Today you will find an in-depth analysis of the substitute for Marjoram Essential Oil, well-known by the Greeks and Romans afterward. Marjoram Essential Oil is a customary ingredient which is popular in Aromatherapy and Mediterranean Cuisine. It was widespread in the Arabian Peninsula introduced throughout North America after World War II. The herbs of this plant are immensely popular to enhance the efficacy of any diffuser blend.
Throughout the Middle-Eastern and Arabian Peninsula, Turkey and Levant, Marjoram is familiar with boosting divergent benefits and distinctive health issues. But the cultivation of Marjoram is also recognized because of its aromatic attribute.
For both the fragrance and the flavor, Marjoram is the most elegant as well as a peaceful choice. Even in aromatherapy, skincare, or respiratory discomfort, it might add a supportive advantage. Before get going, let's have some more knowledge about Marjoram.
More about Marjoram – A Brief Introduction of Marjoram Herbs
Early history has evidence that Marjoram was known to the Egyptians near 2000BC. They respected this plant and used it for the ritual to the underworld God, Osiris. In Greek Mythology, they think The Goddess Aphrodite plants Marjoram's seed, which was a lead ingredient to produce a love potion.
As the story goes, it has grown another belief. Some people in Greek Mythology believe that it grew on the graveyard that makes it a symbol of peace. Overall, Romans and Greeks symbolize it as the herb of happiness. Traditionally it is popular to use in garlands, which would place in the newlyweds to bless them love and honor.
Marjoram Essential Oil - VINEVIDA
Marjoram belongs to Origanum Marjoram as a sensitive perennial herb that features sweet pine and flavors of citrus. You will have it quite similar to Oregano in some Middle-Eastern States. It has some other names like Marjoram, Knotted Marjoram, or Pot Marjoram.
Marjoram's smooth leaves are 0.2 to 0.6 inches shaped ovate or oblong-ovate with an obtuse apex that has a symmetrical tapering base, including reticulate venation. The countless hair presence offers us adoring smooth leaves. You may enjoy the aroma of Marjoram leaves even if it is dry or green.
The cultivation of Marjoram is quite popular mostly for culinary purposes as well as its aromatic features. You need to collect the leaves and dry them up. The steam distillation process of dried leaves produces essential oil. Uses of the organic Marjoram essential oil in your food may reinforce your appetite. The widespread cuisines which are garnished by Marjoram are seasoning foods, sauces, stews, etc.
The Production of Marjoram Essential Oil
Romans and Greeks had portrayed it as the symbol of happiness. But the home region of Marjoram is the middle eastern-states, especially Cyprus and Turkey. British came to know about this incredible herb in the middle ages. The soldier fighting near Italy and Greece at World War II has taken the Marjoram to the United States for the first time. Since then, it has climbed to the top of the list.
For commercial production, Egypt, France, Hungary, Spain, Tunisia, USA have come forward harvesting Marjoram. The extraction of Marjoram Essential Oil starts between August and September at the time of the blooming flower.
It is indeed useful for its appetizing use. The Mediterranean cuisine adorns the magnificent Natural Marjoram Essential Oil. Sometimes it is used for recreational purposes. Besides this Marjoram is an essential ingredient of different mixtures of herbs like Herbes de Provence and Za'atar. You will find Za'atar as widely known for Middle-Eastern aromatic blends.
Why Do I Need a Substitute for Marjoram Essential Oil?
Most of the herbs have a multiple-use that comes up as a blend of different essential oils. One essential oil blended with another may have a synergistic effect. While you are onto some diffusers or aromatic blends that require Marjoram Essential Oil, you might need it at once. What will you do if it is missing at that specific time and area? You might as well need a substitute for Marjoram Essential Oil in that circumstance. To neutralize your stress, we have come up with the top ten substitutes for marjoram essential oil.
The Alternatives Which Likely Have A Similar Result of Marjoram
You cannot manage the Marjoram for your required blend. What should you do at that point? Herbs have some implausible effect of assembling different blends. The blends will differ, but you have chances of getting your preferred result instead.
Even someone may have issues with one kind of essential oil. Then we recommend trying other substitutes in recipes to avoid specific inconvenience. So the world of herbs offers you sizable alternatives.
You need to focus on your needs to prepare a blend that might work as a Substitute for Marjoram Essential Oil. Your purpose will decide the ingredients of the recipe. You may need an essential oil that boosts the flavor and fills the appetite. Let's step into the list of the substitutes of Marjoram essential oil.
1. Oregano Essential Oil – The Closest One
Oregano is considered the closest alternative to the organic Marjoram Essential Oil. In some states of the Middle East, people replace Marjoram with Oregano all the time. Sometimes they skip Marjoram and use Oregano, which has indistinguishable features.
Oregano, Scientifically named Origanum Vulgare carries a lot of helpful features. It is well known for healing simple cuts or injuries. Even it might be useful as insect repellents. Moreover, the diluted Oregano Essential Oil has some pain relief options.
2. Geranium Essential Oil – A Substitute for Marjoram on Aromatherapy
Geranium Essential Oil produces from the steam distillation process. The Herb Geranium is scientifically named Pelargonium Graveolens. It is widely used for aromatherapy. The Native South African Herb, Geranium is available throughout Europe and Asia. The Pink fresh flower comes with a strong scent and aroma.
Adding to that, Geranium can be a substitute for Marjoram Essential Oil treating acne. The perfumery scent of the Geranium is fairly mild. This ancient essential oil was popular before the Romans and Greeks. Marjoram is one of the key ingredients to enhance the flavor, and it might be replaced well by Geranium.
