What Is Cinnamon Essential Oil Good for

Have you ever wondered what Cinnamon Essential Oil is good for?  Historically, aromatherapists have used cinnamon oil for its anti-inflammatory properties, thanks to a chemical it contains called cinnamaldehyde. However, the Cinnamon Essential Oil also contains eugenol, which provides many antimicrobial properties when combined with cinnamaldehyde.

What is Cinnamon Essential Oil Good for in Everyday Use?

The components contained in Cinnamon Essential Oil make it an excellent choice for cleaning, plus the aroma is enticing as it warms your whole space. When many people think of cinnamon, they think of the holidays as it’s often a mainstay in seasonal candles, soaps, and some scented home décor. The benefits of cinnamon can be felt year-round, though, to help lift the mood in your space by putting a few drops in your diffuser or potpourri.

After a rough day at the gym, you can add it to a carrier oil to massage sore muscles. The anti-inflammatory properties of cinnamon essential oil are also helpful for people with arthritis or painful joints.

The list of benefits of cinnamon essential oil is lengthy, with new information introduced daily. When learning about the benefits of cinnamon essential oil, it’s also good to know what other Essential Oils it blends well with and any precautions you may need to take. With so many uses, you’re sure to find a reason to stock up on cinnamon essential oil.

The truth is, we can use cinnamon oil for various things, and just a few drops go a long way. So from cleaning to wellness and many things in between, it’s worth getting to know the benefits of this essential oil.

What is Cinnamon Essential Oil Good for in Carrier Oils?

It’s important to pay attention to which cinnamon essential oil you are using, as you can find both Cinnamon Leaf and Cinnamon Bark essential oils. Both oils have similar benefits, but the cinnamon leaf is the milder form of the oil. There are many ongoing studies on the benefits of cinnamon oil, including its use in individuals with diabetes and those with Parkinson’s disease. Some studies have also shown it may be beneficial in working with cancer patients may be helpful.

Cinnamon oil is considered a “hot oil.” It should never be used on your skin straight from the bottle, whether you have sensitive skin. If you’re new to essential oils, it’s important to know the dos and don’ts for each to ensure your best experience. There are several essential oils on the “hot list,” and cinnamon essential oil is just one of them.

Dilution is not the only reason carrier oils are used; they also alter their absorption rate. Popular choices are coconut or olive oil but choose the one that works best for you. In addition, different carrier oils may feel differently on your skin.

Always test every new blend to ensure it won’t irritate your skin, and be mindful of using it in small amounts. This is due to cinnamon oil containing chemicals that have been known to cause reactions such as dry and irritated skin. Knowing this makes it even more important to always mix cinnamon with a carrier oil, but you may still react even when diluted. Also, don’t use a cinnamon essential oil on children or pets.

What is Cinnamon Essential Oil Good for in Self-Care?

What Is Cinnamon Essential Oil Good for

When thinking about cinnamon, cozy memories often come to mind, warming our hearts and giving us an overall good feeling. Cinnamon essential oil gives us that same warming effect thanks to the cinnamaldehyde it contains. The warmth is quite comforting, making it a great essential oil for an upset stomach, sore muscles, menstrual cramps, or tight joints. It also feels good if you generally think achy and need extra warmth, making it perfect during cold and flu season. So if you’re feeling a cold coming on, add a few drops of cinnamon essential oil into your diffuser, breathe deep, and enjoy the familiar, cozy scent it provides.

Speaking of the cold, do you have cold feet at night? Add a drop to your carrier oil and massage your feet with the blend. This is especially helpful if you’ve been on your feet all day and they are swollen and tired. According to Tisserand and Young Essential Oil Safety for Health Professionals (2013), the maximum dilution of Cinnamon Bark is 0.08%. 1% is one drop per teaspoon of the carrier, so, in this case, use 50mls to be safe, or use one drop in a tablespoon of the carrier, then use just one drop of that mix.

Cinnamon leaf is a little kinder, but it is still very harsh. Maximum dilution is 0.7%, so for ease, one drop per two teaspoons. Not an exact science, but it will keep you safe.

Alternative practitioners often turn to cinnamon essential oil for a variety of reasons. For example, in Ayurvedic medicine, the oil is thought to help with diabetes, colds, indigestion, and more. In addition, according to Ayurveda, cinnamon essential oil assists with immunity, strength, and vitality.

However, please be mindful to avoid cinnamon if you take anticoagulation meds or have a platelet disorder, as cinnamon essential oil has a blood-thinning action. It is also not advised to use cinnamon essential oil during pregnancy.

This strong scent makes cinnamon essential oil an excellent choice for lotions, soaps, and candles. Cinnamon is also easy to work with if you choose to create your DIY recipes. There are a variety of kits available if you’d like to try your hand at this, and friends and family will appreciate not only the time you took to create their gift but the benefits your gift can provide them as well.

What is Cinnamon Essential Oil Good for in Aromatherapy?

A small human study has shown that smelling cinnamon can improve performance in memory tasks. Researchers at Wheeling Jesuit University completed this study. Participants showed improved cognitive function, as well as increased attention span.

The study by Dr. Bryan Raudenbush tested participants as they completed a battery of cognitive tests while “under chewing gum conditions” in the first phase and odorant conditions in the second phase. “Results revealed a task-dependent relationship between odors and the enhancement of cognitive processing.” The study cited cinnamon for improving participants' scores when rating attention processes, memory recall, working memory, and more. (Zoladz, 2005)

For this reason, try diffusing cinnamon when trying to focus on a task or study for a big test. You can also use the blend of cinnamon with lemon or rosemary essential oil in your diffuser to lighten the mood or just help your space smell spicy and clean.

