Sleepy SlumberSynergy Blend


Size: 10 mL

400 lb Drum  Click for quote

Sale price$15.99

Sleepy Slumber Synergy Blend contains Geranium (Egypt) Oil, Ho Wood Oil, Coriander Seed Oil, Lavender (Bulgaria) Oil, Chamomile (Roman) Oil, Palmarosa Oil, Lemon Oil, Ylang Ylang Oil, Jasmine (Absolute) Oil.

What Is Synergy?

This is a blend of pure essential oils, brought together to enhance and improve each other's effects. Importantly, these are not contained in carrier oil.


They are fantastic for use in diffusers and for making your products for home and everyday use.

There are several different essential oils for sleep in this blend, but it is a synergistic play with two important chemical constituents found in essential oils for sleep. These are geraniol and linalool.

The Heavy Weights of Relaxation

Lavender is famous for its effects on anxiety and sleep. Less known is how it also improves levels of the mood-modulating neurotransmitter, serotonin. The most studied component of lavender oil is called linalool.


Linalool is a powerful anxiolytic, sedative, and pain-killing. Interestingly, while we all get very excited about lavender essential oil for sleep, for this reason, ho wood and coriander seed essential oils have even higher levels of linalool than lavender.

Ho, wood and coriander seed supercharge the effects of this blend of essential oils for sleep. 

Ylang-ylang also contains around 13% linalool.


Geranium stands front and center of this blend. Anywhere geranium turns up, think stress relief. Geranium essential oil is a wonderful support for the adrenal cortex and is soothing and calming. Many aromatherapists choose geranium specifically for worries about money and grief.

The main active constituent in geranium is geraniol, which has anti-depressant qualities but is also proven to depress the nervous system. This means it is slightly different from being an antidepressant. Rather it refers to how it brings the activity of the nervous system down, it soothes, relaxes, and slows it.

Geraniol also appears in Palma rosa and lemon essential oils for sleep.

Lemon essential oil interacts with our brain’s serotonin reactors (Komiya, 2006), which are responsible for modulating our mood. Lemon is uplifting, inspiring, and hopeful.  It has a lightness to it that brings a smile to your face.

Lemon essential oil can be difficult to use in the daytime because it is phototoxic. Sunshine can activate a skin sensitization reaction. However, using it at bedtime allows them to get to work on the nervous system with no such concerns.

Jasmine Absolute

A Sanskrit saying says “Where there is Jasmine, there can be more worries”. Jasmine is soothing, relaxing, and languid. It feels like a great big sensuous cuddle. 

Ylang Ylang Balances A Seesaw of Emotions

As mentioned, there is a significant amount of linalool in Ylang ylang essential oil. It is deliciously relaxing and balances essential oil. Aromatherapists also use it to balance hormones, so it's beautiful if you are suffering from the rigors of PMT, menopause, or any other kind of hormonal disturbances. Ylang-ylang is beautiful if you feel tense or anxious, especially about any kind of tension in relationships. Ylang-ylang is harmonious and soothing. It also has a powerfully relaxing effect on blood pressure and pulse, soothing the nervous system into a gentle state of peace. 

Ways To Use

Why Not Use It in Your Diffuser? 

Research shows that inhaling certain essential oils each day improves levels of oxytocin in the body. Oxytocin has a complex role to play in our sleep-wakefulness cycles. When the body is not suffering the effects of stress, oxytocin helps us sleep better.

A small study done last year also suggests that inhaling essential oils for two hours, when you go to bed, may also improve memory. 

Perhaps Use It in an Inhaler Stick? 

The smell is a very personal thing, and sometimes you might be sharing a room with someone who would prefer not to smell your Sleepy Slumber Synergy Blend of essential oils for some reason. Why not add a couple of drops of your Sleepy Slumber Synergy Blend of essential oils for sleep into an aromastick, so you can just keep it close with you? Also great to use it this way, if you are traveling too. Aroma Sticks are great if you want to get a snooze on the plane, for example.

They are also really useful if you are going to be away from home.

Essential oils are often used in studies of people in hospitals, as a way of reducing their anxiety before operations and to try and make their stay a little more comfortable. Unfortunately, our Sleepy Slumber Synergy Blend Essential Oil Synergy can’t do anything about the palatability of hospital food, but it may be able to help you sleep. Research shows that inhaling blends of essential oils for anxiety, helps people get to sleep faster and to sleep longer. Interestingly, people also report needing to get up to go to the toilet so often and feeling warmer in their hospital beds too!

Add Sleepy Slumber Synergy Blend To Your Bath 

Gorgeous! We suggest adding two drops of the Sleepy Slumber Synergy Blend of essentials to a teaspoon of carrier oil, then adding that mix to warm bath water.

Research suggests that inhalation of essential oils starts to affect the brain after about five minutes. Topical administration (through the skin) takes a little longer: around nineteen minutes. So, why not light some candles and have a lovely soak? 

Sleepy Slumber Synergy Blend Candles

Usually, we’d suggest using one of our fragrance oils to make candles because they contain fixatives to make the scent last longer. The problem with these is they will have no therapeutic effects. 

A great plan for candles around an aromatic bath is to light simple tea lights and let them burn for five minutes or so. You want to have a pool of melted wax around the wick. When you have this, add a couple of drops of your Sleepy Slumber Synergy Blend blend of essential oils for sleep to the liquid. (Take care not to get oil on the wick itself - that smells awful when it burns!) The warmth of the melted wax releases volatiles into the air for you to breathe quickly, to soothe you.

They’ll lose the scent of the sleepy slumber synergy blend by morning…but surely the nature of a magical candle is that the secret should vanish without a trace?  Perfect for candles you are going to use immediately.

The Most Beautiful Gift of Relaxation: Massage with Sleepy Slumber Synergy Blend 

Add a couple of drops of Sleepy Slumber Synergy Blend of essential oils to a teaspoon of carrier oil for a beautifully relaxing massage.

Touch has powerfully healing properties in its own right. Stroking essential oils for sleep into warm skin means they have millions of gateways into the body. (They are absorbed through skin pores into the bloodstream.

Don’t forget, you can always use the Sleepy Slumber Synergy Blend in some oil to use like a body oil if you have no one else to give you a massage.

Is It Safe To Use On Children and Babies? 

We would not advise using this blend topically on children under the age of 2.

Likewise, if you have a baby who will not sleep, think carefully before using essential oils for sleep in a diffuser around them since they navigate the world via smell.

There are some ideas in this post about using essential oils on a breast milk pad in this post, which will give educated ideas about using these Sleepy Slumber Synergy Blend essential oils for sleep in babies.

Is It Safe To Use During Pregnancy?

Since ylang-ylang essential oil is not recommended for use during pregnancy, we would suggest looking at lavender and chamomile essential oils for sleep, and using the two of them together, rather than using Sleepy Slumber Synergy Blend of essential oils if you are pregnant.

Sleepy Slumber Synergy Blend Sleepy Slumber Synergy Blend Sleepy Slumber Synergy Blend Sleepy Slumber Synergy Blend Sleepy Slumber Synergy Blend Sleepy Slumber Synergy Blend Sleepy Slumber Synergy Blend

Sleepy Slumber Synergy Blend




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