3. Basil Essential Oil aka Tulsi or Holy Basil
Basil Essential Oil can be the top substitute for Marjoram Essential Oil. Especially when it produces a hint of pepper flavor for perfumery. But you cannot avoid the aromatic characteristics of this holy herb. In this regard, it comes to the talk of the Marjoram Essential Oil.
Basil Essential Oil comes with properties that can replace the Marjoram Essential oil. The sweet Basil is interchangeable with Marjoram that has a soft and tender feel. The sharp herbal green leaves produce the oil, and it is considered the best ingredient to rub for calming muscle.
4. Thyme Essential Oil as a Substitute for Marjoram Essential Oil
For an alternative for alleviating physical discomfort or alleviating stress and anxiety, you can choose Thyme over Marjoram. Thyme has features of relieving pain and stress. The skincare characteristic purifies cleansing your skin. But it comes as a supplement while you need to use it on relieving coughs or respiratory discomfort.
It might be a popular substitute for Marjoram Essential Oil. The lemon type taste is a splendid pair in a blend of citrus. If you are on long tiring working hours and need Marjoram Essential oil to make your concentration smooth and calm but you’re out of the oil, you can add some Thyme Essential Oil to the diffuser. You will find Thyme Lemon as the best alternative of citrus from Marjoram Essential Oil, even in some diffuser and perfumery blend.
5. Herbes De Provence – A Mixture that Contains Marjoram
You may already know the relation between Herbes De Provence with Marjoram Essential Oil. Though it often contains Marjoram, including some other fragrant herbs, you might replace Marjoram with a little bit more Basil, Thyme, and Rosemary. It will come with a similar fragrance even after the absence of Marjoram.
It can also replace the fragrant part of Marjoram Essential Oil because Herbes De Provence is a mixture that comes with much different essential oil with highly fragrant properties.
The fragrant part can replace the Marjoram Essential Oil diffuser blend, and the other part will help to enhance the wind by its quintessential aroma.
6. Lemon Thyme Essential Oil – Best Substitute for Marjoram Essential Oil for Skin Care
Lemon thyme is also another good choice to add in a perfume or a diffuser, enhancing the citrus flavor as the substitute for Marjoram Essential Oil. Like thyme, one of the alternative features is the citrus flavor. The abundance of the fragrance of Lemon Essential Oil completely replaces the Marjoram Essential Oil.
7. Tarragon Essential Oil – Another Substitute Works for Topical Blends
Tarragon as a blended massage oil is also known as 'little dragon'. The home of Tarragon is Europe, Western Asia, and Southern Russia. The relaxing feature, including the fragrance, Tarragon, is an ideal blend for different uses at home.
While using Marjoram on perfume, Tarragon might be the alternative, especially for its aromatic features.
Marjoram is by far the popular one but interchangeable with Tarragon when it offers flavor on perfume, skincare, or diffuser. So to have an elegant experience, enrich your room with the fragrance of Marjoram. Other than that, Tarragon is the one you need to use.
8. Sage Essential Oil – A Bit More Citrusy
Sage is the one if you say what to use as the substitute for Marjoram Essential Oil. The flavor is close to Marjoram. Sage belongs to the same part of the mint family. Marjoram and Oregano also share the same. Sage Essential Oil is the one you can easily use instead of Marjoram. But what about the sage essential oil as the substitute of Marjoram Essential Oil?
There will be an easier solution for you. We have already mentioned the similarity between the Marjoram and the Sage. Now the kinship comes with citrusy flavors, and it is clear that if you require citrusy flavor and you are missing Marjoram. You can easily choose Sage over Marjoram.
9. Summer Savory Essential Oil – The Favorite Substitute for Marjoram Essential Oil One for North America
Summer Savory Essential Oil is popular in North American Countries like Canada. Like Sage, it also shares the same mint family and citrusy flavor. And Summer Savory is all the go for aromatic purposes. It contains a hint of Mint, Marjoram, and Thyme. So to use the Summer Savory Essential Oil instead of Marjoram, you might come up with the feature that matches Marjoram Essential Oil.
As an herb, Summer Savory is highly aromatic. Besides, it is equivalent to various uses of Marjoram Essential Oil. Now you already assume where to use the Summer Savory covering the features of Marjoram. To enhance aroma, you may require Marjoram. While Marjoram is not around and aroma or some kind of citrusy, you can add using Summer Savory equivalent to Marjoram.
10. Coriander Essential Oil – Another Substitute for Marjoram Essential Oil
Coriander is also pretty similar to Sage. It comes handy while you need something less herbal with the same flavor and recipes. The Coriander Essential Oil might be a supplement on the meaty dish. It is considered the substitute for Marjoram Essential Oil. It is also useful to relieve from a lethargic condition. It blends well with Sage, Thyme, and Tarragon. That means you have a lot of options to interchange with Marjoram Essential Oil to Coriander.
Marjoram is historically in favor and granted for years. It mostly goes with the recipes as a spice, but there are many other features. You can use Marjoram Essential Oil for aromatic and therapeutic purposes. When Marjoram is not available you might use the substitute for Marjoram Essential Oil available in the market.
The Marjoram Herbs and The Marjoram Essential Oil are handy for aromatherapy, skincare, relieving stress, and anxiety. Since ancient times, people have had impressive respect for this incredible Marjoram Essential Oil, and you will find some support for your peace and relaxation.