Suppose you’re not able to utilize a diffuser. In that case, you can also benefit from the scent by brewing cinnamon tea and taking a few minutes to inhale the aroma before enjoying the drink itself.

Due to cinnamon often being used during the holidays, its scent also has the power to remind us of family, childhood, and joyful times. Baking cookies, gathering the family and taking the time to be thankful for the simple things are memories of just a quick whiff of this pleasing essential oil. On days when life feels dark, these memories remind us of happier times and tend to lift our spirits and provide hope.

What is Cinnamon Essential Oil Good for in Diffusing?

Playing on our scent memories, the cinnamon essential oil is perfect for your diffuser. You can blend it with various other essential oils to evoke warm and cozy memories. As mentioned above, the cinnamon essential oil can also enhance memory recall and focus.

Since cinnamon spice is often used in cooking, blending cinnamon essential oil with oils such as wild orange to imitate apple pie—likewise, a tingly candy cane scent makes sense. And blending ginger, clove, and vanilla creates a lovely gingerbread scent.

Speaking of ginger, it can also boost calm when combined with cinnamon essential oil in your diffuser.  

What is Cinnamon Essential Oil Good for in Cleaning?

Many people have recently turned to more natural cleaning of their homes and workspaces. Cinnamon essential oil can help with this, and cinnamaldehyde and eugenol, contained in cinnamon essential oil, provide antimicrobial properties. You can mix the cinnamon essential oil with lemon or Rosemary Essential Oil plus your carrier oil to make your sanitizing blend.

You can also add cinnamon essential oil to a spray bottle with water and vinegar for a woodsy smell while cleaning. You will need to dissolve the essential oil in a teaspoon of alcohol, such as vodka, before mixing it with the water and vinegar, as essential oils and water don’t play well together. Shake the mixture once you’ve added it to your spray bottle and are ready. Then, spritz the blend on areas you want to clean and wipe with a soft towel. Cinnamon essential oil carries a strong scent and will provide a pleasant aroma long after you’re done cleaning.

What is Cinnamon Essential Oil Good for Spiritually?

Throughout history, cinnamon has been revered as highly sought after and at times more valuable than gold. It is thought to raise spiritual awareness due to its high vibration and, for that reason, is often used in meditation or places of prayer. Allowing oneself to focus on the scent while taking in deep breaths has a grounding effect, allowing one to increase self-awareness and become present at the moment. It can also help calm the mind during moments of anger or anxiety.

What is Cinnamon Essential Oil Good for in Blending?

When mixing and matching, it’s important to understand the benefits of other essential oils will be beneficial. Once you feel comfortable with the basics, it’s fun to experiment. For example, lemon and rosemary have historically been used with cinnamon essential oil. Orange essential oil is another one you can experiment with.

Clove and cinnamon oil also work well together as an antimicrobial powerhouse. You can use the two as a powerful mouthwash or make your antibacterial blend. You can add this mixture to a foot bath, laundry, or the dishwasher to fight germs and provide a clean overall feeling.

You can use Grapefruit essential oil in place of lemon to provide an overall joyful and optimistic feeling when added to the cinnamon oil. Its tangy scent is a good match for the sweet and spicy aroma of cinnamon.

Aromatherapists use both grapefruit and lemon to improve moods and decrease anxiety. However, be mindful when using grapefruit oil. Like cinnamon essential oil, they can be harmful to sensitive skin.

Lemon essential oil is considered safe when used as directed. Also, you’ll want to limit the amount of time you spend in the sun if you’ve applied a blend of lemon oil to your skin.  

What is Cinnamon Essential Oil Good for in Skincare?

Cinnamon essential oil can benefit your skin, but there are better choices. For example, geranium and sandalwood are incredibly nourishing, without the drying effect some may experience when using cinnamon essential oil.

Cinnamon oil can be added to warm carrier oil and applied to hair for various benefits.  It’s widely thought among aromatherapists that this blend can stimulate hair growth and clean one’s scalp. This treatment can be repeated 2-3 times a week and may also help with dandruff.

A drop of cinnamon oil can also be added to your favorite shampoo to increase the health of one’s hair in general.

Related Questions?

Where does Cinnamon Essential Oil Come from?

The primary ingredient of cinnamon essential oil depends on which part of the plant the oil comes from. The bark, leaf, and root may all be used.

What can You do with Cinnamon Oil if you Have an Allergy?

Avoid cinnamon oil or anything with cinnamon if you have a cinnamon allergy. Cinnamon oil is powerful and should only be used sparingly, even if you don’t have an allergy.

DIY Recipes with Cinnamon Essential Oil

Pumpkin Essential Oil Diffuser Blend

    Safety: Not designed for topical use. You can copy that across.

    DIY Scented Pine Cones

      1. Lay pine cones on a clean baking sheet.
      2. Bake at 200 degrees for 30 minutes.
      3. Wait for the to cool and transfer to a gallon Ziploc bag.
      4. Add 30 drops of cinnamon essential oil to the bag.
      5. Leave sealed for 1-2 weeks.
      6. Remove them and use them as home décor.


      When posed with the question, what is cinnamon essential oil suitable for? The answer is a variety of things. First, always use a carrier oil when using cinnamon oil topically, and experiment to find a carrier oil that’s right for you. Then, enjoy the warming effect, try a few recipes, and inhale the sweet, spicy aroma throughout the home while cleaning.

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