Fir NeedleEssential Oil

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Size: 10 mL

400 lb Drum  Click for quote

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Scientific Name: Abies sibirica

Origin: Austria 

Plant Part: Needle

Scent: Forest Fresh, green, expansive

Color: Clear to very pale green

Consistency: Thin

Perfumery Note: Middle to Top

Initial Aroma Strength: Moderate

Extraction Method: Steam distillation

Suitable Blending Oils: Citruses like lemon, lemon verbena, lemongrass, and Melissa. Other conifer oils include pine, juniper, cypress, and cedar. Herbaceous fragrances like tea tree, chamomile, eucalyptus, rosemary, and hyssop. 

Breaking Down the Fir Needle Essential Oil’s Chemical Components

  • Beta Pinene 26%
  • Alpha Pinene 13%
  • Delta 3 Carene 18%
  • Limonene 10%

Historical Uses of Fir Needle Essential Oil

  • Coughs and colds 
  • Bunged-up noses and sniffles! 
  • Aching joints 
  • Muscle stiffness, especially after exercise
  • Invigorating and uplifting.

The Chemistry of Fir Needle Essential Oil

The fragrance of the needle Essential Oil comes from pinenes whose scent is forestlike, resinous, and woody. There are two isomers of pinenes. These are alpha-pinene and beta-pinene. They often occur together,  and there is usually more alpha than beta-pinene. If you look at the GC/MS report, you will notice that Fir Needle Essential Oil has large amounts of both but in this case, beta-pinene is the primary constituent.

The most important use of Fir Needle Essential Oil must surely be upon the nervous system. Blissfully reminiscent of walking in the forest, not only does Fir Needle Essential Oil soothe and refresh us,  but inhaling the trees’ vapors is proven to boost natural killer cells in our bodies and boost immunity.

The positive effects of forest bathing are well documented, but thus far the evidence of how trees affect the human condition has only, gotten as far as understanding how cypress affects us. Very little has been done to investigate each tree in more detail. 

How Does Fir Needle Essential Oil Affect Mood?

Recently a  Korean team was interested in understanding how tree oils might be capable of helping the millions of students across the world who are struggling with their mental health post-lockdown. So, they decided to choose a different tree and focussed on the fir. This trial wanted to understand exactly what the effects of inhaling Fir Needle Essential Oil would be. It was only a small trial,  26 people, a mix of males and females. Participants were asked to inhale Fir Essential Oil for three minutes, then they were given a questionnaire to complete and their heart rate was monitored.

The ln Ratio reflects how stressed or aroused someone is by being stimulated by something.

If someone feels stressed, then the score goes up, if they get calmer, the score goes down.

Across the board, the score plummeted after inhaling the Fir Needle Essential Oil showing that the students were less stressed.

Overall, when the researchers analyzed the psychological indicators, they found that   “tension–anxiety”, “depression”, “anger–hostility”, “fatigue” and anxiety levels had all been reduced.

Simultaneously, feelings of “vigor” had been enhanced.

This study showed then, that inhaling fir Essential Oil is both physiologically and psychologically relaxing.

However, the researchers looked more closely at the results and something truly fascinating revealed itself. 

The women had not responded to the fir Essential Oil in the same way that the men had.

Women and men respond differently to scent in many ways. Women have a better sense of smell for example, but there are certain fragrances that men actively experience differently from women. The study revealed that Fir Needle Essential Oil is one of these.

In female students, the “vigor” score was significantly higher after inhaling Fir Needle Essential Oil, and their scores for tension–anxiety, depression, and fatigue, were all significantly reduced. 

However, the Fir Needle Essential Oil didn’t affect any feelings of anger–or hostility they felt. Neither did it help allay feelings of confusion.

Compare that to the men. 

Again, their “vigor” was improved and feelings of tension–anxiety, and fatigue were significantly reduced. However they reported that the Fir Needle Essential Oil had affected their anger and hostility (it was reduced), and they felt less confused too. Importantly, while the women had experienced an antidepressant effect from the Fir Needle Essential Oil, the men said they felt no such thing.

That might be interesting enough,  but it goes further than the subjective feelings that Fir Needle Essential Oil elicited…men’s bodies responded differently to the women’s too.

The heart rates of the female participants slowed showing that the Fir Needle Essential Oil had triggered their parasympathetic nervous system.

But that wasn’t what happened to the lads.

Their heart rates quickened, showing their sympathetic nervous systems.

As yet, there is no explanation of why that might be, but now we want to see what a similar study of transgender and non-binary people might throw up! 

Inhaling  Fir Needle Essential Oil

So that last part was about fir Essential Oil in particular, but there is also lots of research into 

The anxiolytic and antidepressant properties of pinene, are extensive, While we do understand some of the ways it might be doing its job, overall the mechanisms of action of pinene are still unclear. It could be that since monoterpenes are such tiny beings they can penetrate the blood-brain barrier.

