HyssopEssential Oil

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Size: 10 mL

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Scientific Name: Hyssopus Officinalis L

Origin: Spain

Plant Part: Flowers

Scent: Sweetly Medicinal

Color: Pale Yellow to Yellow Liquid

Consistency: Thin

Perfumery Note: Middle

Initial Aroma Strength: Medium

Extraction Method: Steam Distilled

Hyssop Essential Oil: Uses, Benefits, and Blends

Hyssop essential oil is one of the most useful tools there is in an aromatherapist’s kit box, but it is often written off as a hazardous oil. This is a dreadful shame because whilst there are some hazards attached to its usage, it is one of the most helpful oils there are for respiratory and emotional crises. Here’s what some of the aromatherapy experts have to say about hyssop essential oil. 

Hyssop is a beautiful perennial herb that has rich soft leaves and becomes covered in blue, pink, or purple flowers that attract hundreds of honeybees. The association with the stinging insect is a good analogy for learning how to use hyssop essential oil. Rather than being terrified of its scary side, we should come to respect its deeply healing attributes but always treat it with care. It is a fabulous respiratory and mental tonic, which can have dangerous effects in certain conditions such as epilepsy and migraine if used incorrectly. 

Hyssop Essential Oil Benefits: Component Breakdown

  • Pinocamphone & Isopinocamphone have muscle-relaxing antifungal properties and are insecticidal.
  • β-Pinene- In a scientific study published in Molecules magazine in 2019, Salehi et al. proclaimed a-Pinene and B-Pinene as “A Miracle Gift of Nature”, citing their actions as including antibiotic resistance modulation, anticoagulant, antitumor, antimicrobial, antimalarial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-Leishmania, and analgesic effects. 

The Spirituality of Hyssop

The hyssop plant is widely used in cooking, especially in Jewish recipes and is known in ancient Hebraic literature as Ezob “Holy Herb”. It appears in the Old Testament when the Temple was incensed and purified and it is used in Passover rituals. 

According to Holmes in Aromatica, A Clinical Guide to Essential Oils as Therapeutics, the Eastern Orthodox Church embraced the early Hebrew practice of ritually cleansing the congregation by sprinkling them with hyssop water, and indeed cleansing church buildings and their holy objects in the same way. This formed the origin of the Roman Catholic asperges, where the congregation is blessed on important feast days by the sprinkling of Holy Water, and according to Leslie Gordon in a Country Herbal, this also played an important part in the consecration of Westminster Abbey.

Indeed the Gregorian chant that is intended as the asperges ritual commences  says  “asperges me, Domine hyssopo et mundabor”, that is  “Sprinkle me Lord with hyssop and I will be purified.”

To understand the depth of this blessing, it is perhaps easier to consider how frankincense is used in a religious setting. Indeed, Frankincense essential oil has a similar effect to incense. It slows the breath, and as respiration becomes softer and deeper, so our attention drifts from inside ourselves to outside, to a more spiritual and ethereal place. In the same way, hyssop essential oil is best indicated for when the breath has become shallow, panicked, and labored. As the chest cavity and lungs are freed, so is the spirit. 

Hyssop Essential Oil and The Emotions

Indeed Valerie Worwood describes how hyssop is a holy herb that lifts the spirit to divine wisdom. Gabriel Mojay describes how hyssop has traditionally been regarded as a herb of protection and defends the user from negative influences. As such, he recommends it for people who are easily affected or influenced by other people’s emotions and energies.

Hyssop Essential Oil Benefits and Actions

Anti-infective, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, anthelmintic.

Historical Uses of Hyssop Essential Oil

Historical successes of using Hyssop essential oil have included:

  • Catarrh
  • Chest infections
  • Respiratory difficulties
  • As a gargle for sore throats
  • Bruising
  • Aiding mental clarity

Hyssop Essential Oil for Hair

Hyssop has a strong antiseptic action which could theoretically improve skin condition and hair growth however, it is perhaps too strong an oil to be chosen for this. Better would be cedarwood Virginian, rosemary, chamomile, lavender essential oils. 

Hyssop Essential Oil Uses: For Wholesale Purposes

Hyssop Essential Oil Uses for Aromatherapists

Hyssop essential oil has two main strong actions. Predominantly, it is for problems in the respiratory system, in particular thick, hard catarrh that cannot be coughed up. Hyssop essential oil benefits for cold and flu are second to none. 

