Breezy BreathingSynergy Blend


Size: 10 mL

400 lb Drum  Click for quote

Sale price$8.99

Breezy Breathing Synergy Blend contains Lemon Oil, Peppermint (Piperita) Oil, Eucalyptus (Globulus) Oil, and Rosemary (Cineole) Oil.

What Is Synergy?

This is a blend of pure essential oils, brought together to enhance and improve each other's effects. Importantly, these are not contained in carrier oil.


They are fantastic for use in diffusers and for making your products for home and everyday use.

No more stuffy noses with Breezy Breathing Synergy Blend.

Let’s begin with talking about the chemical constituent 1,8 cineole, a natural ingredient that eucalyptus and rosemary plants make to overcome pathogens and to deter pests. This incredible molecule is being extensively researched for its effects on humans too. 

1,8 cineole has antibacterial and decongestant abilities. (Cai, 2020)  This is the molecule the eucalyptus uses to unblock your nose. You’ll notice that in this blend, we have also chosen a species of rosemary that is also high in cineole to supercharge the 1,8 cineole magic. 

Lemon is a traditional treatment for coughs and colds and has been used for centuries. Lemon essential oil is rich in limonene, a constituent well recognized for its immune-modulatory skills. (Anandkumar, 2020). Lemon essential oil is refreshing and uplifting. 

Finally, peppermint essential oil is cooling, refreshing, and penetrating, able to smash through congestion in a flash. 

Ways to Use Breezy Breathing Synergy Blend 

There are lots of great ways to use Breezy Breathing Synergy Blend, but perhaps the fastest and most potent way is to combine two applications. 

Make a Breezy Breathing Synergy Blend Steam Inhalant and then also use A Breezy Breathing Synergy Blend Facial Massage Treatment. You can also add this blend to the bath, use it as an emergency cream, pop it into a sniffy stick inhaler, or of course add it into a diffuser too.

Steam Inhalant

There’s nothing worse than having a stuffy nose. Next, she speaks funny and drags your mood down.

Steam inhalants are a fast way to get the essential volatiles up the nose so they can start to do their job.

Find a large bowl and fill it with boiling water. Add four or five drops of breezy breathing Synergy blend of essential oils for stuffy noses. Get a large bath towel and place your face over the water using black bass to make a tent so that it traps the steamer.

Ensure that your face is far enough away from steam that it cannot schooled.

Make sure you take breaks out of the tent if you need them.

Ideally, you try and do this treatment for five minutes, however, that may feel like a lifetime so do it as long as feels comfortable.

Facial Massage Treatment

Use one drop of breezy breathing Synergy blend of essential oil for decongestant in a teaspoon of carrier oil. You might consider using jojoba, grapeseed, or almond however whatever vegetable oil is nearby will work.

Apply the oil gently to the cheekbones and the forehead and smooth on notice that there will be areas that feel very sensitive because the sinuses are so congested. I also want to pay attention to some of the acupressure points that can be used to treat sinus congestion these are found underneath the eyebrow and also underneath the cheekbones and along the base of the skull.

Can be soothing to massage the face however essential oils can do the job themselves and once you have applied them to the skin will take about 20 minutes to work fully.

Massage Treatment

Essential oils circulate the body, reaching the parts that need them.

This blend is full of chemical constituents to help support a healthy immune system. So using this in a back massage can also be great if someone’s got a very stuffy nose. This helps the essential oils to build up in the system and it gives you access to the acupressure point GB21 on the shoulder mantle which can be very helpful when the sinuses become congested.

Gallbladder Muscle

Peppermint and eucalyptus are also wonderful essential oils for the aches and pains you feel when you have a cold.


This is a useful blend to having the house generally. However, it is also a fantastic way to apply Breezy Breathing Synergy Blend to the face without making it greasy if you want to put make-up on over the top.

Add 20 drops of Breezy Breathing Synergy Blend to 2 oz aqueous cream, which can be easily obtained over the counter at most pharmacies.

Sniffy Stick

Feel rubbish but still have to go to work? A Breezy Breathing Synergy Blend sniffy stick may be your answer.

Sniffy sticks contain a small piece of cotton wool. 

Dip the cotton inside your bottle of breezy breathing synergy blend so it can drink the oil up. At some point, it will become saturated and you’ll be aware it can’t absorb any more. 

When that happens, place the cotton inside your sniffy stick and click it closed.

Some people like to just wave the stick underneath their noses, others like to put it inside the nostril. Both work well however be aware that sometimes sticking it up the nose may irritate the mucous membranes inside it, especially if the nostrils are already inflamed.  

Use as and when required.

In A Diffuser

Use three or four drops of Breezy Breathing Synergy Blend in your diffuser, not only to decongest but also to cleanse the air of airborne particles that may be circulating. 

It’s also a great blend of oils to use as a natural cleaning product when you have someone sick in the house. Use a couple of drops in a warm cloth to clean light switches, toilet flushes, and banisters.

Bath Oil

Lemon essential oil can often be irritating in the bath, so we would not recommend bathing with this blend.

Is It Safe To Use On Children and Babies?

This blend is high in both 1,8 cineole and menthol. Both of these constituents slow respiration which can be harmful for small children.

Do not use this blend on children under the age of 2, and if you do, please only apply it topically on their backs. Keep Breezy Breathing Synergy Blend away from their faces. 

If you do choose to apply it to their backs, dilute 1 drop of the Breezy Breathing Synergy Blend into a tablespoon of carrier oil.

To stress, please do not use it close to their faces and only apply it to their backs.

Is it Safe To Use During Pregnancy?

Breezy Breathing Synergy Blend is safe to use topically after 16 weeks of pregnancy.

Breezy Breathing Synergy Blend Breezy Breathing Synergy Blend Breezy Breathing Synergy Blend Breezy Breathing Synergy Blend Breezy Breathing Synergy Blend Breezy Breathing Synergy Blend Breezy Breathing Synergy Blend

Breezy Breathing Synergy Blend




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