Trials show that inhaling Fir Needle Essential Oil can be extremely effective on many levels. We’ve looked at how it affects mood and, of course, how it can also unblock noses.

What Happens When We Inhale Fir Needle Essential Oil?

Inhaled pinene is known to accumulate in the brain to help promote better sleep. (Yamaoka, 2015)

Indeed, α-pinene could be detected in the brain of a mouse 30 min  after it had breathed it in. (Satou, 2013)

What’s more, even though that proves that if you breathe in pinene, it will get to your brain, it seems to be much more effective when combined with other constituents.

Studies show that levels of α-pinene were twice as high if they had been inhaled in the presence of cymene, 1,8-cineole, and limonene (Satou, 2013). (That’s pretty much the chemical profile of our Fir Needle Essential Oil too, isn’t it)

The objective of this particular study was to understand the difference between how much of a constituent the body has available to use when it's circulated in the system, versus how much was originally applied.

Interestingly, when alpha-pinene was inhaled alongside 1,8 cineole, three times the amount of pinene was found in the liver and brain than was found for 1,8 cineole (Satou, 2013), suggesting that the body likes it a lot.

This suggests that inhaling simple Fir Needle Essential Oil might be more effective for mental health protocols, than if pharmaceutical companies decide to isolate and synthesize the alpha-pinene model, which must be jolly frustrating for them, quite frankly! 

Fir Needle Essential Oil For Respiratory System Infections

We’re thinking a lot about breathing in Fir Needle Essential Oil, aren’t we? We sniff it, and what does that do to the brain?

But then another of the main reasons for using this is when we are struggling to breathe because we have a cough or cold.

Then, the constituents we’re interested in aren’t necessarily those that go to the brain, it’s more the ones traveling down the respiratory system into the lungs.

Essential Oils rich in pinene are often associated with benefits in the respiratory system.

Both alpha and beta-pinene have strong antimicrobial actions. In particular, they are active against the antibiotic-resistant bacteria Staphylococcus aureus (amongst others).

Staphylococcus aureus lives naturally in and on all our bodies, resident in our respiratory system, and on our skins. Problems occur when it becomes out of balance and can lead to wounds becoming ulcerated, and the development of sepsis and or pneumonia.

Clinical trials show them to be especially helpful for bronchitis if they are blended with limonene and 1,8 cineole. (Matthys, 2000).

Fir Needle Essential Oil For Aches And Pains

Another of Fir Needle Essential Oils' main usages has historically been for aches and pains like rheumatism and arthritis.

Pinene has weak anti-nociceptive activity, (that means it switches pain signaling down) through its action on the mu opioid receptor.

The analgesic actions of pinene were assessed in a rodent tail flick test.

In this kind of experiment, a rodent is loosely restrained while heat is applied to its tail. The time it takes before it tries to move its tail from the heat is then recorded. (Otto, 2011)

Alpha pinene was shown to significantly increase the creatures’ pain thresholds.

The results showed that although the analgesic effects of the alpha-pinene were not as strong as those seen for morphine, the effects were much longer lasting.

In this test, morphine exhibited a pain threshold of 30 minutes, but alpha-pinene was still showing analgesic protection as long as 150 minutes after application. (Him, 2008) Further, one of the main problems when you take morphine is you cannot operate heavy machinery because its sedative effect impairs motor coordination. However, when alpha-pinene was assessed, they saw no changes in motor coordination. (Him, 2008) This won’t surprise aromatherapists because, of course, the energy of Fir Needle Essential Oil is not sedative. It is relaxing and invigorating.

You only have to imagine yourself walking amongst the fir trees of the forest and most people will see themselves striding out, arms swinging.

Perhaps Choose Fir Needle Essential Oil If You Are Feeling Stiff, Or Have A Joint Injury

Fir Needle Essential Oil’s historical successes for rheumatism and arthritis may, in part, be down to alpha pinene’s effects on the cartilage between the joints.

Cartilage is made from cells known as chondrocytes.

Generally, chondrocytes are found inside the discs of the vertebrae and anywhere where tissue lines the joints.

The tissue is alive and it provides cushioning to your joints when they move.

Chondrocytes maintain homeostasis of the cartilage. Surrounded by fibers made of collagen, chondrocytes release substances that make the cartilage stronger and more flexible.

As well as strengthening and supporting movement in the joints, chondrocytes are also responsible for repairing damage to any tissues if they have been injured.

Their capability to heal means chondrocytes could be an exciting potential therapeutic. Think about how cool it would be,  if you could influence chondrocytes after a hip replacement, for example.

Being able to influence chondrocytes could potentially be a game changer for therapeutics against osteoarthritis.