It moves vital energy around the body particularly through the lungs. Its high level of ketones has a strong anti-mucolytic action.

Dr. Malte Hozzel talks about ketones as being the dis-incarnators of the body, how they move the interior spirit out of the dense mass of the corporeal body. So, in other words, it softens and separates. This becomes easy to understand how this would break down the thick, hard mass of catarrh, thinning it, so it can be coughed up. 

The Energy of Hyssop Essential Oil

As hyssop essential oil’s energy moves through the body, it also has a softening effect on the digestive system, alleviating constipation, indigestion, and heartburn. It stimulates appetite and is also indicated for abdominal bloating. This softening action that ketones have extends further than just catarrh, being good for scar tissue and rough-dry skin too. 

Its second action is how hyssop essential oil invigorates the mind and levels the emotions. Its effects are soft and fluid, almost like a tai chi exercise,  taking the hard edge off raged emotions, soothing mood swings, lifting the thoughts away from stuck emotions, and preventing procrastination and rumination. 

In the same way, it sharpens the thoughts, shaking off foggy thinking and lethargy. It helps us engage with life more happily and Fischer-Rizzi describes how it rejuvenates the spirits without us losing touch with reality. Holmes suggests it has applications for people suffering from bipolar disorder.

Lawless cites hyssop essential oil in cold compresses for bruises, and Lavabre describes how it can raise low blood pressure. 

Hyssop Essential Oil Benefits for Perfumers 

It lends a warm and radiant heart note to blends, although it tends to have a more masculine slant. It blends beautifully with rose to give a romantic and intense fragrance.

Hyssop Essential Oil Benefits for Soapmakers

Hyssop Essential Oil Soapmaking

Hyssop has a warm clinical fragrance that lends itself well to ranges aimed at men, in particular, or for women who don’t particularly like too much flowery stuff going on. It blends well with tea trees and citruses to bring in unique scent formulations. 

Hyssop Essential Oil Blends: DIY Recipes

Massage Oil for Coughs

Method of application: Massage over the complete chest and back, four or five times throughout the day. If coughing is painful, use it as often as needed, being cautious of the possible issues regarding migraine. 

Safety: Not suitable for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding, or on children under 2 years of age. Not advised for people suffering from epilepsy, migraine or any kind of delusional condition. 

Hyssop Essential Oil Diffuser Blend for “The Don’t Want To”s

This is a lovely invigorating blend that galvanizes action and gets us off our lazy butts! 

Safety:  Not advised for people suffering from epilepsy, migraine, or any kind of delusional condition. 


Hyssop essential oil has a medium cumulative neurotoxic action, so should be avoided in people who have migraine, epilepsy, or any kind of psychotic or delusional disorders. 

Tisserand and Young advise avoiding hyssop essential oil entirely during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and also on children under 2 years of age. 

They advise a maximum topical application of 0.3% (3 drops in 10 teaspoons of carrier oil.)

Why Choose VINEVIDA?

At VINEVIDA, we love botanicals and the planet they come from. We believe in stocking the best at affordable prices and supplying to the discerning, which is why we are also members of both the Alliance of International Aromatherapists and the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy. In recognition of our excellent standard of product, we are proud to hold a 2021 Certificate of Registration as a Cosmetic Products Establishment with the U.S. Drugs and Food Administration.

Our joy at seeing people make beautiful things means we stock from the smallest amounts to the largest. Our wholesale essential oil prices begin with our smallest carrier oil of 120ml to our largest of 396lb, meaning any manufacturing company can afford to stock as many or as few oils as their business can accommodate without running the risk of spoilage of some of nature’s most precious commodities. Why not see if you can save money by buying your sweet almond oil in bulk?

Don’t forget too, we like to look after our customers with reasonable prices and excellent customer service and reward the loyal ones with money-off discounts over the year. 

Flash Point

50° C


Why not check out if you qualify for our loyalty scheme and start saving today with an environmentally friendly choice of oil for skin, hair, massage oils, and soap making. Add VINEVIDA Hyssop Essential Oil to your cart today.

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Hyssop Essential Oil

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