What Is Frankincense Essential Oil Used For

Frankincense oil is often referred to as the “King of Oils” in some circles because of its versatility in almost every aspect of our lives. Historically aromatherapists have used both frankincense resin and frankincense oil for their skincare, health care, and household needs. Excellent for skin care, breathing difficulties, sports injuries, and meditation, Frankincense is one of history’s most important medicines.

Today, we ask what is frankincense essential oil good for and explore some of the different ways we can use it. 

What Is Frankincense Essential Oil Used For - Throughout History?

Frankincense oil is derived from the Frankincense tree or the milky white sap secreted by the tree. In many cultures, such as Indian or Arabian, frankincense oil is believed to bring good health and cleansing of the body and home. In Ayurvedic medicine, Frankincense is referred to as “Dhoop.” It is used for such things as healing wounds, relieving anti-inflammatory issues - like arthritis, as well as to purify the air in your home.

Frankincense resin should not be mistaken for frankincense oil, but it is interesting to note that its components are known to assist with frankincense oil. (The Secret Healer, 2014)

What Is Frankincense Essential Oil Used For - Skincare

Frankincense oil contains components that promote cell regeneration and keep cells and tissues healthy. With the help of these components, applying frankincense oil to your face can help prevent wrinkles and lift and tighten skin. The combined antibacterial, antiseptic, and antioxidant qualities included in the components of frankincense oil work together to protect the skin by helping it heal from damage and reducing inflammation, which is excellent for people with eczema, burns, bites, and rashes.

The chemical properties of frankincense oil will also aid in reducing the appearance of skin imperfections. This makes it a beneficial oil when used for razor burns or to reduce the appearance of stretch marks or scars.

Another benefit of the components of Frankincense oil is to aid in the relief of dry and cracked skin. Simply blend frankincense oil with your favorite moisturizer or hand lotion to help hydrate and rejuvenate your skin.

Not only will your hands feel better in no time, but the spicy scent of frankincense oil will last throughout the day. And speaking of your hands, don’t forget your fingernails. Simply combine a few drops of frankincense with the carrier oil of your choice and massage your fingernails and cuticles when they are dry.

Frankincense isn’t just for hands and nails; it is a deep moisturizer. Thanks to its antibacterial, antiseptic, and antioxidant properties, it can help protect your skin from damage caused by dryness. In addition, it keeps skin firm and plump and maintains elasticity. Consider keeping a blend of frankincense and carrier oil in your shower. Add it to a washcloth to help moisturize skin, and add a “steam bath” simultaneously.

Related article:

How to Use Frankincense Oil on the Face

What Is Frankincense Essential Oil Used For - In The Home?

Historically, aromatherapists have used frankincense oil to help soothe anxiety, increase focus and decrease stress. Inhaling a blend of frankincense and carrier oil before meditating or simply diffusing while you’re meditating or preparing for the day can help reset the mind and prepare you for the future.

As mentioned above, frankincense oil’s components have also been mentally and emotionally soothing. This makes frankincense oil perfect to diffuse when your mood needs an overhaul. So when you’re feeling down or struggling with emotions, find a diffuser blend that includes frankincense, or try the DIY recipe listed below.

What Is Frankincense Essential Oil Used For - With Children?

Many oils are safe to use with children. However, some general ground rules are always to dilute, never put oils directly in their eyes, ears, or nose, and keep them out of their reach. 

It is typically safe to use essential oils topically and aromatically with children. In addition, many children can benefit from a diffuser in their bedroom to help with focus and mood.

Frankincense essential oils benefit children caring for wounds due to the oil’s antibacterial, antiseptic, and antioxidant properties. You can add oil, vodka, and water to a glass spray bottle to create an excellent “boo-boo” spray. Maximum dilution for use with children is 1%.

The components of frankincense oil also make it a good choice when used as a sleep aid for children or to help them focus. You can create a rollerball blend of frankincense and a carrier oil, lightly rolling on the bottom of the feet or the inside of the wrist.

You can add Cedarwood or Lemon to your blend to assist focus, while Lavender or Clary Sage can boost your sleep blend.

What Is Frankincense Essential Oil Used For - In Health?

Aromatherapists have historically used frankincense oil for coughs, respiratory issues, and chest congestion. You can add a drop of frankincense oil to a DIY chest rub or purchase it off the shelf. You can also create a steam inhalation by adding frankincense oil to a bowl of hot water. Place a towel over your head and breathe in the aroma.

Components found in frankincense oil contain anti-inflammatory properties meaning that frankincense oil may be beneficial for people who have arthritis and other joint pains. A blend of frankincense and carrier oil may also help work out morning stiffness when massaged into problem areas. This blend can also be used at the end of the day to help with sore muscles as you settle in to relax for the evening.

There is still a lot to learn about the health benefits of frankincense oil's properties. As researchers continue to study and learn, the list of reasons to have frankincense oil in your home may grow. But, for now, there are certainly enough known benefits to try it.

What Is Frankincense Essential Oil Used For - Safety?

Pregnant women in their first sixteen weeks should not use frankincense oil. In addition, you should be mindful not to use it around your eyes as it can irritate the eyes and the area around them.

You should always do a patch test before applying any essential oil to your skin to ensure you do not react. And no matter how gentle essential oils are, they are still potent extracts and must not be used on the skin undiluted.

What Is Frankincense Essential Oil Used For - DIY Recipes?

Walk in the Leaves Diffuser Blend

Safety: Not for topical use.

Razor Relief Skin Serum



    • Place coconut oil into a pump bottle
    • Add essential oils and shake.
    • To use, spray directly on the skin or place two to three pumps in the palms and rub on the affected skin.

Safety: Pregnant women should not use it during their first 16 weeks of pregnancy.

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What Does Frankincense Essential Oil Blend Well With?

What Is Frankincense Essential Oil Used For - Conclusion?

The use of frankincense oil has increased over the last few years, and with ongoing research, this increase is sure to continue. As with any essential oil, be mindful of diluting correctly and testing for irritations before using consistently. Frankincense has an earthy, sometimes woodsy, and somewhat spicy aroma pleasing many people.

Frankincense oil can quickly be diffused, inhaled, or applied topically with the proper use of carrier oils. The components included in frankincense oil have various benefits, making frankincense oil a “must-have” in many homes.

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