In 2014, pinene was identified as a leading contender to be one of these natural therapeutics, because of its profound anti-inflammatory skills upon chondrocytes. (Rufino, 2014)

Alpha pinene has also been demonstrated as being effective for neuropathic pain. One particular sort of this kind of pain is migraine. Pinene is shown to be helpful for this because it has anti-inflammatory properties and can modulate vasodilators. (Sun, 2017)

Similarly, in a sciatica model, pinene was deemed to have effects equal to the neuropathic pain medications traditionally prescribed by the doctor. (Quintão, 2010)

Incidentally, we said earlier that the analgesic action of pinene seems to be through the mu receptors. Studies also suggest these are probably supraspinal, suggesting that receptors send messages from the spinal cord to the brain. Consider too that chondrocytes are found in abundance in vertebrae. This may suggest the most effective way to use Fir Needle Essential Oil for pain is as a  back massage. 

Insect Repellent 

Never forget that Essential Oils were originally designed by plants as their seduction techniques and weapons of mass destruction. We often find that Essential Oils are good “persuasion techniques” for the insect world, in some way.

You may be interested to know that in the depths of winter, fir trees talk to ticks…or more, they are like the Mafia to ticks!

Winter is not traditionally thought of as tick season, and of course, these are dangerous creatures responsible for the spread of Lyme disease.

So in this study, just Fir Needles were tested to see if they had any effect on the tick. They did, but it took days. So then they tried exposing the ticks to Fir Needle Essential Oil and it killed all the ticks within hours.

The active constituent was deemed to be beta-pinene.

What is fascinating is that the oil was more effective at lower temperatures than when it was warm. (Adamo, 2022)

Is Fir Needle Essential Oil Safe To Use? 

It is. However, it is very high in monoterpenes that degrade quickly and can cause skin sensitivity.

Store carefully and replace this oil often. Do not use Fir Needle Essential Oil that is older than 2 years old, topically.

Like all Essential Oils, we would recommend you do not use Fir Needle Essential Oil during the first 16 weeks of pregnancy

Fir Needle Essential Oil for Skin

Beautifully cleansing, but very astringent. Only use in very small amounts for cleansing wounds or very greasy skin.

Fir Needle Essential Oil for Hair

Great in a final rinse for teenagers' greasy mops. 

Fir Needle Essential Oil Uses: For Wholesale Purposes


Beautifully uplifting and relaxing.

Natural Perfumery

Fabulous green note.

Fir Needle Essential Oil Blends: DIY Recipes

Osteoarthritis Back Massage Oil

Safety: Not suitable for use in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy 

Do not use old Fir Needle Essential Oil.

Stuffy Nose Inhalant 

Bowl of steaming water, head over with a towel. 

Method of use: Strictly speaking you don’t need the Carrier Oil here, because it will not be used on the skin. However, myrrh is such a heavy oil, that it doesn't disperse across the water very well. Blending these into a thin carrier like grapeseed means they will cover the water surface and help disperse the volatiles more easily. 

Safety: Keep your face away from the water and be careful of scalding. Come out for gasps of fresh air regularly.

Bronchitis Oil

Although this is an oil, it does not need to be massaged or used on the back. Apply to the chest, and the back if you do want to go belt and braces.

Method of use: Apply five times daily for a week. 

Safety: Not suitable for use in the first sixteen weeks of pregnancy.


At VINEVIDA, we love botanicals and the planet they come from. We believe in stocking the best at affordable prices and supplying to the discerning, which is why we are also members of both the Alliance of International Aromatherapists and the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy. In recognition of our excellent standard of product, we are proud to hold a 2021 Certificate of Registration as a Cosmetic Products Establishment with the U.S. Drugs and Food Administration.

Our joy at seeing people make beautiful things means we stock from the smallest amounts to the largest. Our bulk Essential Oils’ prices begin with our smallest Essential Oil of 10ml to our largest of 396lb, meaning any manufacturing company can afford to stock as many or as few oils as their business can accommodate without running the risk of spoilage of some of nature’s most precious commodities. So why not see if you can save money by buying your Fir Needle Essential Oil in bulk? Remember how stable it is proven to be, so as long as you store it carefully, it should last and last.

Don’t forget, too; we like to look after our customers at reasonable prices provide excellent customer service, and reward loyal customers with money-off discounts over the year. 


So, why not check out if you qualify for our loyalty scheme and start saving today with an environmentally friendly choice of oil for skin, hair, massage oils, and soapmaking? Add VINEVIDA Fir Needle Essential Oil to your cart today.

Fir Needle Essential Oil Fir Needle Essential Oil Fir Needle Essential Oil Fir Needle Essential Oil Fir Needle Essential Oil Fir Needle Essential Oil Fir Needle Essential Oil

Fir Needle Essential Oil

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