CalmingMassage Blend


Size: 1 lb

400 lb Drum  Click for quote

Sale price$14.99

Calming Massage Blend

Soothe away the stresses of life, and relax aching muscles with our Calming Massage Oil.

Natural Ingredients

A blissfully relaxing blend of all natural ingredients:  Lavender and Chamomile essential oils blended into an all natural base of grapeseed, coconut and vitamin E oil.
Grapeseed Oil conditions and nurtures the skin. Lovely and light it absorbs into the skin easily.  Coconut MCT Oil is richer adding luxury and nourishment to the blend.  Vitamin E is  a sumptuous skin food that also acts as a natural preservative for the oil. The base is light enough to absorb into the skin easily.

Relaxation and Stress Relief

Stress affects the body in so many ways, not least making tension in muscles. Made up of bundles of fibres, muscles create a bi-product of lactic acid from their work. Lactic acid slips in between the fibres making it difficult for them to move back and forth over each other. This stiffness can become painful over time, as we accrue “knots” that feel tender and sore.
When we feel annoyed, rushed or irritated, we tighten muscles further so eventually it can become very hard to physically relax. Therapeutic massage oil is a fantastic medium to dissipate tension in the muscles. 
So that’s the physical side, but also in these stressful times it can also be hard to find time to stop our minds from working. This means that our brains spend much more time than is healthy, operating in a state of beta waves. Beta waves are busy, focussed and alert. 
Lavender essential oil not only soothes muscular pain but moves brainwaves into an alpha state. Alpha waves are relaxed and calm. Chamomile essential oil is tranquil, uplifting and serene. Both oils are demonstrated to be excellent for calming worry and anxiety and for improving sleep. 
This blend of lavender and Chamomile essential oil relaxes, soothes and comforts. This relaxing essential oil blend is perfect for times of stress, or just to soothe for a much better night’s rest. 

How to Use

VINEVIDA’s Calming Massage Oil  is ready diluted for you to use immediately. NO need to worry about safe dilutions and blending. The hard work has been done for you. Simply pour a small amount into your hand (warm hands are kinder!) and gently smoothe into the skin.
Strictly speaking, aromatherapy massage blends are soothing in their own right. However, if you can find someone kind enough to rub them in and work your muscles, even better. 
Because it is ready diluted, you can also use our Calming Massage Oil in the bath if you would like to. Warm water opens the skin pores to make millions of tiny doorways for your therapy to enter your body. Steam also releases molecules to soothe your brain yet more. 
Why not make the most of your Calming Massage Oil by adding a couple of drops into a diffuser, or even into the melted wax of a tea light to make a bespoke candle with your relaxing blend. 
If you want to use your relaxing blend on the go, why not decant a little of your Calming Massage Oil into a rollerball? The perfect holistic wellness product for instant relaxation! 

Safety Tips

Lavender and Chamomile are safe oils to use, but all essential oils are best avoided in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.
Just as a side note, please note that essential oils will damage the integrity of condoms. It is best to keep your Calming Massage Oil and condoms separate! 

Why Choose Our Calming Massage Oil?

At VINEVIDA we care about where our ingredients come from. Sourced from sustainable crops, and manufactured by ethical partners. All products are cruelty free. Unlike synthetic blends, our product is all-natural and free from harmful additives.
Ready blended, VINEVIDA Calming Massage Oil is an economical way to take care of your health and wellbeing. Don’t forget too, that you could also use this as a base to add other essential oils to, to tailor make other stress relief massage oils.

DIY Recipe

Calming Massage Oil for “Women’s Problems” 

Add 1 drop of lavender essential oil and 1 drop of Clary Sage essential oil to one teaspoon of our Calming Massage Oil 

Directions for Use: Massage into the lower abdomen and lower back when tender. Use upto five times daily for a week.

Safety: Not suitable for use during pregnancy.

Calming Massage Oil For Exams

Why not capitalize on how calm lavender and Chamomile make you feel, then add a couple of oils well known for their ability to help you focus?
Decant 9ml of your Calming Massage Oil into a rollerball bottle and add 2 drops each of rosemary and Sweet Basil essential oils. 

Directions for Use: Add to the pulse points on your wrists, to your temples and onto the back of your neck. Use as often as needed. 

Safety: If you live with epilepsy, psychosis or any other paranoia condition, swap the rosemary for a drop of Peppermint essential oil. Likewise, swap out the rosemary if you have high blood pressure. 

Relaxing Bath For When You are worried about Money

Add one drop of Geranium essential oil to one teaspoon of our Calming Massage Oil then pop it into the bath.
Soothing, relaxing, and just feel the worries lift away. 

Safety: Not suitable for use in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy. 

Also be aware that oil in the bath tub can make it slippery, so get in and out with care. Always rinse the tub down with some washing detergent afterwards to protect the next person from slipping, but also to avoid dirty rings appearing. 

Purchase Your Calming Massage Oil Here

Make this your first resolution towards wellness. Halt the negative effects of stress by relaxing, breathing and resting, thanks to your Calming Massage Oil. 

Calming Massage Blend Calming Massage Blend Calming Massage Blend Calming Massage Blend Calming Massage Blend Calming Massage Blend

Calming Massage Blend




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