Essential Oils for Determination

C’mon, admit it, you’ve indulged a tad over the holidays. You know you can’t climb the stairs as fast as you should, and you could do with tightening the purse strings a little too. A 2016 study reported that while 41% of Americans make New Year’s resolutions, only 9-12% felt happy that they had delivered their promise to themselves by the end of the year. Today, we’ll look at some ideas for essential oils that can help you feel more positive and invested in your plans. 

Sweet Basil Essential Oil

It’s worth experimenting to get the measure of sweet basil before you use the essential oil because the plant will do an excellent job convincing you that she means business.

Buy yourself a basil plant from the supermarket and drive back with her in the car. 

Can you smell the tomatoes, bread, or coffee in there too? Basil is so loud, so bossy, and demanding all of your attention will be focused on her, which is great because you want to focus and determination to succeed in your quest.

The queen of action. Sweet Basil demands you stop thinking about doing something and get on with it. The herbal equivalent of the Nike slogan, sweet basil, demands you get out of your head and do it.

I love how bossy sweet basil is. She reminds me of a sergeant major continuously shouting in your ear. There is no softness to sweet basil, no gentleness or cosseting; it's just “You said you wanted to do this, so why aren’t you…” and then pushes you out of the plane!!!

A word to the wise, though, is that if you use sweet basil essential oil too much, you tend to become a bit like her. When I wrote about her in 2017, I was bursting with energy and upbeat power, but my goodness, the things I said!!! Honestly, you don’t give a rat’s ass what people think if you use sweet basil!

Another interesting side effect…My house was tremendously tidy!!! All that energy and “Me, me, me….” You do tend to get things done!

I love it!

Only use small amounts of sweet basil, little and often. Spending too much time with her will make you feel like you have been put through the wringer, a whole day being smashed by her agenda. Whoever christened it sweet basil was ironic. There is nothing sentimental about basil.

Chock contains a constituent called linalool which is also proven excellent for pain as an antistressor agent and an antidepressant (An,2021). Sweet basil is a beneficial essential oil.

Why not add a drop to your muscle rubs, or a drop in an aroma pendant to inspire you to get off the couch, or a diffuser if you want to clear your head for study

Safety: Not suitable for use in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.

Also Read: Best Essential Oils for Energy

Sweet Orange Essential Oil

Jan 1st is about being motivated and having a clean slate, but we inevitably wobble a few days later. Sweet Orange essential oil is all about positivity and a can-do attitude. It tells you not to be afraid. You got this with a spring in your step because it’s eeeeeasy.

Notice the difference in the personalities of sweet orange and basil oils. Both will get the job done, and sweet basil may be the more efficient, but sweet orange is much gentler and gentler. If things don’t quite go how sweet basil wants them to, she’ll walk off and focus her attention on someone more likely to succeed. Sweet Orange will give you a hug and a nice warm drink of cocoa…low calorie, of course. 

Safety: Not suitable for use in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.

Lemon Essential Oil

Bright sunshine optimism. Lemon’s slogan is “But of course…” with a big smile on her face and waving a glitter-making wand...

Think Glinda in the Wizard of Oz. 

Can I do this? Can I make time for this? Is it worth it…

But of course….

Scientifically, lemon is proven to interact with serotonin in our systems. Serotonin is evolved in literally hundreds of actions, but most pertinently, it's what modulates our mood. It keeps us calm and happy.

Like Scheherazade in Arabian Nights, I always think of lemon as the storyteller. You can squeeze more with lemon essential oil, go a bit further, and reach more profound than you think…only because you’re excited to see what comes next.

Lemon is very good at playing with the stories we tell ourselves.

In 2005, The National Science Foundation published their findings that the average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts daily. Of those, 80% were negative, and 95% were just repetitions of ones that had been processed the day before. (Mind Matters)

In other words, our minds have predictable patterns.

Lemon says… Open Sesame to swashbuckling thoughts of adventure, magic, and success. But more importantly, happier endings to stories of wishes about what we can do.

Gorgeous in aroma pendants and diffusers. Ust, be careful about putting lemon onto lava beads because they rest against the skin, and lemon is a dermal irritant. Always add it to a carrier for these.

Incidentally, sweet basil and lemon…uber delicious! 

Safety: Not suitable for use in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy. Dermal irritant - do not use in the bath.

Also Read: Essential Oils for Empowering Women

Helichrysum Essential Oil

Helichrysum is an overall fortification essential oil. The plant grows in harsh landscapes, its silvery leaves ideal for arid conditions. The Doctrine of Signatures tells us that the sun rules plants with yellow flowers.

Sun medicines help you to focus on the “I” part of your personality. The ego, the conscious mind. 

“I’m doing this for me.” 

“I’m strong enough to do this.”

Safety: Not suitable for use in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy. Do not use it if you have a clotting disorder, are on anticoagulant medications, or have planned surgery in the next 48 hours.

Black Pepper Essential Oil

Lovely warming black pepper asks you to stop worrying about whatever anyone else needs and start thinking about yourself. 

Do you want to find time to go to the gym? Black pepper will help you find it. 

It’s a tremendous oil for helping you feel less worried about feeling more selfish and cuts through any b****it that people give you about putting yourself first for a change. 

Black Pepper says I wish you could see yourself as I do; then you’d prioritize yourself lots more.

Plus, it’s a lovely ignition spark when you feel low, unmotivated, or procrastinating. 

Safety: Not suitable for use in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.

Also Read: Essential Oils for Uplifting Mood

Grapefruit Essential Oil

The brashest, sassiest of all the oils. Full of adventure and energy, grapefruit is all about the fun, baby. 

So positive, rusting with energy, and smelling it will make you feel like you want to dance.

Safety: Not suitable for use in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy. Do not use it if you have a clotting disorder, are on anticoagulant medications, or have planned surgery in the next 48 hours. Dermal irritant - do not use in the bath.

Rosemary Essential Oil

Bossy (and a little obnoxious, rosemary demands, concentrate, will you please? 

Rosemary is one of the best essential oils for focus because she is so brilliant for willpower. Equally, she helps you think more clearly and remember more too. Great if you are thinking of studying or something like learning to sing.

From an exercise point of view, rosemary is invigorating and stimulating, helping you feel refreshed and ready to go.

Safety: Not suitable for use in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy. Exercise caution if you have high blood pressure, epilepsy, or any delusory condition such as psychosis or schizophrenia.


We wish you the very best of luck with your resolutions. Use your essential oils for focus to help you chase your dreams and support your goals. Together, you can achieve the most beautiful things.

Also Read: What Essential Oils Are Good For Manifesting

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