Best essential oils for meditation

Soothe Your Soul: Must-Have Essential Oils for Deep Meditation

May 21st marks international meditation awareness day, and this is the perfect opportunity to stress the tremendous effects of aromatic mindfulness. Practicing meditation soothes the stresses of th...
Essential Oils for Blood pressure

Harnessing Essential Oils for Blood Pressure Control

One of the questions I get asked most is about essential oils for blood pressure. Hypertension is the leading preventable risk factor for cardiovascular disease globally. Affecting an estimated 1.3...
Essential Oils For Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Symptoms

Essential Oils For Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Symptoms and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

I have lived with ME for most of my adult life. In this article, I examine Essential Oils For Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Symptoms and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome that allow me to cope and hopefully thr...
The Anointing Oil

Unlocking the Power of Anointing Oil in Spiritual Practices

On May 7th 2023, England and the Commonwealth will have a new monarch, King Charles III, seventy years after our last coronation. We’ll all get goosebumps as the choral wall of sound of Handel’s gl...
Luxe Creams With Essential Oils

Luxe Creams With Essential Oils Fit for Royalty

Treat yourself this week, celebrate the Coronation, and make luxe creams with essential oils fit for royalty… and yourself! Throw caution to the wind and use those luxury essential oils and absolut...
Essential Oils for Asthma

Essential Oils for Asthma: Natural Remedies to Help You Breathe

There are 26.5 million people diagnosed with asthma in the US. This equates to 8.3% of the population or 1 in 13 people. Of that number, 20.4 million are adults, and 6.1 million are children. It is...
Essential oils for Mothers Mental Health

Motherhood Mindfulness: Essential Oils for a Mentally Fit Mom

I had to laugh because my son saw my computer and said “Yeah I constantly worry about your mental health …” which I am sure was supposed to be an insult but I kinda loved it. Because being a mom is...
Carrot seed oil spf

Unlock the Power of Carrot Seed Oil SPF for Beautiful, Protected Skin

May is National Skin Cancer Awareness Month, so I wanted to take this opportunity to bust some dangerous natural sunblock myths around carrot seed oil SPF and essential oils for sun blocks generall...
Essential Oils for IBS

Soothe Your IBS Naturally: Essential Oils for a Happy Tummy and Improved Life

Irritable Bowel Syndrome can be debilitating, affecting between 25 and 45 million people in the USA. Learn about the symptoms of IBS and how managing stress and boosting our serotonin levels are in...
How To Make Mosquito Repellent With Essential Oils

How To Make Mosquito Repellent With Essential Oils

Someone once told me, "If you think you are too significant to make a difference in the world, spend the night in a room with a mosquito." Powerful imagery. World Health Organization (WHO) estimate...
Essential oils for reading, study, and storytelling

Essential Oils for Reading, Study and Storytelling

Being relaxed helps you absorb and retain more information to recall later. Create a variety of blends with just this handful of essential oils for the kids' bedtime stories or SATs to focus your o...
Essential Oils for C-section Healing

Essential Oils for C-Section Healing: Expert Guide

Explore the best essential oils for C-section healing. We look at essential oils' multifunctional uses and properties like Myrrh, Galbanum, Helichrysum, Rose, Lavender and Roman Chamomile. Using th...