toothache.

Killing of Microorganisms

Your mouth remains the resting place of thousands of microorganisms, which can push you towards numerous dental problems. Bacteria often become the cause of cavities or hollowed gums. These two stand above all other issues due to which you can feel a toothache. Thus, using Tea Tree oil for toothache will do nothing but kill these cavity emerging invisible bacteria and ease your pain. Evidently, it is Terpinen-4-ol and Gamma-Terpinene in the oil that are responsible for this mentioned task!

Soothes the Swollen Gums

Believe it or not, one of the major causes of toothache is inflammation of your gums. Swelling does not only cause pain in the gums, but it also transfers this pain to your teeth. The magical chemical component "1,8-Cineole" enables the oil to remove gum swelling just in an instant.

Fights off Oral Infections

No one likes his mouth to be the prey of any infection. And leaving untreated, this infection can cause other damage to your teeth and gums. Similarly, infection in any part of the mouth can become a bridge towards severe toothaches. But you won't have to worry about it! a-Terpineol adds in the oil a power to fix the infected area, leaving you free from toothache for sure.

Plenty of methods to Use Tea Tree Oil for Toothache

Be a practical man and use Tea Tree oil for toothache properly and efficiently. We're here to assist you in how you can use Tea Tree oil for toothache safely. Moreover, we don't leave you with just one, but with plenty of options you can choose at your ease. Let's take a look at the brief.

Oil Pulling

Oil pulling, aka swishing therapy, is a way to use any essential oil to resolve your dental issues. A device/tool called "oil puller" is used to pull the oil onto your gums or teeth. You can either choose this device or simply take a dropper and use Tea Tree oil for toothache by leaving a few drops on the required place.


This method might seem ineffective to you but believe us, it works! As aromatherapists claim, inhaling essential oils offers many rejuvenating benefits to our physical and mental health. Likewise, inhaling Tea Tree oil for toothache will get you free from the rack of this nettlesome pain.

Direct Application

Add a drop or two of Tea Tree oil on a small cotton bud, open your mouth, and apply on the painful area. Not only this, but you can also use tissue paper and do the same procedure. Leave the oil on jawlines for a few minutes and let this versatile oil do its perfect job!

Toothpaste or Mouthwash

Probably this one is the most convenient and easy-to-adapt way of using Tea Tree oil for toothache. Mix two or three drops of the oil into the toothpaste and brush all your toothaches away. Similarly, add 4-5 drops of the oil into the mouthwash and rinse 8-10 times.

Prepare a Blend

Are you seeking better and quick relief from toothache? Mix other essential oils with Tea Tree oil for toothache. There is a never-ending list of essential oils that are part of pain-relieving oils. Most popular among them are Cinnamon, Frankincense, Myrrh, Thyme, and Lavender essential oils. For example, a mixture of Tea Tree oil and Myrrh essential oil for gums will not only soothe your gums, but it will also reduce toothache.

Word of Caution

While applied undiluted, Tea Tree oil can harm your gums and lips from inside. It is a hot oil, so always dilute it with some carrier oil like coconut or sweet almond before using it.

Why Choose VINEVIDA for Tea Tree Essential Oil?

The list of reasons for this can go on and on. But let us present you a few of them on whose basis we're confident about our products.

Tea Tree Oil for Toothache

Delivery Policy

Who wants his desired thing to reach him later than the expected time? We always keep this notion in our mind and insure our product delivery within two business days. Apart from this, we offer free delivery on all our U.S. orders!

We Provide Exactly What We Claim For

We claim to provide you safe, healthy, pure, and real essential oils. For this, we always prefer fresh parts of fresh trees for our Tea Tree essential oil. We turn our Tea Tree oil 100% pure by ensuring that no synthetic chemicals or additives are added to it.

Pricing Policy

The icing on the cake here is that our rates are affordable. No matter which class you belong to, buying our Tea Tree oil is more affordable than other companies' oils!

Everything Considered

Toothache is such a daunting thing that it can sneak your mental and physical comfort. Before you go to certain medications, we suggest using Tea Tree oil for toothache. The oil eliminates all the reasons for toothache and keeps you as comfortable as you were before. Moreover, from oil-pulling to inhaling Tea Tree oil's aroma and directly applying, you can choose any method most convenient for you. And if you ask, "Would VINEVIDA's Tea Tree oil be an excellent decision of mine?" Our answer would be "yes." Give VINEVIDA a chance and let us far exceed your expectations!

It's not magic, but mother nature that numbs your aches and worries! So, stay connected with nature and with us to get relief from toothache.

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